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Thursday, 07 September 2006


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My Dear Southern Cameroonians,

You see the writings in that pictures carried by our brothers, it symbolises the fact that we have been colonised by French mercenaries masquerading as gendarmes.

I thank each and every one that is standing steadfast to these different colonial antics from la Republique du Cameroun. I thank those who are genuinely supporting them in their hearts, wherever you are, you should stand against the exploitation and colonialisation of our land by French mercenaries. We owe a duty to support the destruction of this biya’s junta wherever we are. We might not be Cameroonians now, but by birth, we are and we must stand to defend our historical heritage.

I am personally very proud of our brothers and sisters who have stood to defend their rights. Despite the repeated lies by these criminals (masquerading as businessmen who have bought a privatised company), our brothers have stood for their rights. This is broad daylight robbery by the criminal junta in Yaoundé. Yet some members of this forum will want to sway our opinion towards the very corrupt ideology of the murderous CPDM regime. Who is lying to whom here? La Republique du Cameroon’s corrupt junta in Yaoundé or our poor and helpless parents in tole tea?

Victory is one our side, the poor and helpless. The almighty God will bless all those who have stood for the truth in these very hard times.

Muki StoneHall

All I can say is "Amen!".I can feel the blood rising in my veins.But the day is fast coming when these shameless criminals of La Republque will be paid back in their own coins.But first we must kick out traitors from within the house.Our Anglophone brothers in La Republique who collaborate with the French are our enemies.They are feeding on the sweat of our poor parents.Their days are numbered.


Comrades,We must stay the course to Liberate AMBAZONIA.We must therefore harness our resources and work unflinchingly to deodorize the Colonial Behemoth of a Junta steming from LRC,an unprecedented band of Scroungers.We will get back our Territory because the will is there to do so.Day by day,the colonial junta is being purged.To be continued....

Rene Dibi

Fellow Brothers,

The only language our coloniser understand better is the language of force and hard-hitting fighting. It was only through this means that we got the GCE board. It was also through this means that, the SDF and multi Partism came to Cameroon. It was only through this means that recently the Buea University students had their demands met. And it is only through this means that our brothers of Tole shall have their request granted.

Fellow Southern Cameroonians, Now that we know the language they want us to speak, It will not be wrong to say that our own destiny is in our hands. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to get back what was stolen from us. Now is the time to be free and be free indeed.

Come 1st October, marking the 45th anniversary of our enslavement, let us join the SCNC,SCYL, SCAPO, Ambazonia to condemn these 45 years of miserable slave-hood.
Let us denounce Mr Biya and his frogs. The Southern Cameroons is not and shall never be part of La Republique du Cameroun. And like Rexon said “Victory is one our side, the poor and helpless. The almighty God will bless all those who have stood for the truth in these very hard times”



In as much as we might have differences in opinion as to the way forward, it is very important that we recognise who are bandits in the system and who are those in the queue. In my opinion, Dr AA is simply a crook and a criminal that has been paid by the system to defend its illegal and evil intentions even in this forum. I say so because there are many inconsistencies in his ideas that can be put forward as evidence to my accusation.

Firstly, Dr AA was notorious in defending the interest of Mukete whenever the said Mukete pops up with baseless accusations against Fru Ndi. Most of Mukete's accusations were based on unsubstantiated issues, lies, and vulgar expressions. I never for once read any criticism other than praises for Mukete's useless ideas. More so, Dr AA never recognised any flaw in his writings even when most of us became suspicious of his conduct in this forum. On the contrary, the said Agbormbai has been constantly praising the CPDM junta managing la Republique du Cameroun. Whoever criticises this junta is either castigated as an enemy of progress, a liar or someone who is doomed to fail. When CPDM pundits come to this forum to lie to us, Dr Agbormbai is always the first to use the best of adjectives to describe their ideas. But when intelligent people want to criticise their ideas, Dr AA will rush to instruct us not to look at history as history is always bleak. Dr AA, Whatever you define as history, i can tell you that all we do is history in life as it passes in the next minute. When has the CPDM ever done the right thing?

It is like we are being forced to pledge uncontrollable allegiance to this blood thirsty regime by these criminal called Dr Agbormbai. When we bring facts here to explain why we are not supposed to believe in some of the unscrupulous and evil suggestions by the criminal junta in Yaoundé, Dr AA will employ some of his nonsense adjectives to describe us. But when the same regime is being tainted for something wrong, (for example a theft they might have committed in broad daylight like the tole tea issue), Dr AA will ignore and claim that our poor and helpless parents are the cause of their own predicament. This has happened time and again in this forum. In purely business perspective, I have never seen a company with fixed assets like tole tea whose payback period is interestingly 33 days.

If baba danpullo can recoup his investments in an average of 33 days, then tole tea based on my calculations has been undervalued approximately 70 times. Here again, we don’t see Dr AA criticising the regime for such daylight robbery. But we see him in another article, praising the colonial intent of Kodock and co of the murderous CPDM. This is not history; these are things that are happening now and they all amount to broad daylight robbery by members of this corrupt junta called la Republique du Cameroun. Maybe Dr AA definition of history is that we should ignore all what is evil from the CPDM and criticise all what the opposition does to legitimise biya’s quest for a life presidency.

This is not the time to mark around with the evil intentions of this criminal junta managing la Republique francaise du Cameroun. We know that they have a long history of sponsoring agents and spies all over Europe to defend their criminal intent. Those of us in our early thirties or so have suffered so much because of this criminal regime, in such a way that we always have our blood running high into our veins each time we see our poor relatives still suffering from the hands of these colonialist. Dr AA have proven time and again in his unnecessary criticism of all opposition figures in la Republique du Cameroun and his incessant support of Mr Biya’s junta and all its evil actions and allies in such a way that I can’t describe him with any other expression than “Biya’s chief agent in Europe”.

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