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« BRIEFS | Main | Kohtem's Witnesses Protest Bail For Fon Doh »

Monday, 15 May 2006


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Shame ot Acha Morfaw

Intimidations upon intimidations.I have said and will continue to say it .U can never bite the finger that feeds you.Acha Morfaw was a one time celebrated anglophone when it came to fighting injustices. Today while the bishop struggle to deliver the true story of the masquerraded 2004 elections she had already delivered her own Biya tailired copy of the elections and the regime fearing a clash of truth and lies decides to intimidate these bishops.

Who says Bíya has no secret agenda for a third term? The Gabonese tyrant did, Obiang Nguemba did,Olesegun is already meditating on it, why not Biya?

Lets wait and see.
God save Cameroon


Someone here says Ngwasiri and his group have
committed political suicide; that after the
convention(s), they’ll be erased from the Cameroon political map. Possible. They’re on a suicide mission and I believe they know, more than anyone else. And we know of course, that people on suicide mission leave
nothing to chance. It’s either they make it or they fail woefully.

Ngwasiri’s group may, therefore, be putting in everything to succeed. They surely know the price to pay (their political career) would be worth the cause they would be sacrificing for. So, if they failed, the
consequences may only be regretted.

Now, only a fool would contend with the imminent death of suicide fighters (in this case the expected political death of Ngwasiri and Muna) instead of taking measures to avert the probable damage.

Except, like the wicked woman in the King Solomon story, the Chairman would contend with a bloody piece of a supposedly beloved child (the SDF), even if Ngwasiri cut off only one precious arm. And what if the child were to be cut in the middle?

Which is why I continue saying that, even
one-and-a-half or one-and-one-quarter conventions will make 16 years of blood and suffering wasted years for SDF militants. The leaders won’t have any regrets. Some of them have already reaped enough. To them the
people can go to hell.

Someone, please bring those fighting elephants together. We have less that 11 days to go.

Cardinal Tumi, please!



NEO is a toothless bulldog and thank God this report is its last act as it will soon be disbanded for the an independent electoral commission to take over organisation of future elections.

Until NEO's incapacity was admitted and the lameduck shoved aside, it was going to continuing in its lameness even if Cardinal Tumi was its chairman. By its terms of reference it was designed to be impotent from the outset.

Which is why I wonder why Diane Acha Morfaw should be the the target of tayong's tonguelashing. NEO had to prersent a report and they did. What's Acha Morfaw's personal blame in that?

And mind you, Acha Morfaw isn't NEO chair, she is the vice and there are 11 members including the outspoken Ntumfor Nico Halle, church leaders, and other lawyers. Why not charge at them all or at the chairman Francois Xavier Nbouyoum? Why Acha Morfaw alone?



Please to remain focused and not to DILUTE or DISTRACT attention,we should as a matter of caution discuss under relevant headings.

I think somebody else had raised this point before.

We should try and exhaust issues raised than diverting too far off focus.

Thanks for understanding.

My 5 frs

anya fred

He who go to bed in the night with one eye open, and all the ears open will never sleep no matter how quite the night will be. Biya is doing every thing possible that his ills should not be seen. He should do that with some other people but not with the men of God. His days are coming closer.

Che Sunday (Dr.)

Biya is not having secret designs on the presidency for himself. He is looking at the big picture. He wants it for his son;Frank Biya is your next president. That is when term limits will go as high as six. What we fail to understand is that Biya is working to have a dynasty put in place before he moves on.

Iya  Musa

Dr Che,

Cameroun is neither Togo nor Zaire. Biya stole Ahidjo's political party and renamed it. Now he is Life President.

He will be unable to create a dynasty without tacit support of the army. If Frank Biya is elevated to Captain, Colonel or whateveter, then we will know the end game. So far, the youngman has kept his distance from politics and the military. He must be very wise.

There are many in Biya's ethnic group who are now drunk of favoritism and feel a sense of entitlement to the presidency. That is where trouble may come from.

Pastor Mola a-lute Bobe

I am afraid, these prelates have waited too long before reacting. One thing remains absolutely clear, any careless play with these men of God by any goverenment in the world has only led to regrets of "had I known". They wile real power and can do and undo. Are they not those who are in close touch with the real downtrodden?

My Lords, true enough, you are representatives of God and not of the CPDM, SDF, UPC, etc, and should not stay to see injustice meted out on your christians. Their spiritual wellness depends so much on how well they govern or are governed. Would you stay quiet and bury truth because a corrupt government machinery asked you or frightened you to do so? We hope you are not afraid to become martyrs because of the truth, a truth already known by all your followers. Any play around may only make your followers resentful of God whom you represent. In all, truth cannot and MUST not be devalued, let alone by you.

There are just wars. Don't you teach us this? Now is the time and any delay is only an unjust sacrificing of God's people into slavery, which we are already so tired of.

You know how much we believe in you and your capabilities and hope that you will not let us down, at least, not now. If your teachings are anything to go by, we understand that your delay or refusal to let out the truth now, only makes you accountable for all our suffereings infront of God our creator, whom you represent. Letting out truth, should not be an end in itself. Real fairness and justice should prevail.

Without mincing words, you are citizens of our country before becoming God's messengers. You owe us a duty to lead us out of darkness into God's wonderful light. Popular opinion clamoured that Christian Cardinal Wiyghan Tumi could go for the presidency, at least for a transition, to put things in place, before handing over to a truly democratically elected government. Any excuses have only plunged us into more misery. This cannot be your joy. Remember that, we are all looking up to your episcopal conference for a more formidable reaction to our present woes.

Peace and Blessings.
Pastor Mola a-lute Bobe


Mola Pastor
Well said but still if all the leaders in Cameroon have been condemning injustices in Cameroon like the prelates have been doing we couldnt have been where we are today.

But what do we been seeing? "Bakweri chiefs have sent a letter of Congratulations to his excellency for his briliant performaces at the bla bla bla.." , the North West fons conference has congratulated the president and also asked for more sons of NW to be made ministers ,bla bla,bla.,

SWELA has sent goodwill message to the president for organising free and fair elections in cameroon , bla bla bla....

Where are the leaders of the presbytarian church, baptist church, full gospel, apostolic etc...

The prelates are doing their best. Cardinal Tumi has been so outspoken on the anglophone issue alongside the Bishop Paul Vedzeckov from Kumbo etc

Where are the others? what have they been saying? waiting for palmwine to flow?


.Legima Doh (LD)

Thanks ok.I raised the point last time and a simpleton out of his reckless and unbridled passion to comment,got pissed by what I said.We must remain focused and its wise to do so.
Ben B,
The NEO is truly a toothless bulldog but I don't think it will ever be made not to be so.We will hear all forms of reforms to have been made and to be made on it but mark you in actual fact no change shall take place.This is the common propaganda of that regime.
Tayong ,
Thanks for your wise comment.Acha Morfaw is just a puppet and I there is nothing she can ever objectively observe in that NEO because the NEO is subjective to Paul Biya Bi-Nvondo.Imagine that he himself appoints the members of the NEO and expects us to believe that the NEO is credible.Tayong so long as Biya is alive,it is not only a matter of the third term but a matter of being the president till death.Remember he said those who wish him dead should be prepare for his death in 20 years.So in other words,he was saying that he has at least 20 years to rule as president and so to do so must do everything humanly possible to keep his words alive.NEO is one way.Just there in name but in actual fact not there because the NEO is Biya who can hire and fire at will.
From all said in the article,it is very logical to think that,the lack of transparency was so alarmin to the extent that the men of God found it a religious and moral obligation to decry it.You know it is said,God hates those who cover up unrighteousness.
Pastor Mola a lute,
Thanks for your comments.They are a precept that must be learnt.Biya must learn it too,else diametric calamity awaits him.One writer is quoted to have said,the most disastrous events have resulted from the involvement of religion in politics due to disagreement in between.
God save our land.The land of Peace the Southern Cameroons.

neba funiba

If people can recall, the Archbishop of Yaounde contradicted Cardinal Tumi and congratulated the Biya regime after the chirade of 2004; a few months ago, Dr. Acha Morfaw shamelessly proclaimed that NEO was under no pressure from Biya and that they were independent.

(i) Is the Acrhbishop of Yaounde now retracting his earlier proclamations?

(ii) How does Dr. Acha Morfaw feel now that it is abundantly clear as has been the case, that NEO is not an independent organ. By the way how can NEO be an independent body when all its members are appointed by one person and all are answerable to this one person? Does this Dr. really understand what is meant by being an independent organization? Wow! another sorry Anglophone good for nothing PH.D.

neba funiba


You guys know what used to happen in South Africa whenever Bishop Desmond Tutu was deprived from giving press conferences, he went ahead right infront of Apartheid troops armed to the teeth in full riot gear and gave a press conference, that is how you gain world recognition and raise eyebrows within the international community about the sufferings of your people. I have yet to see that in Cameroon. Apart from Cardinal Tumi where is the Moderator of the Presbytarian Church?

JB Samba

Big wigs in the Presbyterian Church like P.M Musonge and Mbamba Dorothy L.N. have converted the Moderator of PCC (Nyansako-Ni-Nku)from a 'Man of God' to a 'worshiper of CPDM'. In church on Sunday, he prays in the name of Jesus and in his bedroom, he prays in the name of CPDM.
What a shame!!!

Donna,Dubai UAE

JB Sambe,
its easy to diagree with you,amy facts???

cosy ngeh

am not suprise this so called govt had to ban the press has done so b4 why not now,nothing has changed yetin this rep for us to expect anything diff apart threats and blackmail,but i must admonish the episcopal conf,do not say it is late,even after the so called national day,plz do tell the country what is in your store of information,untill then,we are all ears,say hi to abakwa and duala
bye and stay blessed

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