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Monday, 15 May 2006


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Elvis  Enoh  (in Accra)

No good Association would exist without hope of its conitunity.
It's trite knowledge that Lawyers die every day, some swicth over to NEO n other governmental organs for easy cash, some runaway with clients' money to Europe and America, some 'retire'.
Cases pile up day in day out in our plenti courts because the few Lawyers can't be omnipresent to dispense speedy justice. Rather you all would prefer the young ones 'Postulants' to go and adjourn the cases every other adjournment dates at instead of them going to do those cases. All these at the expense of the litigants.
Whether Eta Bisong Jr, or Bisong Eta Sr, or whatever... PLEASE if you love your Profession n Association assure its conitnuity by organizing entrance exams for young lawyers to get in. Copy good examples from countries like Ghana that has been admitting an average of 150 young Lawyers into the Ghana Bar Association Since 1959.
Mark you, Ghana has a population of just 20 million persons almost like Cameroon.
Stop arguing about who should step down or who should step up in the Bar. How many of you who claim to be soo ripe for whatever... has ever contested for parliamentary seats??? Yet you all shy away and allow Traders to go and make laws for you then you complain of BAD LAWS lateron.
My fellow Lawyers you all be realistic, go fo the right posts in the country and stop fight for posts in the Bar where if given you won't do anything. Barrister Abunaw knows what I talking about.
GOOD LUCK 2 yall candidates.

Charles A. MASANGO

Everything being equal, lets pray that 'Eta-Besong' comes out victorious. I know he has the qualities that is needed presently in this association. He is the 'abbot' most of us had been waiting for this position.


The cameroon Bar Association is a total failure and will continue to fail because of greed and corruption. Eta-Bissong has always been part of the membership of the "rainbow Group" which has been running the bar council for almost a decade. He has always supported them in all respect so what does he want to say which is different from that of the present regime which he has always supported strongly. He just want to ''chop his own soya, no body is ever tired of chopping soya".
as for Ajong and his gang of thieves (Bonu inoncent and Njualem) They have nothing to offer but to look for ways to steal, the are baptised thieves . These are the thieves who collaborated with the former Mayor of Tiko Rural council(Daniel Mokondo) to sign a 15 years contract with them as council retainers(lawyers for the council) meanwhile the mandate of the mayor is 5years and when a new mayor was elected after the expiration of the five year term of Mr Mokondo, the "accomplice" and the new Mayor looked for a new retainer these thieves sued the council for breach of contract. They got judgement against the council for 24,5million francs and conieved with lawyer Inoncent Bonu on percentage basis who was Lawyer for Bicec bank, the bank where Tiko rural council has its accounts. Shameless Bonu instead of defending Tiko rural council which was a customer to its client rather preferred to ask for a percentage of the judgement debt from Ajong and Njuallem to reveal confidential secrets of his client. Heinformed the court in an affidavit, exactly thesame as the one prsented by Ajong that the council has enough money in the bank to foot the judgement debt.Before the council's lawyers were able to finish their appeal and stay of execution the money was already received by the thieves( Ajong, Njualem and Bonu). I also blamed the council because instead of taking a sharp lawyer to be theirretainer, the mayor instead took her friend's law firm in douala to be the council's retainer, and the only anglophone lawyer in that law firm by name Bernard fonju only has big mouth for nothing, he could not even move the court. even to enter appearance, he enters just fo himselve eventhough his brother Barrister Fonju geroge was sitting next to him, he didn't enter his appearance for the matter(99 sense, he did want to share the transport money with him) and when he was in difficulties he asked his brother to say something, and his brother replied that he can't say anything because his appearance was not entered and thus he has no authority to offer a word. The demise of the council was also as a result of poor lawyer from big mouth Bernard fonju who could not move the court on a motion.
After the money was colected barrister Ajong bought a blue mercedes car and Njualem bought an old house and renovated whle Bonu was given three million, the other lawyers who entered appearance like Ambilichu, Justice Eba Ntoko, Eta Bissong and others also received their "soya money".
The money received by Ajong and Co was councils money to develop the city of Tiko and Ajong and his gang of thieves knew very well the hardship that they caused to the inhabitants of Tiko by claiming the council such an amount of money.
Ajong, Bonu and Njualem are eagles and they don't go to the market place unless there is something there. They have nothing to offer but to steal.
Bonu Inoncent is just a comedian after committing all sorts of evil acts he is the first to sit at the front roll on sundays in church.
Bonu knows that when he will nolonger be a member of the bar council a series of law suit will be invoked against him and he might end up imprisoned .You guys are very aware of the beneficail life scandal which he was involved in.
Most of the candidates for the Bar council membership are nothing but closing the door and opening the window. " Gand of Baptised Thieves"


Eric Denzel,

Can you please brief some of us on the beneficial life scandal?

I am compiling a dossier of those who have conspired to destroy the southern cameroons and no words, idea, etc is small.

I know what you have said is 100 percent true. Only those who dont want to recognise the truth like Dr AA, Frank Muma Will want to debate your facts and ask for substantiated evidences.

I am just very happy for your write up. I will be very happy if you can take the time in the future to contribute many other interesting articles like this one.


Donna,Dubai UAE

i finally read something interesting.I cherish such plainess,hope we get more.


Thinking Aloud

I just think that most of the time we leave the object and go directly after the shadow. The first thing I will like to tell you all is that there is no angel on earth. This explains why there is bound to be corruption when checks and balances are absent in any organization. All of you have written but nobody has questioned why a council's laws permit a mayor to sign a contract that will go beyong his term of office? This to me is an indication that we in this forum are very emotional to the extent that we miss the piont always. Tell me who is that angel that will govern the Tiko council with the present absence of checks and balances and will not blunder.
What I am saying is that organizations should introduce checks and balances rather than trying to look for angels to solve their problems. I am not one of those voting at the Bar Council but know that if I had that opportunity I will gladly vote for Barrister Ajong. I think he is a young man who could deliver the goods given a good system of checks and balances in the Bar. I personally know him well. We fail most of the time because we rely on those old people. I also know Barrister Eta well. Please let us give the young the chance to prepare their future.
Go ahead Barrister Anu, most of us are solidly behind you. Don't be discouraged by a few who have no belief in young leaders.

Chief Mboe


I am particularly keen to get more info on the beneficial Life Insurance SCANDAL!My Mum's funds got cyphone a decade ago by a well known individual.(his full names, status, date of birth and longivity of service history is very familiar.I will soon explode the bomb once i gather my facts.
Hope to read from you Mr.Denzel.


I am particularly keen to get more info on the beneficial Life Insurance SCANDAL!My Mum's funds got cyphoned a decade ago by a well known individual.(his full names, status, date of birth and longivity of service history is very familiar.I will soon explode the bomb once i gather my facts.
Hope to read from you Mr.Denzel.


Chief Mboe, the fact that you know Ajong doesn't mean that he can deliver the goods. By the way when you say you know Barrister Ajong Anu very well in what capacity do you know him and also why do you want to claim monopoly of knowing Anu, many people know Anu as well as you do and even more than you. Your support for Anu's competence is void of any relevant facts and thus i will consider it null and void. You should give facts to proof why you think Anu can deliver the goods. Just saying you know him very well is an empty statement as every body can say that. I will always repeat that the equip consisting of Anu, Njuallem and Bonu innocent is very dangerous, they are all eagles and vampires who will always reap first and never sow insteading of sowing first before reaping. Bonu innocent is somebody whose hands are very dirty and if he invovles somewhere is to dirty the place. He is sponsoring Anu because he sees Anu as some dirty person also who can continue dirtying the house.
I am a jurist an know those people very well, i have eaten, drank, talk and interacted with them professionally, socially,and otherwise so what do you want to tell me about those thieves.
The fact that we need young blood in an Asssociation doesn't mean we should take young blood that is contaminated. We need young and fresh blood and Anu though relatively young has a contaminated blood and thus not fit to deliver the goods.
Chief Mboe Ajong has nothing to offer to the Bar General Assembly, he doesn't even have the charisma, he is not even a seasoned lawyer because he always shouts in court as if he is quarrelling. Shouting does not prove your case, it only makes you childish, he should learn how to have court room decorum and civilty, in the united states and other developed countries judges look at those qualities and this influence his decision.
Ajong needs to be composed like Barrister Tanguinyi Gilbert of Zeck's Chambers Molyko Buea. I think Barrister Tangunyi is a replica of what we call lawyer not those noise makers. Gone are those days when people think if they are talkertives then they can make good lawyers,.
I will advise Ajong to improve on his charisma and civility.
I will admit that he is a hard working guy but he should build certain personality and mentality if he knows he wants to hold positions of responsibilities in grand associations like the bar association. " he who comes to equity should come with clean hands". If you want position then work on your character and personality, don't dirty it because you ruin your chances.

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