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« 45.000 Ghost Workers Discovered In Public Service | Main | SDF Secretariat Set On Fire »

Thursday, 17 August 2006


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It really baffles me that the so-called advisers around Fru Ndi have not been able to enlightened him that such an initiative of an opposition government is doom to fell in a presidential system of government like the one in Cameron. This can to a certain extend work only a pure Parliamentary system of government like Germany, UK, Israel, India etc where all the members of government are also members of parlaiment and therefore the "shadow or opposition" government can be consituted from the members of opposition in parliament so that each individual can concentrate on a single area and the opposition leader therefore can effectively encounter the Pime Minsiter, Chancellor or any head of government. In this case, there will be no problems and doubts of the essentials needed to run a government such as:
(i) Accommoation since all the memebres are having their offices attributed by the state since all parliamenterians serve the state and moreso all parliamentarians are lodge at least during the sessions.
(ii) Transportation and communication, since all parliamenterians are on sponsored vehicles and supplimented communication system
(iii)Financial Affairs since all the members are on a pay roll, run micro-project up to 8 million per semester and attract developement projects for their area of jurisdiction as well as trying to introduce bills that can eventually be enacted into law which are friendly to their area of jurisdiction
(iv) Most importantly, the Discussion forum and platform, since all debates are done in open parliamentary sessions and the cabinets can exchange their views.
Concerning the above mentioned criteria, how will this government be run, in which offices, with which finances, on what platformed?
If Paul Biya has never given an ear or let alone granted audience to Ni Fru,I doubt whether those so-called the members of the shadow cabinet will ever have a chance to execise their duties. No one needs in degree in political Sciences this will just be as fruitless as the SDF cry for an independent electoral commision.


Ngwese, does it occur to you that this is a shadow cabinet? The SDF has a platform as a political party with representation in parliament. Your quarrel should be with the fact that Cameroon is governed by a dictatorial regime controlled from abroad by a fascist neocolonialist (France). What is your suggestion about the fact that SONARA pays its land taxes but to Douala? Are you ready to take up arms to fight the fact that there is nothing to show for all of the money generated by SONARA? What do you plan to do to have the road tarred from Kumba to Tombel? What do you plan to do with the fact that Southwest Province is more populated than South Province (Biya's backyard) yet South province has more parliamentarians? What do you plan to do with the fact that we have parliamentarians but the president still rules by decrees. Please, let us know what you plan to do.


It is often said that two heads are better than one.Hence do not think that your one head is better than the heads that have brainstormed for long before coming out with the idea.On the other hand, what is wrong to try out something which has good intensions and fail?

I am sure the following statement of prof.Kale was directed to people like you.
"Prof. Kale advised opponents not to hastily predict the sex of an unborn child. "The taste of the pudding is in the eating," he said."


Ben B,
Na shame make cam you no see this news item?

Where else could the pro-Biya SDF get such a whitewash report than in Biya's newspaper, Cameroon Tribune? And who but Choves Loh who led a delegation of journalists on a "goodwill" mission to Ntarikon in the heat of the SDF brouhaha and asked Ni John no question on the matter?

Read more credible newspapers for the truth in the "show cabinet" fiasco, well except as you've been saying Mutations, Le Message, La Nouvelle Expresion, The Herald, The Post are no longer the papers of reference in Cameroon. Then maybe you want to also post us stuff from The Heron, your most credible newspaper.

That doesn't change the fact that Chaarman don finish and that a goup of FORCES OF GOOD INTENTION are working hard, selflessly to rehabilitate the SDF from the ruins it has been plunged into by COMMERCIAL ACTIVISTS.


Posted by: BenB | Thursday, 17 August 2006 at 03:37 PM


Hon Mbah Ndam batters Ben Muna
By Ezieh Christopher Andu in Bamenda
Joseph Mbah Ndam, Member of Parliament for Momo and the SDF Parliamentary Group Leader has taken a swipe at Ben Muna and co. who are attempting to split the leading opposition party in the country.
Mbah Ndam, who is equally the legal adviser of the SDF is bitter with Ben Muna to the extend that he drew daggers with him last weekend in Bamenda.
The bone of contention, Mbah Ndam argued, is Muna’s unbridled quest for power and his inordinate desire to denigrate, calumnize and sabotage outstanding dignitaries of the SDF party.
Mbah Ndam also noted that Muna’s recent behaviour is not unconnected with his stay in Rwanda where he prosecuted criminals of bitter hatred and consequently, conjured upon himself that spirit of hatred, which has now become a basic aspect of his character.
Hon. Mbah Ndam was guest at the highly rated CRTV Bamenda program, “Red Carpet”, which is produced by Colday Ndofekeh Olivier. Read excerpts below.
What brings you to this program today?
You have deemed it necessary to bring me here, as this program is one, which l have from time to time followed up when l am within the Northwest. And l think that it is a program that can help us clarify a number of problems plaguing the SDF.
So many people are still to know who Hon. Mbah Ndam really is?
Mbah Ndam Joseph Njang, are my names. I come from Batibo, some 40 km from away from here; born of peasant parents, Tita Oscar and Frida Endam, all of late today. I went through primary school in the famous, Guka primary school and my secondary education in Government Secondary School Mamfe. I never went to the High school, because l thought two years were so long. I did a year in the house and made my Advanced Levels and entered the University of Yaounde where l graduated in 1979 with an LLB degree and later a diploma in 1980 and in 1983, l got a doctorat de troisieme cycle.
After my doctorate, l taught in the university for four years, but later withdrew to take up legal practice. And of course, in 1990, as a young lawyer, when the SDF was formed, l found myself in politics.
Why did you join specifically the SDF?
Well, before the SDF was launched, l had never militated in any political party; call it the CNU or CPDM. I had no interest in politics at all. But when l saw glimpses of the fact that there could be multi-party politics in Cameroon, on the grounds that were broken by the SDF, and l listened to the leader who is still there today, l drew the conclusion that it was something positive for Cameroon and l could give it my own little contribution. That is how l joined the SDF.
Are you married? And are you are Christian?
I am married and a father of six children. I am a practicing Christian of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon.
How did you fight your way to become a Member of Parliament?
Did l really fight? I came into the SDF almost at its inception. I use “almost” because l don’t want to claim like some people who came in a year later and now claim to be founding members. I gave in my utmost contribution in the struggle, and whatever assignment l was given; l did it whole-heartedly. Don’t forget that l lived at the time in Yaounde. I had to shuttle between my home and Yaounde carrying out party’s work.
There is this famous lady, Nyah Margaret who claims that your current mandate in parliament belongs to her because you were supposed to serve only one term?
That claim amuses me because when we had the first primaries in 1997, Margaret Nyah was not even second to me, the person who came second is my current District Chairman, Mr. Teno Lawrence. Mme Margaret Nyah came a distant third with very few votes. And if there is someone to complain, it should be the runner up who is my district chairman with whom we have a very cordial relationship today. I don’t think l took the place of someone who never won the primaries. During the primaries of 2002, Margaret Nyah still ran with me, but this time it was a waterloo for her. She had ridiculous votes. And of course, although l lived in Yaounde, l am always very present in my constituency. So if she is crying fowl, even if l am not there, she will not be the one to take my place, but the person who was next to me. My Alternate from Widikum, Barrister Nyah Maxellus, defeated Madam Nyah very mercilessly. It is a democratic exercise and not rhetoric.
How did you win the heart of the SDF National Chairman, Ni John Fru Ndi?
I don’t know whether l have won his heart. One thing l believe in, is sincerity and frankness. I am frank, and l found that frankness in him. I am fearless, and l always found it in him and l have never chewed my words when it comes to expressing my opinion to him. I have always told him that if it came to a point where he does no longer have confidence in me, l will step down from the responsibilities.
I do disagree with the National Chairman several times, but it is always behind closed doors. I happened to have been born into a royal family where respect for elders is primordial. Even when l disagree with him on an issue, it ends in the house. The chairman is someone who would like you to convince him on an issue and not to force it down his throat.
I always take time to explain my points. He is the type of person if you want to explain something to him, you should also be ready to listen to his own explanations. And when that explanation is made, it is now left to any honest person to accept what is right. And very often he proves me wrong and l take it kindly. As a senior brother, that goes on and it ends between us.
Is it true the National Chairman one day confided in you that his life is in your hands and if you betray him that will be the end of him?
That is a terrible allegation. If he had done that l should have long left this party. An elderly person l cannot even wear his shoe confides his life in me? Talk less of removing his cap before me? In the context of our tradition, that is an abomination and ill luck to me. Such thing has never happened.
Honourable, you forgot to indicate that you enjoy power and money?
I think l am doing a service. Let me go a little bit behind, when l left the University of Yaounde with a 1st degree, at that point in time, going to ENAM to do magistracy was through a mere application. Hardly did the number that graduated fill the positions required in the public service. I never wrote an application. I pursued my studies and got to a point where l started teaching in the university, yet, l did not find it convenient. If l were interested in power, at the time l had a first degree, l would have entered ENAM and become a divisional officer and grew from there to become like my friends who are governors and ministers today.
I finally chose to belong to the private sector. I never participated in active politics. I needed a free life. What l enjoyed in the early days as a young lawyer was the fight for freedom of expression and liberty. I started up as human rights activists; politics then came in.
Enjoying power has never been my ambition. What is happening is that, because of my honesty and sincerity, l got involved and carried away by events and responsibilities that are put on me and l am bound to execute them. As for money; in fact when l chose to be in the private sector, l meant to work money. I want to make people know that by the time l was doing the TEA, l was already a businessman and driving in a 504. By the time l was defending my thesis for the doctorat d’etat de troisieme cycle in 1983, l was riding a Mercedes car. By the time l entered parliament in 1997, l owned two Mercedes cars.
So are you a very rich man?
I am not rich. I organized my life in such a way that l enjoy it with the few francs l have. Before l went to parliament, l had built my house at home, what some people termed today, a semi palace.
It looks as if you are planning to send in someone else in parliament this time and the SDF could have a different person as Parliamentary Group Leader.
What l encouraged the junior ones around me is the spirit of competition. I know that when the time will come for the next election, there will be primaries and l intend to stand. And l encouraged anyone willing to challenge me to do so.
As for the office of the Parliamentary Group Leader, it is not of my making. It is someone else’s making. If he says go back there, l will humbly do so. And if he says, enough for you that will be it.
There is this opinion by some militants of the SDF that during primaries, the National Chairman usually backs you even in the Investiture Committee because he has vested interest in you?
Where is the vested interest? That l feed Ni John Fru Ndi or he feeds me? Look at the compound in which we are sitting. If amongst us there is anyone feeding the other; who feeds who and where then is the vested interest? Probably l serve well, l don’t want to praise myself, or l serve in the way he likes. And therefore, when it comes to investiture, he probably supports my candidature. I don’t know how it happens, those are things above me.
It looks as if you have entered a certain sect that makes you strong in the eyes of the public?
That causes me again to laugh. If you look at me, you will discover that l have no ring on me. In fact, I put off the watch when our cell phones started having time and dates. I don’t belong to any sect. I know of only the Bible. I want to advise that when you believe in Christ, and do the right and keep to that right and convinced of what you do, you will remain a very strong person. Others will go into sects and others will bring medicines, but you will triumph over snakes and scorpions.
Are you aware of the allegations that you and Hon. Yoyo Emmanuel are misleading the National chairman?
Those individuals who thought that they could mislead the National Chairman are rather embarrassed that he is waxing strong. Instead of crediting him with those special attributes that he discerns and sees what is right, they think that some people are advising him; and those people must be Mbah Ndam and Yoyo.
The National Chairman is a self made man. That’s what l found in him. He has a wide range of experience from childhood. It takes time to get an argument through him. He has a sense of intuition, which goes beyond mere learning. To those who do not know him, they simplify him, but when you go closer to him, you realize that it is not easy to conceive the type of things that crosses his mind.
I am still learning from Ni John Fru Ndi. And l do hope that God gives him long life so that we learn more about the nature of man, the nature of leadership. No one is misleading him. The issue is that, those who want to crack down on him see us as the obstacle.
I am a seasoned lawyer. Those who have tried to run him down through the courts have failed. I know someone who attempted to use defamation to get him imprisoned,but failed. Those who wished him to be in prison are angry that l stopped it from happening. That is my crime.
Probably you are learning to succeed him, because we hear he is grooming someone to succeed him.
The chairman rather sends people to the field so that the grassroots could know them. He sends several persons to the field so that the grassroots could know them. As for grooming someone, l have never heard him say anything to that direction.
I don’t believe in those who talk about a replacement at the helm of the SDF. If you believe in God, there is no formula. It is not stated anywhere that Fru Ndi will die before me. People don’t die according to their ages.
Are you satisfied with the way the SDF party is running now?
I am very satisfied.
But the founding father’s think that things are not moving well?
The Founding Fathers who think that promoters could become the owners of the party are mistaken. It is only egoism that makes someone to think that because you gave birth to a child, that child’s umbilical chord must be linked up to you. What is happening is that, some of those who conceived the idea of the SDF and flirted around before two persons, (Ni John Fru Ndi and Dr. Siga Asanga) delivered it, those people who lingered around and pass today as Founding Fathers thought that it was a joke. They pushed these two persons to go ahead and die. But they went and never died, instead, they became great and these individuals now think that they could drag it to themselves because they once sat around the table when the issue was being conceived.
You have been accused of being the link between the CPDM and the National Chairman. A good example is when the chairman’s wife collapsed in Yaounde.
Yes, again, people think that l constitute a link between the chairman and the CPDM. On the contrary, l constitute an obstacle between the chairman and the CPDM. One thing l can say is that the government of this country respects me for my position and my steadfastness to principles. Some people are still to understand that you can live in the same house with someone and disagree. Because of institutional involvement; I am very close to the people that govern this country. I will meet Gregoire Owona at any time l want, because he is the minister in charge of relations with the assemblies. I will talk to the presidency at any time l want; because what l tell him is the same thing that l tell the presidency.
That gives the impression that it is a connection. But on the contrary, that is the role of a parliamentary group leader. So, once it did happen that Ma Rose fell in the circumstance. First of all, l am one of those who propounded the position that the principal opposition leader in the country should have a status, a protocol and advantages. I am in the assembly as a parliamentary group leader. I have a status, l have a protocol and advantages. And in all Commonwealth countries that l have visited, the main opposition leader is next to the head of state.
Getting down to Balikumbat, some prominent CPDM militants of the area such as Sama Juma Ignatius, Dr. Bernard Nwana and Banmi Emmanuel have filed a case against Hon. Fon Doh for threats of life and their counsel is one of the SDF Legal Advisers, Barrister Sama Francis.
I don’t know of such a case. Do they want to re-imprison him and for how long? (Laughs); thirty years? You must not mix issues of professional lawyers who are Legal Advisers of the SDF with the practice of the profession. If a CPDM bigwig consults me, l will defend him. It’s purely a professional issue. It is a job to be done and l am paid for it. It doesn’t by any means interfere with my political affiliation. A legal practitioner once in chambers is to the client what a medical doctor is to his patient.
So it’s not like delivering the Balikumbat CPDM to the SDF?
In the first place, is there really any CPDM in Balikumbat? I was taking the other way that my colleague, Barrister Sama was defending people who purport to be CPDM. I say purported CPDM militants because l don’t think there was anybody who was living freely in Balikumbat under the yoke of Fon Doh and l think some of the right thinking people you have mentioned could militate freely in the CPDM. Some were there because of the circumstance and once Fon Doh was out, that was all of it.
Honourable, you listened to Barrister Bernard Muna saying he is chairman of the SDF party, and recently some chiefs in Meta as chairman of the SDF honoured him?
I have listened to some waffled talk, which l qualify as junk because it is disconnected, uncoordinated and does not make sense at all. Let me start with Muna’s drama in Mbengwi. I am not going to say that l am a son of the soil because such a word does not exist in English. I heard him saying that “l am a son of the soil”. I don’t know what that means. But what l want to say here is that by the tradition of the Widikum people, when a son of prominence visits the palace, if he comes along with a cup of wine, you can be sure that he will leave from there with cam wood on his head, which is an indication of good luck and blessing. I have had that several times. It is not part of our tradition to visit a palace and the chief refuses to give you traditional blessings.
The Fons of the Widikum tribe have two bags for both good and bad things. And if it concerns what happens to Ben Muna and he is boasting about it, it confirms what l know about him. He has lived all his life out of home. And so, if he waffles around with some Fons; to him that means greatness. Let him come, they will give and give. I heard him count about ten Fons. But remember that all the Fons of Northwest are virtually CPDM, yet the CPDM has never won. So if someone comes priding himself of having ten Fons behind him, then something is wrong with that person. I don’t know what you meant by crowning him. I heard him saying that he is older than Ni John Fru Ndi. That he is being crowned in 2006. If that is what he is boasting of, l want to remind him that l had such titles 26 years ago, precisely in 1979, when l just graduated from the university and visited my Fons as a student union leader.
You might want to react to what Hon. Ngwasiri said in ‘Red Carpet’ at one time that you took over 250 million francs as money meant for the party.
Please let me finish with Barrister Bernard Muna’s claim to be National Chairman of the SDF party. You see, that has been an embarrassment to me. That a man l thought went to school and learnt the basic tenets of rational thinking, of argumentation could pretend to assume a title that makes a ridicule of himself. Whatever the arguments before 26, May 2006, what they intended to do in Yaounde as a convention of the SDF party was banned by the administration. And once a manifestation is banned, even if you use force to do it, it is believed not to have taken place and whatever you do at such instance, is null and void. Even if on the 26th of May, Muna hid himself somewhere and proclaimed himself chairman, the meeting that was projected to hold in Yaounde never took place for the simple fact that it was banned. Territorial administration knows that and banned it. So Barrister Ben Muna is chairman of nothing. It is impossible for him to have been elected when that meeting was banned. That chapter is closed. I know that he has not formed a party. This again is what makes it more ridiculous. A rational thinking Barrister at law would have gone into a formal organization whereby he could will power if that is his greatest ambition. But what l have come to realize is that something has happen to Barrister Benard Muna between the time he resigned as an SDF militant, went to Rwanda and the time he returned. I have been brooding over this comportment of his and, it is not of late l got clear indications of what has gone through him in Rwanda.
You know that in Rwanda you had the Hutu and Tutsi crisis. It is deeply rooted in hatred and killings. Muna went to Rwanda and has lived this situation and one great thing he has learnt from this is hatred. I think he got involved and that has worked in his mind a lot. I am afraid with the way Muna pronounces my name and that of others around, l was surprised to read an interview he granted Le Messager newspaper that it was thanks to the death of Diboule that he launched his party. You see, the Hutu-Tutsi crisis was deeply rooted in hatred. We now see Muna coming out with that hatred. You see how Muna behaves with his eyes on TV now. It is no more the Muna l knew before he went to Rwanda, its dangerous.
That’s what l find in him. I wanted to clear that aspect before we go further. I will never forget to tell you that l started my legal practice in Muna & Muna chambers for some six months before moving over to Ntamark and Ndobedi. The Ben Muna l see today is a dangerous one. Something is really wrong with him as a matter of fact. He is no longer the one l used know.
What of the 250 million Francs CNPS allegations?
It is an issue l don’t know how it came about. But today l can see it. People had to create something to ensure that Mbah Ndam gets involved in a money scandal. I have never taken it seriously because it is a great joke. Why would CNPS pay me 250 million francs, for what? I want to repeat it here that since 1990 l picked up legal practice seriously. I became really involved in practice when this party was launched. I have never done any case for the government of this country or State Corporation. I have never had any penny out of the government department for a job done. If l ever had any legal matter with the government, l am always on the opposing camp. I have never had any dealings with CNPS.
I have always asked those who talk about it, that what does it take them to call on the CNPS general manager to find out the situation? I am not in the habit of taking people to court or running behind defamation cases. First of all, by my conviction, I can’t take you journalists to court criminally. I think that defamation should be civil.
What problem do you have with the publisher of Chronicle newspaper? He accused you of having worked for you without pay?
The Chronicle is a paper, which l moulded. I gave money to Motumu who is my nephew to register a paper and l sponsored him over a period of time. I don’t know where things went wrong. Like anyone who likes to hate Mbah Ndam, he started writing damaging articles against me. And in my normal liberal attitude, l have not taken him to anywhere. The problem is that when he sees me he runs away. I have not been able to set my eyes on him. He went off head, writing rubbish on what can no longer be styled as journalism for that matter. And of course, the paper is dead and gone. I spent quite some millions building a nephew, the father was my cousin and the mother doesn’t even know that this is going on. When l get home, the mother always come and embrace me. I pity her because she is not aware of the problem.
Is there any way for reconciliation?
Reconciling with who? Do l reconcile with a child? I don’t have a problem. I have always told him that there is no problem between us. He knows my capacity of tolerance. He really knows that all the junk he writes about me means nothing.
Lets go back to this Yaounde murder case; you were accused of sponsoring those who carried out the act?
I have just talked of hatred and the person who accused me knows that he is lying. The authorities in Yaouunde know that he is lying. Understand that l move with a bodyguard who is a gendarme officer. By my status, l don’t leave Yaounde without reporting to the Assembly. I left Yaounde on the 22nd of May and only returned on the 30th; and the authorities knew it. Before l left Yaounde on the 22nd of May, l telephoned the governor of Center province and we agreed that the SDF secretariat be sealed. On that very 22nd, the first fight took place there. I moved to the scene and met gendarmes who had taken up the place and one captain Ndongo led them. He can testify. I went into the place and met a gang of hired thugs. They were in a room and l saluted them: “Ca va?” and they responded “oui patron.” That is not how SDF militants address me. When l arrive amongst my militants; they address me as Mbah Ndam, Mbah Ndam, Mbah Ndam. They don’t even attach honourable before my name. But with these people, when l said “ca va”, they said “oui patron.”
So when l came out of the secretariat, l discovered that they were armed, they had bows and arrows, l asked to see the captain, when l saw him and told him that this was a dangerous place; someone can die here and l recommended that he seals the place and wait until we finished with the convention. Captain Ndongo listened to me and took up his phone and called someone and explained what l told him. At the end of his call, l asked him, with whom were you talking?; he replied that he was talking to Commandant de groupement. I have now learnt that that commandant is called Col. Tchinda. After the situation, l told him again to send away everyone from the place. Thereafter, l called on the governor and reported the incident. He assured me that firm instructions have been given towards that direction.
So when l left Yaounde on the 22nd, l was sure that the place was sealed and the gendarmes were there. It was never an issue in my mind. Until the early morning of the 26th of May, l was in Batibo, and l want to remind you that l was one of the three-member commission for the preparation of speeches for the convention. I was in Batibo. All the authorities knew that l was not in Yaounde on May 26.
What’s your reaction over the case between Ben Muna–Ngwasiri against the SDF? We are told they won?
(Laughs): Who told you that they won? Let me give you the decision that came out on application of a motion of execution. What happened is that when the Mfoundi High Court to which Ngwasiri purported to act on behalf of the SDF, seeking the cancellation of the resolutions of the extra ordinary NEC meeting of 25th of February 2006 and before we went into the matter, a kind of judge ruled in an inter-lucotory manner that he has now suspended all the resolutions of NEC since 2003, all the resolutions of Advisory Council, which means that he suspended even the resolutions of the Advisory Council convening the so-called Yaounde convention. He suspended even the resolutions that decided on a reconciliation forum, during which Bernard Muna was readmitted as militant of the SDF.
It became such an embarrassing decision. If that resolution of a National Executive Committee that created a reconciliation forum by the said court decision is annulled, it meant Ben Muna is not a militant of the SDF. That did not bother him. But we immediately filed an appeal to that inter-lucotory decision and also presented a motion for a stay of execution for the ruling. That was done and so by the principles of our laws once the application for stay was presented, it suspended the execution of that decision. That is why it had no consequence on the government granting us authorization to hold the convention. Now the convention has been held and everything is over. What happened was that we actually came up to argue the application of stay of execution. The court found that since that decision, which was said to be an inter-lucotory decision, went into the substance and decided issues that are supposed to go through two processes. That decision was like its final one. And by our laws, once you appeal against such a final decision; that appeal by its very fact suspends execution of that decision. Since the decision was that way, the appeal we filed stayed execution of that decision. It was therefore not necessary for us to file a motion for execution. This was the judgment that came from the court.
Your concluding statement?
I thank you for coming to talk to me; and l will tell you that the SDF remains serene. We think that this whole rubble is an organized destabilization plan since we are going to have an independent Electoral Commission in Cameroon and the SDF could become very strong. Bernard Muna and his clique are on a mission. That is, to destabilize the SDF so that when real elections come, the CPDM would win. It is not by accident that we have a Muna in government, a Muna running around the SDF and a Muna in the civil society. This is by design. It is meant, especially for those of us in Momo, to destabilize the base so that the CPDM can creep in, especially as elections are very likely to be free and fair. And that is just the mission. All that junk of “l am chairman”, by Muna are mere jokes. He knows that he is not. His intention is to sufficiently destabilize the SDF to enable the CPDM penetrate the Northwest. This is the message l want to give our people of the Northwest province.


Dear ALL,
I know prophets of doom will come again to say the Shadow Cabinet is a waste of time. Mr. NGWESE & those to come thereafter: the Shadow Cabinet is there to prepare the SDF for governance; the RDPC will NEVER be in power for life, and being a great party, it's but normal that the SDF should get herself prepared as an alterntive. In other words, it's like a relay race whereby you're waiting for your own time to take the baton, in order to continue the the race. So, we're not putting these Standing Committees in place to please Mr. BIYA, the RDPC junta or their allies. These Committees are there see what has been going wrong with Cameroon since Independent & Reunification & then will propose the way forward.

There's one thing we need from the RDPC: that's the Independent Electoral Commission. We look forward to having this before the year runs out. We all know Mr. BIYA had promised the Commonwealth & Cameroonian people. Don't they say a promise is a dept?

Please, I'll want you to get in touch with me as soon as possible. My email is [email protected]

May we live longer to see a better Cameroon!


Yes na shame do me, Pa Fon.


Shame say wuna don turn ostrich. You know the ostrich hides its head in the sand and because it doesn't see anyone, thinks no one sees its huge body. It easly falls prey.

What in The Post story would make anyone but those who know they're supporting a bad and lost cause, to clebrate. Is it because the story does mention the confrontation with the journalist and how Ni John dodges questions and calls journalists Muna journalists?

Is it because FeliAtanghaGeorgeTangieMukete2 fooled wuna say Mukete's story was a distortion of the Cameroon Tribune praise-singing?

Now follow this: Didn't I report here days before the Cameroon Tribune story that only came out yesterday (17 August) that 1/3 of the show cabinet boycotted? Have you forgotten? I have my ear to the ground.

Is it because Chris Mbunwe brushed over, only ussing the official version of Anembom Monju's explanation that they had obtained permission to be absent?

You Axis fellows should know that you have an asset in Feli... He may whitewash things he posts but he knows the truth. Write to one of his email addresses (he has about four here) and he may tell you the truth.

The "SHADOW CABINET" is a fiasco. All that stuff was staged managed. That's why they chose Kale to speak. He is the quiet dissident so they prompted him to cleanse their image. But you know he is not a fool. Just keep watching. I know what I'm talking about.

Nkwi, a Ni John fanatic, was simply used for a balancing effect. Wosai wuna keep wuna sense heeee? Well, console yourselves. Truth stands and I'm glad that I know it.

And as i said earlier and as you quoted (thank you) "That doesn't change the fact that Chaarman don finish and that a goup of FORCES OF GOOD INTENTION are working hard, selflessly to rehabilitate the SDF from the ruins it has been plunged into by COMMERCIAL ACTIVISTS."

And thanks for responding to my call by posting your propaganda Heron of Ezieh Christopher with Mbah Ndam's lamentations at the troubles Margaret Nyah (a Muna lieutenant) is causing in his constituency.

You know he won't express the fear that CPDM would penetrate his constituency if he wasn't feeling the pinch in his constituency. Na all e cry dat.

Yes Fon na shame do me. Suffer pipo.



Honestly, i am yet to find any reason for this bogus idea of a "shadow government". Mr. Fru Ndi's interview didn't help in anyway in my understanding of this. How are they going to operate? On what budget? Is the party viable enough to run such a venture? I wonder, because during the conventions (which ever), they were waiting for contributions from all over. Are these contributions going to flow endlessly to run this government? Countries or parties which run such, have viable economies to accomodate this.

Besides, is the make-up of the government trustworthy? After i see, ex-police men who received huge sums of money from Mr. Hissan Habre (the former Chadian dictator who loothed his country's treasury) to secure his safe passage through Cameroon en route to exile in Senegal. I, as well see a Parliamentarian who got a contract to renovate a post office in his constituency and never did the job, instead he bought a single toilet sit, for it. For an individual like me, i am yet to trust such a government, i find it similar to Mr. Biya's, made of "Money hungry individuals". As someone pointed out, it's a future government, when the SDF comes into power. When will that be? Are all the individual present in the government still going to be loyal, or will the "famous" 8.2 not axe some off?

I don't want to speak for the multitude, but from my interactions with individuals, they are more concerned about the rising cost of living and corruption, which Mr. Fru Ndi is yet to comment on how his "Shadow governement" will tackle it. If he enlightens us on how this idea of "shadow government" will relief us that pain, then i will buy his idea, intoto.

I am just trying to be realistic.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!Mukete you will kill one here oh.Anyway i enjoy your facts and how you try to explain them.






When I saw that picture, my instincts told me you were going to comment on it.
You do not need to conceal names, because the picture was taken in broad daylight and anybody who claims to be a militant of the SDF should know the persons involved.
Reveal more and bring more evidence.
I am waiting.
Don't you think it is better for the commissions to run for at least a year before we can attempt a resumee of their activities? Remember they are to propose social democratic alternatives to issues affecting the daily lives of Cameroonians. This can best be done on a day-to-day basis.


Mukete what a wounderful sight.Unravel the ills of the dictator,he thinks he is deceiving sdf militant,he is deceiving himself.

Fru ndi is now playing hide and seek.



I wonder where we could have been without your latest vibes.

Feli Kontchou, what do we have for next week? You know you are a valuable asset.

Ashu Tabe

Dear The Postnewsline,
I will like to ask why you decided to remove the comments link of the article on forged transcripts in UB? It is a shame that a seemingly reputable tabloid like The Post will condescend so low as to striking a compromise with university authorities to protect them from an imminent embarrassment.

The publication of that list of fraudulent students, which we very much commend, should signal the beginning of the fight against corruption from the grassroot level. I will therefore urge all those who have information regarding corrupt practices in Cameroon to provide such information on any comment link here or go to and e-mail Glenn Wilson using the e-mail: [email protected].

I will ask Mr. Elias Angu who promised yesterday to publish a list of corrupt individuals in the country to provide that list on any of the comments link here. We need information to act on and we will be grateful to one anyone who comes forward with information.

I will exhort the management of this newspaper (The Post) to kindly re-instate the comment link of that article together with all the 123 comments that had been posted. What sort of journalism is this?

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