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Monday, 21 August 2006


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Big Joe

If our contributions on the UB certificates fraud saga could caused panic and prompted the post to delete all the comments over night then i think we are a force to rekon with. If we keep on with the pressure by commenting on the issue and revealing more names where ever possible on this forum, there will be more panic and at the end of the day something fruitful will be achieved.

The post could not have unilaterally taken such a decision, instructions probably came from above with strings attached

suh christopher

I learnt the salary of the coach is 20,000 euros monthly(correct me if it is wrong).Please kindly let me know the salaries of the three assistants,the mediator,the advisers and others in the technical team.


``Man of harsh decisions``I hope you are aware of the reasons behind your predecssor`s resignation.Just know that you can´t select players without the approval of the Minister and the team Captain.I am giving you just two years maximum.After the MTN African cup of nations qualifying games,and may be the competition,just count yourself out.
I know my country well.
Besides your profile is not so good.
Goodluck and welcome.


Hey..i think if we have such a coach then to me its good..someone who takes his own decitions and not that of certain individuals..lets just see what our dutch man can do..Mr, Ministers beware cause u have vertually brought a real lion in ur den!
Good luck Mr.Haan


Welcome coach Arie Haan!

While I have nothing against the new head coach and his assistant Theo de Jong of Dutch nationality, I have a problem with their appointment to the job.

In Holland where I have lived as a student for 5 years, a competent Cameroonian (or non-Dutch/non-EU citizen) would NOT be given such a job or any other professional job without 'due process'. For those of you who don't have an idea of the dutch or EU 'due process' for employment; it is wholefully biased against foreigners...

I have been denied work as a CLEANER because I spoke dutch with a foreign accent. Is it not ridiculous? that I needed to speak perfect dutch before qualifying as a cleaner! the meanest job one could do to earn some money and pay bills! Well, on the top-side, after my studies, I applied and was called up by an American Accounting firm for an interview. I was the right candidate they were looking for but once I was asked to present my documents, my green passport and the student visa in it, put me on the disadvantage. My passport was foreign and by my status as Cameroonian, the dutch law prescribed that Dutch citizens followed by those of all other EU countries, be prioritized before any foreigner is given an opportunity for employment.

Basically, my point is that the Cameroon government should treat non-Cameroonians, especially Europeans in the same way they do us in terms of disfavourable employment laws. Arie Haan & Theo de Jong or Jacques Santini shouldn't have been prioritized over their local or Cameroonian-born counterparts in the quest for a national head coach. In my opinion; the new employment laws of Cameroon should prioritize competent/qualified Cameroonians, CEMAC citizens, other African citizens before the rest of the world including europeans...

Europeans have deceived us for long and are still doing so! Compare the huge salaries they earn from employment in Africa to what indigenous Africans earn. We should desist from that perception that these people are more intelligent or competent than us. Cameroonians can do the jobs even better than the so-called expatriates.

Wake-up contri pipol,


Big Joe

just to add some more flesh to your write up, you would agree with me that the Dutch are the most selfish, racist and backward set of people in Europe. Their policy towards migrants has dropped drastically since Vendonk became the minister for intergration and naturalization. We are all familiar with the restrictions students are facing in the are not allow to work more than 10 hours a week, your resident permit is renewed anually and on each occasion you have to proof that you have more than 7.000 euros in your account.

We equally know what asylum seekers are going through in the Netherlands. It is certain that Vendonk will meet her target(she promised the Dutch people to depot 26.000 asylum seekers) before november this year. It made international news when asyslum seekers from zaire were depoted and on arrival some were killed for leaking state secret abroad, it made international news when a siera leonean was forcefully depoted to Nigeria under the pretext that she was a nigerian and on arrival, it was confirmed by the siera leone embassy in Nigeria that the lady was infact a bonafide siera leonean. She was placed on the next available flight back to Holland. It equally made news when a Cameroonean who was HIV positive was depoted with the excuse that his political asylum request had been terminated despite a court ruling that he could stay on medical grounds. A delegation was despathed to search for this young man who was never seen.

We are all very familiar with the recent educated Somalian born Dutch MP,Aryan Yirsi Ali stand off with Vendonk that prompted the collapsed of the Balkende Government.(just read on)
Hirsi Ali saga, Netherlands - Panama: 1-1

06/29/06 @ 02:00:00 pm by Okke Ornstein


The Ayaan Hirsi Ali affair has reached new depths after it turned out that despite Minister Verdonk's earlier decision that the Somali born legislator had never acquired Dutch citizenship she could keep her passport after all, but only after she signed a "guilty plea" letting Minister Verdonk off the hook. At least, that was the idea. But the day after the deal was made, Hirsi Ali stated on TV that she basically signed the Guilty plea under pressure, that it was a political compromise, that she was told that upon signing she would be declared a Dutch citizen immediately so that she could go on with her life. "I put my pride aside and signed," said Hirsi Ali, characterizing the last six weeks as "political satire".

But it's a lot more serious than that. It is the kind of political hustling and rustling that you'd expect in corrupt third world countries; I'll get you your papers if you don't rat on me. It comes dangerously close to a system where positions are maintained based on favors and knowledge about each other's wrongdoings. I have something on you, but if you help me I won't use it.

Panama is a good example. Today they re-elected the rector of the University of Panama, Gustavo Garcia de Paredes, a known corrupt figure who sells diplomas and student visas and has turned the University in his personal fiefdom where crime is rampant and the loot divided between several criminal student gangs. A case brought before the Supreme Court asking to deny the rector to be reelected was won - the law does not allow for reelection - but never served on the defendant and instead the responsible magistrate allowed for a "motion of reconsideration" to be filed, which is impossible and even illegal under Panama's constitution. Another example of political satire; the government needs Garcia de Paredes because he'll provide them with 60,000 votes in the upcoming Canal referendum and is an important political ally. He also knows a lot about several members of the government who rather would not have him distribute that information.

It is this type of political "I'll save your ass but you have to save mine" that Minister Verdonk - with full support of the government and a majority of Parliament - has been exercising in the Ayaan Hirsi Ali case. Only the smallest government party D'66 has had the decency of demanding that Verdonk resign, which she refuses. Subsequently, D'66 has withdrawn its support for the government which is now expected to fall. So that is the difference between Holland and Panama, the level of impunity differs. But it comes dangerously close.
You can read more about Hirsi Ali and her work at


coach my lass



A Dutch racist as coach of our lions? NO, NO, NO. The Dutch who treated Cameroonians and other migrants in their country as DOGS? For those of you who don't know, the Dutch are the most selfish, anti-immigrants (especially immigrants from Africa), racist and backward set of people in Europe.

Europeans have deceived us for long and are still doing so! NO, NO we Africans are foolish and feels comfortable to remain foolish. When we see a white man, we feel We've seen God, thus we open all our secret doors to them.

Shame to us Africans for still looking at a white man as God. We never learn from our history, maybe because we don't read.
We are still wearing our slave garments and colonial suites.


"Arie has also coached some of the most prominent clubs in Europe in the likes of FC Antwerp Belgium, Anderlecht, Belgium, Standard Luik, Belgium, VFB Stuttgart, Germany, FC Nurnberg, Germany, PAOK Saloniki, Greece, Feyenoord Rotterdam, Holland, Paniliakos, Greece and Austria Wien.
He also coached the Chinese National team from January 2003 to 2004 where he was sacked for failing to qualify China for the just ended 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany.
Prior to Arie's appointment as Lions head coach, he and Theo De Jong coached Persepolis of Iran".

This unfortunately is the coaching career of our new coach. In what way are all these clubs that Mr. Haan has coached well-known (as the writer claims) than Cotonsport, Canon, Tonnerre, Racing, Fovu, and even PWD Bamenda? Why couldn’t one of the coaches of these teams take over the coaching job of the national team and be paid less than Haan’s €20,000 monthly salary. Haan’s profile is not better than that of the coach of cotton – is it?

Rubin, Big Joe and Duro, don’t forget that our African brothers abroad have equally pushed the white man in his own land to the limit. Rita Verdonk’s actions (decisions) at times could be justified. Not everyone in Holland thinks the Verdonk way and Haans maybe one of them.

I still can’t foresee any success in the national team at the moment, but will want to wish Haan and Jong Theodorus the best.


I dont think we should look at this appointment from an immigration pespective.
let us give the new coach a chance and see what comes of it. But at the same time, the players have to put every effort to make us qualify. No matter how good a coach is, the players are the real actors.So it is time that we stop blaming the coaches for every failure and bless the players. For example maybe if Artur Joge took the penalty that Wmoe missed, he would have scored.
Also it is time cameroonian authorities get matured and imposing on the coach.telling who to and who not to put.Let the players be chosen on merits and not based on tribal or countrymanship.If all our best players come from fako, let it be soo provided they make the difference and bring us good results.if all the players come from yabasi but do not produce results, then it is not a good thing.


We all are relieved that at last a new coach has been appointed.But what took our authoritie so long to appoit a new manager?.The only thing that unit and make we Cameroonians proud down town here is soccer.We are honoured and always envied when ever you introduce yourself down town here as a Cammeroonian.All because every one here knows Cameroon by the name os soccer comparable to Brazil.We get very annoyed and frustrated if back home the image of our soccer is being tempered uppon by the people in authority such failure tp pay a coach,players that causes instability within our time.The appointment of a new manager whether local or foreigner is not a condition guaranteed that all is well in our national team.If the people in authority doesn't decest from feeling their pockets with monies meant for the players and the manager the we should not be if after a few months we hear the resignation of the new manager or even failing to qualify for CAN 2008 and why not again WORLD CUP 2010. GOD BLESS MY BELOVED COUNTRY (CAMEROON)


Sir the saga for a football coach to the indormitable lions of cameroon will hardly produce any good results to the interest of cameroonians,seeing that cameroon always employes coaches of low grade,rejected coaches is an insult to us cameroonians world wide.I personally do not see any positiveness in mr Arie Hann as the coach to prepare the lions for any international trophies.
I take the appointment of mr Arie as another corruption by the government to inflate false figure of amount to recruit a foreign coach.
Well we need prominent and result producing coaches,like Arsen Wenger,Morino of Chelsea,or you look to choose from Spain,italy,or a prominent figure in holland,after all the country will be able to negotiate a contract.we need a good coach and we need the Lions to be Africa leader and the first to win the World cup 2010.So do something now mr GOVERNMENT MINISTER of youth and sport

benson agborayuk

Mr haan has never been a good coash
in his life, I have been in de netherlands for 20 years and I have
played in ducht second division, So fecafoot has made a big mistake.
He will soon pack his bags back to Holland


Cheers Rubin, Big Joe et al. for your contributions. I am glad you guys see where i am coming from! These dutch people force many Africans including Cameroonians into arranged marriages in order to regularize their statuses and by-pass the biased employment laws. I would LOVE to see the day when Europeans especially Dutch people like Arie Haan & Theo de Jong go out of their way to arrange marriages with Cameroonian women in order to get Cameroonian "kpali"/ "kwali" (documents) before being eligible for employment in our fatherland...

Once we start doing that and also refusing them visas to our dear land, i believe they'll begin feeling the pinch.

Mind u all, I am NOT being racist; I am just advocating justice & equality between the African & European races...

I am a living witness!!!

I bow for wuna,


I say no agian to a racist Dutch as coach of our lions.


A Dutch racist as coach of our lions? NO, NO, NO. The Dutch who treated Cameroonians and other migrants in their country as DOGS? For those of you who don't know, the Dutch are the most selfish, anti-immigrants (especially immigrants from Africa), racist and backward set of people in Europe.

Europeans have deceived us for long and are still doing so! NO, NO we Africans are foolish and feels comfortable to remain foolish. When we see a white man, we feel We've seen God, thus we open all our secret doors to them.

Shame to us Africans for still looking at a white man as God. We never learn from our history, maybe because we don't read.
We are still wearing our slave garments and colonial suites.

Nfor Victor

It is good to get an indigen. Jules Nyongha is quite q good couch. Jean Paul Akono brought us the gold medal. The problem is that of tribalism and the reason that politics is played in sellecting and managing the team.

Those of you who are complaining do not know Cameroon. Chinese, Nigerians as were Ghanians few years ago marry negotiated marriage for papers to avoid police harashment not even to get employment because they are self employed. A foreigner cannot work in Cameroon public service but an expert (contractor) can be hired for a particular job is there is no Cameroonian. But in this case there are even better Cameroonians. Even we cannot move freely in streets of Buea, Dla, Bda, Bafsam, Yde, etc withoud ID due to police harasment. At least where you are in Nederland, a police officer will not fabricates motives to squeeze bribes from you, but that is what we live through everyday.
The couch HAAN is having a poor background and yet Cameroon take him like an expert. This is because of corruption


I am calling on all well wishers and supporters of the lions to stand up and tell Fecafoot and the authorities that be that it is time for a cameroonian coach!
How on earth is Haan better than our local coaches. I wonder if he has ever watched a competition involving a first division team in cameroon. He is just another one who will not believe in our local players. He will stay in five star hotel in Paris and Claim to be an expert in cameroonian football.
Why don't our leaders learn? His profil is not better than that of Schaefer yet he is going to earn €20,000. Our european coaches have not been successful if we look at the quality of players and pation cameroonians support football. We have similar quality players like Holland - fast attack, tactical midfield etc. If Haan is good to manage such a team he should be on the bench with the Orange. Or maybe the Junior team. He has internation expirience but NO international success! The world will be looking at cameroon in 2010. But I don't see Haan making us proud. Unfortunately, we are already running out of time. Our local coaches need time to proof their worth. This time has been given to Haan. In a few year we will have another Care taker coach. Instead of developing a solid team with a wonderful play style.
Our sponsors are not helping us. They alway want 'white coaches'. I strongly believe it is time we the supporters make the change. Let go the field and shout, carry banners and sing songs until we are heard.
To my friends overseas, things will change soon in the Fatherland.

Fritzane Kiki HK

I don't even see the reason of hiring a foreign coach.Look at what Nigerian born Steven Kechi did with the Togolese side.I think it's a matter of naivity and complexity and psychological intricacies amongst the Africans that the colour of the skin still holds the inferiority to an extend that a black skin coach will never succeed be it what level of coaching degree he has attained.

Somebody like Jules Nyonga who lastly the coached Gabonese National team was applauded for his expertise.The international community know that Cameroon is ripe enough to be coached by a Cameroonian.The contract has been signed yet with another foreign coach who though with poor expedited records with the Chinese side still enjoys a remarkable salary pachage of 20.000euro/month.We have no choice than to wait for his own term of office to expire and another one comes in.

It is the African sick.There are many allegations that this coach has been sacked in most of his jobs.We cannot breach the two contract he signed.Let's wait and see....

Fritzane Kiki
Hong Kong



Arie Haan and Theo De Jong`s appointment came a long way. First, Theo`s brother lives in Cameroon and sure is a business man. He introduced the pair`s file for the position.

The shortlist after all home based managers were eliminated looked like this; Jacques Santini(French coach 2002 to 2004),Claude Marie Le Roy(well known here), Ratomir Djukovic(Serbia & Montenegro, Ghana coach for Ger 2006 WC) and Arie Haan.
Worth noting that an inexperienced pair with head Italian, Franco Baresi as well as the Belgian, Enzo Scifo had been eliminated too.

As for the choice of Arie Haan, he was hardly ever poised to win or selected. His candidature came in late and was not highly rated from the start by FECAFOOT, especially as other big names along side his.
The most highly rated postulant was Santini, but his requested wage was above what the gov`t could pay. He asked for 40.000 Euro that's twice what the gov`t was offering. Moreover, the gov't had a dateline to catch up with, meanwhile Santini was joggling about consulting his legal advisers.

The well known and 'all-knowing' Claude Marie Le Roy who could not bring anything to Strasbourg club as they descended to D2,just like his spell with Senegal and DRC was again around the corner. He asked for an amount superior to the one Haan accepted.He had little chances too, as the authorities concerned stated that Cameroon's team was not made for him to stroll in and out.

Ratomir Djukovic, accepted even a lower salary proposition. Having coached Ghana and other countries, the powers that be judged he was not still qualified enough to coach Cameroon.It is funny this guy left Ghana faking medical reasons though Ghana was ready to continue with him. Just to turn around and apply for the Cameroon job.

Arie Haan was the like the joker, the coach that had no chance, but he finally ended up being the coach. If the eliminatories for the ANC wasn't very close and the PM had not given an order, as to the early appointment of a coach, Arie would not have been the Lions coach.His name in Holland is very much linked with an unsuccessful coach.Dutch sportloving netizens in a pool, do not appreciate Cameroon`s choice for him.
He is not actually the high profile coach we were looking but the gov't too can't pay his betters, like Wenger or simply any English or Spanish first division league coach.

Ambassador Milla even insisted for a cheap or low wage coach, saying he is tired of questions in Europe as to why Cameroon`s national team coaches have to resort to FIFA before their salaries are paid in full.

There are many reasons for not appointing a home made,based or simply a Cameroon national as head coach. With everybody`s eye wide open to the tv and players performances now, it is difficult for tribalism to operate. The core problem lies in the fact that we do not have confidence in our one nationals.

If Manga Onguene was the coach who failed to qualify us for the WC, it would have been a different story today. But we had two Europeans with doubtful abilities. No matter how we look at it, pressure or no pressure from the ministry or whosoever, we place little confidence in our own coaches. We feel whitemen have something special to offer. Personally, I`m still yet to discover the qualities of Artur Jorge that Paul Akono lacks.

More widely, Durudayo, Big Joe and others have taken my thought into something deeper. And going by you I would wish to see a Cameroonian be the head coach some day again.
Though I`d rather say let`s make them friends instead of trying to do what would not help even our pride.Only development can bring us real pride. It is not creating stringent conditions for aliens wishing to get to Cameroon.

Back to the Lions bench, I thought Patrick Mboma be brought in.All he needs is to be groomed for this position. Mboma should have been appointed one of the assistant coaches and not an adviser, so that he could take full responsibility after two years.
Well, for now, we know Arie Haan has a nation`s cup to win or depart.Any success he gets here, would be probably the most cherished of his career.
Long live Lions!

Fritzane Kiki HK

Mbu B,
You know what troubles Cameroonians is that these coaches don't take their duties with seriousness,I mean the nation as their patrimonial integrity and devotendness.Since when African countries started suffering this exploitation yet African teams are far from dreaming to win the World Cup.Finally we realise that the coaches are not competent,because be it that they win or lose it doesn't affect their salaries.They sign a contract and just know that their salaries will pass success or failure.Well we have no choice as we are still under bondage and slavery until we learn to govern ourselves and coach our own national team.Best wishes our new coach welcome to Cameroon.Hope you know at the back of your mind that Cameroonians don't like defeat so know you have a challenge ahead of you.Good-luck....!!

Fritzane Kiki
Hong Kong


We Cameroonians are very good in critising and always find it difficult to accept defeats.Every team looses even the best world teams like Brazil.We criticises the coach, players and even the administrators.We don't ask ourselves as patriotic citizens what contributions have we done for the progress of our soccer? A new coach has just been appointed,this is the time we all are suppose to put our heads together and bring up constructive ideas on how to ameliorate and revamp our soccer so as to regain our former standard in international soocer.CAN 2008 and the 2010 world cup are just around the corner.We all should give our utmost support and encuragement to our new coach, the players and appeal to our football authorities to place the right persons at the right places.With all these,I strongly believe we will again regain our victory in Can 2008 and 2010 world cup.
Goodluck the lions.

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