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Thursday, 30 November 2006


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You Tea estates was stolen by Mr Biya and his gang of bandits and handed over to Baba Danpullo in their sham privatisation. Now, he does not want to pay you. You have every right to fight these criminals masquerading as businessmen. It is your right. While you are suffering like these, they are enjoying themselves in europe everyday. Their children are studying in the most prestigious institutions in the developed world, but you can't even afford a daily bread. We need genuine businessmen not criminals who will steal state resources in sham privatisation exercise. If these government want peace, they should employ expert accoutants and financial analysts who can revalue these soo called privatised companies objectively. We are tired of all these lies by these colonialist. They want to colonise us mentally and physically.

Ndu Tea workers, do fight for your rights.


Tole and Ndu workers...join the strike action. Lobby taxi drivers and fight the agents of darkness. Send them away from your territories. You have the cover of the international community. They're invaders and killers.

Send them away! And stop complaining everyday. You've got powers to fight these prematures stooges and whoever. Stop complaining like a kid. Look at South Africa and many other countries that have experienced a great change? Do you think they were chickens like you? We are prepared to help you in whatever way you like.

The SON.


Mr Emmanuel Ngafeeson is talking sense. The workers should collect the 181m FCFA as advance payment and set a deadline for the balance to be paid up.

It is crucial that workers continue to pluck tea because that is the source of future payments. Please STOP this strike! Collect the partial payment. That is the sensible thing to do.

Che Sunday

Mr. Ngafesson,
How often do you receive your salary in portions? Why can't these people be paid what they have earned. It is you and the other idiots parading as a government in Cameroon that should be embarassed. Can you open you hidden accounts to the public? An Australian once joked that the only country he would want to govern on the face of the earth was Cameroon, because it is the only country he knows of whose citizens are happy to work for free. Your government doesn't pay them, when you pay, it is piece-meal. The little they try to save ends up in banks that fail on a daily basis. Yet you have the balls telling the world you are ashamed? When was the last time you looked up the word in a dictionary? Monkey head son of a bitch.

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