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Thursday, 17 August 2006


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The fon of Balikumbat is a prisoner there should i see no reason why Bado president is trying to do.If your leader brings shame and disgrace to you guys,you look for someone who in the nearest future will rraise your spirit.there is no risen why the people of balikumbat should not rejoice when a killer is confind.Mr president may want to see him as a free man,but the common man who has been a victim will never accept.

Gwanyalla samgwa

hey !watchout ,traditional rulers in Bali are never elected,the title can only be inherited and unless he dies but as long as that devil is still alive be it in Prison or in Jail he remains the Ruler of balikumbat,and also in the case of his death only his son can succeed him.Or are u saying that the son should succeed him while he is alive. Even you personally would not accept to succeed ur dad if he is still alive.if i were those corrupted sdf magistrates in Ndop i would have sentenced him to death.

sama billa



Hey Dinga Ignatius, its a pity that such a statement is comming out of you, anyway there is no doubt about you because a thief is same as a murderer and both have thesame destiny awaiting then in the future. Dont worry, oneday your own day will come and we will see who will also talk in your behalf.
Keep on enjoying

Ashu Tabe

Dear The Postnewsline,
I will like to ask why you decided to remove the comments link of the article on forged transcripts in UB? It is a shame that a seemingly reputable tabloid like The Post will condescend so low as to striking a compromise with university authorities to protect them from an imminent embarrassment.

The publication of that list of fraudulent students, which we very much commend, should signal the beginning of the fight against corruption from the grassroot level. I will therefore urge all those who have information regarding corrupt practices in Cameroon to provide such information on any comment link here or go to and e-mail Glenn Wilson using the e-mail: [email protected].

I will ask Mr. Elias Angu who promised yesterday to publish a list of corrupt individuals in the country to provide that list on any of the comments link here. We need information to act on and we will be grateful to one anyone who comes forward with information.

I will exhort the management of this newspaper (The Post) to kindly re-instate the comment link of that article together with all the 123 comments that had been posted. What sort of journalism is this?

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