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Thursday, 15 June 2006


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THE EMANCIPATION OF SOUTHERN CAMEROONS - The Most Paramount Issue On The Table For All PATRIOTIC Southern Cameroonians.

...I don't deny the importance of the SDF to Cameroonians, neither do I not respect the views of SDF militans. However, there's a question. Do your conscience good by SINCERELY answering these questions...does SC deserve independence? Are Southern Cameroonians regarded as second class citizens in their own country? Whether you like to acknowldege it in the open or in hiding your answer is YES! I don't intend to re-visit the forces of arguments which are on the table cos I'm pretty cocksure that almost all the members in this house are very versed with these. Some argue that there're two options for Southern Cameroonians - separate using force or getting an "anglophone" president. This school of thougth goes ahead to proof that the latter is easy and readily attainable but they fail to think hard! Are they dreaming???

...We all know that the Southern Cameroons have got a legitimate claim. We all know how loath the Biya/France government feel about addressing the issues and why they feel loathe...they know they're harvesting even where they did not sow. We all seem to dream that one day an "anglophone" president'll give an ear to the cause EVEN as Chirac and other French presidents insist that Cameroon will never be ruled by an "anglophone". When asked to comment on the SCNC struggle and hopes of an anglophone president, hear what your colonial master says:"democracy is not important in places like that". Another question emanates...Can Southern Cameroons ever produce an "anglophone" president? The answer is a categorical NO! Why then should we continue dreaming?

My Dearest Southern Cameroonians,

Mindful of the fact that this forum consists of brains, big businessmen and convinced that when we collaboratively concentrate ALL our energies brainstorming on the possibilities of the liberation of our country peacefully or by force, we'll undoubtedly meet our dreams and aspirations soonest, I enjoin ALL in this forum notably WATESIH, KLEMENCEAU, FRITZANE KIKI, FON LAWRENCE, MUKI STONEHALL, CHE SUNDAY, ATANGHA, NJI PAUL, MUKETE, BENF, MBU B., TAYONG, VALLY, REXON, NDI O, DANGO TUMA, LANGAI etc to consider the liberation of Southern Cameroons of paramount interest.

I've always loved to read from Denis Atemkeng
of the liberation struggle. You could read his own suggestions and think hard about them.

I rest my case on a balance of probability though not in a convincing fashion!

Nerves Of Steel, Son Of Ako, LSE.


Fritzane Kiki Hong Kong

I don't expect anything positive from these African World Cup representatives.My only hope was Tunisia who managed a draw but for the rest they are just 'representatives' and not 'participants' so to speak.I can't imagine how my nerve was tortured with the luck-worm nature of their first matches.Ghana took his 2-0,Togo had his 3-0,IvoryCoast managed with a 2-1 while Angola never did better.

Cameroon is still the best ever.People still ask me of when Cameroon is playing her match.They don't believe Cameroon is not in the WC.Moreso,the teams representing Africa are all novices and only Tunisia can be considered as an experienced team reasons for her 2-2 draw in her first encounter.

I have no more hope for them.They are just representing Africa and having a taste of the WC cake period

Fritzane Kiki
Hong Kong


This world cup seems very strong for Africa, 2 points for the whole continent, it is really a disgrace.
Let us hope the future will be bright

another slave like yourself

I'll not be suprise if no African team reaches second round in this world cup. How do you hire your opponent over so many qualified Africans to coach your team and expect to win? Man, Africa, while everyone is moving forward, we are moving backwards. What a shame! Is it that we are tired of being black and now want to be white by all means or what? I just don't get it. And what's up with that ghanian player holding a flag other than that of his country? God help us all.

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