By Chris Mbunwe
The National Chairman of the Social Democratic Front, SDF, John Fru Ndi has written to the Prime Minister invoking him to arrest SN Tita and Barrister Bernard Acho Muna for threatening public order.
In an open letter dated December 8, Fru Ndi wrote: "We have been informed that a certain SN Tita, an avowed activist of the Southern Cameroons National Council, SCNC, acting on behalf of Barrister Bernard Acho Muna went on radio and in writing to your local administrator threatening that if SDF activities were allowed to take place, there would be violence and a breach of peace. We expected them to have been arrested for threatening public order."
The SDF chieftain says while his party appreciates Government's tolerance of the SCNC, this should not be done to the detriment of the SDF.
"Furthermore, we are informed that some people are taking advantage of SN Tita's activities to threaten SDF members with expulsion from Limbe if they show up at any SDF rally," said Fru Ndi in his letter to Chief Ephraim Inoni.
Fru Ndi says it is embarrassing and surprising to the SDF that instead of the Inoni's administration arresting Muna and Tita) for inciting violence and breach of the peace, the administration prefers to yield to their threats and ban the activities of a legalised political party.
According to Fru Ndi, this attitude of the administration contradicts the purpose of the declaration of public meetings at least three days in advance as stipulated in the relevant laws intended to protect the applicants.
While calling on the Prime Minister to check the excesses of Muna and his agents, Fru Ndi reminds him of what excesses have brought to countries like Rwanda, Ivory Coast, Sudan (Darfur) and Nigeria.
The SDF National Chairman observes that since the Prime Minister's last visit to Buea, SDF rallies and the National Executive Committee, NEC, meetings scheduled before his visits have "been systematically banned."
Fru Ndi believes that these repeated banning of SDF rallies are being carried out with Inoni's full knowledge. As such, Fru Ndi notes that the SDF has taken this persistent banning as "politically very serious provocative acts."
"They are undertaken deliberately to wreck untold damage on the SDF in terms of human, material, financial and psychological resources and are going with the blessing of your government," remarks Fru Ndi.
Proof of this, Fru Ndi continues, is that the DO for Limbe waited until the eve of SDF rallies when they would have incurred expenses before banning it. The SDF Chairman concludes by stating that the party will respect this second ban because of the tragic events following the strikes at the University of Buea, Maga, Tole, Djutitsa and Ndu.
However, he cautions that the SDF should not be seen to be taking advantage of these social upheavals to press its agenda. "Mr. Prime Minister, we insist that your administration should bring this situation to a speedy end as the SDF will not continue to tolerate these acts of sabotage," Fru Ndi wrote.
This FRu Ndi is a thief. He did not write to the PM to lament the killing of poor University Students. Mr Fru Ndi, you are the biggest thief after Mr Paul.
Posted by: MLRene | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 05:16 PM
Great letter from Ni John Fru Ndi to the government, but the SDF needs to change gears to action. The inclination for the SDF to respect the laws and institutions of the nation is laudable, but this should not be at the expense of a strategy of offense. As we get closer to the elections, the SDF should switch from a defensive strategy to ALL OUT OFFENCE. The people are behind the SDF 100% PLUS. The SDF should not adhere to any more bannings for rallies which she has requested authorisation and gotten it......PERIOD. If it means confrontation, I will be there unfailingly.
Our ACTIONS determine us, as much as we determine our ACTIONS. The SDF should be ready for confrontation, if it wants to remain an ACTION-ORIENTED party.
Posted by: Tabeng Tayim | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 05:24 PM
You are one of the sissies and lackeys from the HOUSELESS, WIFELESS, and HOPELESS TRAITOR called BEN MUNA. You are all best in writing lies which you cannot prove. After you've written a thousand lies about Ni John Fru Ndi, Muna will still not be fit to untie Fru Ndi's shoes in any constituency, including his village of Mbengwi. Go on with your baseless lies. They just reflect the emptiness of the MUNA dreamers.
Posted by: Tabeng Tayim | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 05:31 PM
Tabeng Tayim, do you think with ELECAM the SDF can win any elections in Cameroon? The CPDM's bent at rigging elections. The results of next year's twin elections has already been prepared by two French Political experts and will just be read to you all. Take it or leave it. That's the truth!
I still think ONLY a miracle can do the trick for the SDF as of now. The CPDM has spoiled that party through the Munas and all what not. They paid Mukete, BenFTerribobs in this same forum...and they contaminated the minds of diasporans. Now that I'm typing this mail just turn to one Cameroonian next to you and ask him about the SDF or Cameroon politics, they'll tell you not to disturb them and that they can NEVER waist their time, money and energy to go vote in Cameroon. The BIGGEST battle we're having now is dealing with this aparthy...or better still kicking the etoudi lion out by any means necessary...or even if he's out and there's another FROG I don't believe things'll change. FROGS are it the Anglophone secessionist idea we're taking here?
What do you think?
The Worried SON!
Posted by: Akoson | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 05:57 PM
SDF, are you insinuating that CPDM is kinder to SCNC ?
Posted by: Reader | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 06:08 PM
I agree with you that the Southern Cameroons state is the legitimate aspiration of "Anglophones" in Cameroon. As transparent as that may sound, it is also evident that only warfare will liberate the Southern Cameroons. The reality is that Southern Cameroonians are not willing to go to war to free their nation from the grips of the military junta in Yaounde, at least not the generation of the Southern Cameroonians in their forties and beyond. The younger generation is more militant and only time will tell if they can rise to the challenge. Our problem is that we are marginalized, but not marginalized enough to take up arms.
Don't tell me that we don't have the means. The United States is begging for people to join the army over there cause army recruitment is not meeting its quota. Southern Cameroonians who are over there could coordinate in large numbers and join foreign armies towards an underground liberation force. The greater the motive, the greater the will. There are countless other ways which we could muzzle the means towards liberation.
In the absence of a potent military strategy, the SDF is the best hope for Southern Cameroonians. It is a party initiated by a Southern Cameroonian Nationalist (Alber Mukong), formed by Southern Cameroonians, and launched on Southern Cameroonian blood. It maintains an independent consciousness amongst us, though it might be striving to carve a national platform for Cameroon that reflects the 1961 Plebiscite mandate. I understand where the SCNC is coming from, but we don't have the 4000 well trained troops which it will take to liberate our nation, without provoking a massive ethnic cleansing of Southern Cameroonians.
East cameroon eats on us, feasts on us, boasts on us, and relies on the Southern Cameroons. Without the Southern Cameroons, East Cameroonian will be a starving and warring hybrid between the situation of CAR and Congo Brazaville. They will fight to the death in our quest for seccession. Are we prepared? A Southern Cameroon Indigene Captain in the Cameroun army will tell you that "Quand Yaounde recu, le Cameroun recu".
I strongly think that with the right tide, which cannot be predicted, Cameroon will change under the leadership of the SDF.
Posted by: Tabeng Tayim | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 06:41 PM
Let me give you guys an idea; if La Republic is "taxing" Southern Cameroon, Southern Cameroonians in the diaspora should "tax" the kids of all these ministers. You know their kids are in all these prestigious universities in the west. If you don't understand my meaning of "to tax" substitute your bible with the Koran.
Posted by: Reader | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 06:56 PM
Fru Ndi,
In suggesting that your government has been tolerant with the SCNC, you have indirectly undermined our determination for independence. It is your SDF that your government has been tolerant with and not the SCNC. We are an independent nation that recognises our need for independence. There is no point in u legitimising the activities of these corrupt groups of bandits in our land through your rhetoric that they have been tolerant with us. They have occupied our land and all we are asking them is that they leave. People like you, colonial agent can work as expatriates in La Republique if you want.
Posted by: rexon | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 07:13 PM
Tabeng Tayim alias “ngong dog”
I will not want to get into any war of words with you. I will conclude you are a “ngong” dog and expect you to run home with my tail between your legs if you will not proof me wrong. First I am not loyal to any of the factions in the SDF. For me, the SDF died ten years ago. In 1997 I had written in the Herald newspaper that the SDF was not better or different to the CPDM. Starting at the earth quake the SDF had promised to go into parliament to create. But that same period saw the SDF unite with the CPDM to vote Hon. Cavaye Yeguie Djirbil as house speaker, a post the idiot has held ever since. What an earth quake indeed.
Without getting into the whole lots of misdeeds by the SDF and John Fru Ndi, I want to you learn this. That common sense in politics requires that at the end of given time, political parties should go back to their manifestos and see what projects or aspects of their programs they have not realised. This is some sort of a cross examination. It is expected that at the end, a genuine political party will identify its lapses and sort a different approach in resolving such lapses. The SDF is getting to 20 years with the same mistakes it made on the 26th of May 1992 .
The SDF was formed to fight for the miserable lives of poor Cameroonians ;What has the SDF for over 15 years offered? Look Mr “ngong dog” at the launching of the SDF some years ago and within the ghost town period you like me know that six poor miserable Cameroonians were killed while some youths of Bamenda had their arms chopped of by grenade . These youths were fighting for the SDF because they like me thought SUFFER DON FINISH. I want to tell you that these amputated youths are still rooming Bamenda without any assistance from JFN or the SDF. If JFN can not take care of a small few, will he do so for 16 million?
Students were killed in Buea, what has the SDF done? Not even a memo!!!
Lets tackle it step by step. I wait your reaction from step one ngong dog
Posted by: MLRene | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 08:36 PM
I personally dont believe in any coperation whatsoever with these corrupt group of bandits called the CPDM. Neither do i believe in whatsoever letter written by Fru Ndi or whatsoever opposition to them. The problems we have to face are many and my humble solution to this problem is for every rightminded person to shun these CPDM bandits. You can all aggree with me that Fru Ndi was consulted before this ELECAM was created. So to say, he was part of its creation as he shoked hands and had a meeting with Inoni to set the standards for its creation. If he knew that the CPDM will turn around and impose ELECAM to them, why then did he went for a meeting to discuss anything of the sort with them. The biggest problem we have is that these politicians want to take us for fools.
My opinion is, we should avoid any coperation whatsoever with La Republique's colonial junta. No elections on the territory of the Southern Cameroonians, No Political parties, etc.
Posted by: rexon | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 08:52 PM
Fru Ndi is making a mistake by attacking the SCNC. The SCNC stands for Southern Cameroons aspirations in a broken union with La Republique.
What did the SDF have to say when successful students to UB Medical School were replaced with political nominations that did not sit the exam? What has the SDF got to say about the disproportionate presence of Francophone appointees in overseas missions?
Nobody knows where the confused SDF stands on these issues. Was a motion passed in parliament to check the minister Ndongo?
Posted by: Kumbaboy | Monday, 18 December 2006 at 11:01 PM
Very good ideas there.What Cameroonians desperately need now is change.Whether it comes through the SDF or the SCNC it will still be welcomed.The problem is that most S.Cameroonians are seemingly behaving like bats.They want to see which side is winning, or appearing to win before joining the battle. To be candid,if S.Cameroons independence is declared tomorrow,even Fru Ndi will turn round and denounce his "national" SDF. On the other hand,if by some miracle it becomes clear that an Anglophone is on his way to Etoudi in 2011,Chief Ayamba and rexon will turn round and denounce the SCNC.These two groups are just fighting for the same objective under the different names.Both of them are equally making two great mistakes: SCNC is day-dreaming that independence can be "picked" on paper while SDF is also day-dreaming that it can send a candidate to Etoudi.
At the end of the day,who of them will have more sympathizers will depend on their actions in the field.In this direction,SDF has far more chances than the SCNC.It will be far more easier to squeeze water out of a rock than for SCNC to liberate S.Cameroons on paper.Their endless chain of court cases and internet freedom-fighting will never mean anything.That's why la republique looks perfectly calm and unperturbed and is mocking at them and calling them cowards.I have said it here several times and I will say it again,and again. Southern Cameroonians have only two choices : FIGHT or SLEEP!
Posted by: Muki StoneHall | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 01:42 AM
Muki Stonehall
Get my greatest grievance with this Fri Ndi of a man. This is a man who went into his first presidential election in 1992 and like every Cameroonian was robbed of victory by Mr Biya. The Fru Ndi man because he was poor at the time, called for ghost town and civil unrest. How the thing died down you and me are still wondering.
Along with other opposition parties, he boycotted the next election in October 1997. In October 2004 he participated knowing that the same mechanism that had stolen his and our victory was still there. Muki Stonehall, simple logic has it that if you take a bone from a dog without, giving something delicious in return, that dog would attack you. What was it that was given to Fru Ndi that he would fold his arm and still desire to participate in elections whose results we all know before the elections? I tell you that , the other day Mr Paul came out with ELECAM which Fru Ndi has termed a scandal. Don’t be surprise he calls it a scandal and would participate in election conducted by this scandal. This guy doesn’t care about Cameroonians. He is either dull or he is a thief like Biya. Today, he has to attack SN Tita and he uses the SCNC
I grew up in Victory and have lived to see the political sacrifices Mr Tita has made in bettering the lives of Cameroonians. He has risked his own life and even went on exile because of Cameroonians. Then you get this baboon who goes around romancing with the thief in Yaoundé want to paint him black.
Posted by: MLRene | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 04:04 AM
as u guys have seen that cameroons political arena is very complex and diaversified and it takes alot of intelligence to reach goals.fru ndi must realise that its not about popularity but intelligence to play the game this days.and we the people are praying to God for a humanitarian leader and leaders to serve the rat race within our long time beloved party SDF,i guess the barister is ahead of his rival fru ndi this time around.
mr.muki,some of u sit and talk about fighting to realise goals.we only fight for something we believe in and this scnc thing is not something the people want or know about as a why should we fight for a no just course.when some of u talk about the same marginalisation of southern cameroonians,i will want to point out here that all cameroonians who are living below the bread line and lack basic social amenities and to an extend developmental infrastructural incentives,are victims of marginalisation.if u go to places in the north of cameroon and even within the heart of the so called la republic,u will see gross negligence of the people by should these people pick up arms in the name of independence.history was made,the contract was signed.what now.u want to blame the munas and fonchas.we are just being inferior and out to confuse ourselves and the next generationn of the our beloved country.
if people for all this years didnt pick up arms against mr.Biya and his government u think people will pick up arms against something the no littlte about and do not believe in.if u think am lying ask the avergy cameroonian about this union stuff and they will tell u the no nothing about that or why they should seperate as a nation for all these years.
as far as am concerned,its the governments responsibility to deliver and serve our country to a stage of prosperrity and if the poeple do not want that govt they have a right to out vote that fru ndi,and all those opposition leaders ready to come out with one candidate to challenge mr.biya come next elections?because with all the disunity among and within the opposition party like the SDF,it will take divine intervention to win the cpdm in any elections.this guys must be united and work for the betterment of our country.if not we might better well rally behind biya in his, as i see it "revival campaign"to better the nation,of which some one else can do it.the question is who?fru ndi,muna,ngwasiri,ayamba,oben,bouba bello or who.individually non of the guys can match monsieur le president but united they can.but the question is are these power hungry old fellows ready compromise.big big question.peace people.
Posted by: espoir | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 04:39 AM
as u guys have seen that cameroons political arena is very complex and diaversified and it takes alot of intelligence to reach goals.fru ndi must realise that its not about popularity but intelligence to play the game this days.and we the people are praying to God for a humanitarian leader and leaders to serve the rat race within our long time beloved party SDF,i guess the barister is ahead of his rival fru ndi this time around.
mr.muki,some of u sit and talk about fighting to realise goals.we only fight for something we believe in and this scnc thing is not something the people want or know about as a why should we fight for a no just course.when some of u talk about the same marginalisation of southern cameroonians,i will want to point out here that all cameroonians who are living below the bread line and lack basic social amenities and to an extend developmental infrastructural incentives,are victims of marginalisation.if u go to places in the north of cameroon and even within the heart of the so called la republic,u will see gross negligence of the people by should these people pick up arms in the name of independence.history was made,the contract was signed.what now.u want to blame the munas and fonchas.we are just being inferior and out to confuse ourselves and the next generationn of the our beloved country.
if people for all this years didnt pick up arms against mr.Biya and his government u think people will pick up arms against something the no littlte about and do not believe in.if u think am lying ask the avergy cameroonian about this union stuff and they will tell u the no nothing about that or why they should seperate as a nation for all these years.
as far as am concerned,its the governments responsibility to deliver and serve our country to a stage of prosperrity and if the poeple do not want that govt they have a right to out vote that fru ndi,and all those opposition leaders ready to come out with one candidate to challenge mr.biya come next elections?because with all the disunity among and within the opposition party like the SDF,it will take divine intervention to win the cpdm in any elections.this guys must be united and work for the betterment of our country.if not we might better well rally behind biya in his, as i see it "revival campaign"to better the nation,of which some one else can do it.the question is who?fru ndi,muna,ngwasiri,ayamba,oben,bouba bello or who.individually non of the guys can match monsieur le president but united they can.but the question is are these power hungry old fellows ready compromise.big big question.peace people.
Posted by: espoir | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 04:42 AM
Again, a bootlicker espoir coming with another colonial antics here to defend the interest of their murderous CPDM claiming to be an SDF or something of the kind. Espoir, u are no SDF and you are not a Southern Cameroonian. You are a citizen of La Republique and your views does not represent that of the average Southern Cameroonian you claim to write for.
In a bid to defend the interest of your CPDM, you have been flip-flopping in this forum.
Espoir, Hear you:
"if u go to places in the north of cameroon and even within the heart of the so called la republic,u will see gross negligence of the people by government"
Who have told u that they quest for independence for the Southern Cameroons is based on negligence. Southern Cameroonians have constantly reminded readers here of the manipulation of their constitutional rights. Though our arguments have been customarily linked to the marginalisation of the Southern Cameroons, this has been based on creative compliance of rules put in place by La Republique colonial agents. We habitually link such compliance with basic consitutionally rights of Southern Cameroonians. So to say, our main concern has been on the coloniasation of our land.
Muki Stonehall,
It is seemingly difficult to disentangle the Southern Cameroonian strugle with the Common problems of La Republique. That is why you might want to think that most Southern Cameroonians have uncontrolled allegiance in both the SDF and the SCNC. Nonetheless, i am an SCNC and if i think i can support a government that can overthrow Biya and grant my independence,i will do just that. In as much as i am interested in working with the SCNC, i am also concerned that a weak government or a government that understand the arguments put forward by Southern Cameroonians will be interested in granting our independence that the current evil and unconcerned biya regime. If we go out now even with arms without proper cordination, we will be shot at and killed. French Helicopters will also come in to provide ground support. We need proper cordination and foreign backing. As things stand, we cant expose how far we have gone. Muki, you will consent with me that matters of strategy are not good for a public forum.
Posted by: rexon | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 05:47 AM
ML Rene,
Let me come in here.More often than not we have had people here on this forum start off the way you have done,but only to run into speed breaks.One thing characterises this people.They always try to disguise,and worst of all outrightly arrogant.If in 2006 an inteellectual brands the leader he however expects results from baboon,then every one will know his morality is wanting.Lets go to the facts.
ML Rene,forgeting about your invectives,i will want you to take your time and verify facts before writing here,in order not to look like a fool in front of the world when you make claims.You have written all over that your Baboon Fru Ndi did not react when UB was in crisis.That is intellectual dishonesty.On December 05th 2006,Fru Ndi personally dispatched his 2nd National Chair Joshua Osih to Buea to appraise the situation,and in the days that followed the SDF made its stance clear on this issue,and took sides with the students.
Your intellectual dishonesty is further compounded by sallacious claims that are groundless.According to you it is because the SDF voted Cavaye Djibril in 1997 that he is still there today.How many elections have been organised in Cameroon since 1997? What have you done to correct this error by dislodging Cavaye? Today the Cavayes are using the same methods they have used since 1992 to keep power in their hands,if you were in Fru Ndi`s place what would you do? Propose concrete measures ,and stop name calling.Fru Ndi boycotted the elections in 1997,and the electorate was very angry with him ,so in 2004 he went in,and the elections were defrauded as usual,what did the electorate do? ML Rene it is Fru Ndi`s place as the frontline Opposition leader in the country to point out the fraud,and scandals the government is orchestrating,and he takes part in elections because quiters never win.
Even if he boycots all elections in Cameroon
that will not stop Biya from ruling with an iron fist.Did the Bishops,SDF not a present a good blueprint of an IEC to the government
the other day? Is this not the same government that has sidelined all these and is doing everything to stay in power.
ML Rene this forum is not new to apologists of all sorts who just crop up when one of their is attacked.Everybody now knows you came on because S.n Tita has been attacked.The question is ,where did you chew your gums when your God S.N Tita called for the Limbe population to stone Fru Ndi? Of course Fru Ndi to you is a baboon,that is why you are now spilling your spittle telling the world that ,"I grew up in Victoria and has lived to see the political sacrifices S.n Tita has made to better the lives of Cameroonians" Thanks a lot,i hope you don`t run out of steam soon without enumerating this sacrifices that you helped him to make.
You are trying to distort Fru Ndi`s ideas to please your whims and caprices.Fru Ndi has not attacked the SCNC.What Fru Ndi is basically saying is what we have been saying here,that uprooting Biya can come from different directions,and that the SDF has never stood on the way of any other movement that is bent on achieving whatever thing from Biya.But it seems some Scnc apologists are looking forward to a showdown between Fru Ndi ,and the SCNC.They try to conceal the power mongering amongst themselves,the lack of any strategy by persisting hanging on to Fru Ndi`s name.All these months the SCNC fight has been reduced to Fru Ndi bashing.We have never seen a Freedom movement that is hanging on to a political party to show it the way.By constantly mentioning Fru Ndi instead of Ayamba shows they don`t have a strategy.Fru Ndi has become a perceived threat,thats why they all jumped out today telling the world that Fru Ndi has attack the SCNC.No Sirs! It is Biya that has been attacking the SCNC ,and suffocating its leaders.They should stand up to him.Fru Ndi doesn`t have arms,and even ideas to attack the SCNC. Fru Ndi just wants to remind S.n Tita that since he has been championing his SCNC ideas ,he Fru Ndi never asked anybody to stone him for his secessionist ideas.If the SCNC wants to reduce the fight to Fru Ndi bashing ,we are going to reduce the fight to pointing out the fact that their noise is worthless so far,and that they only imagined that they could go to war,but has never done so.
Posted by: Watesih | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 05:49 AM
ML Rene,
I think you know much about the SDF.
Now that we have this kind of situation at hand.Everyone is disappointed by the ELECAM blah blah blah.
I'll re-frame Watesih; Kindly advice Fru Ndi or the opposition as a whole on how to deal with the government come 2007.
That that would be better than blasting, wouldn't it?
that's a great outlook on the balance between the SDF-SCNC-La Republique du Cameroun.
take no offense, please, read more and you will be read more.
You definitely know where the SDF stands. Despite the shortcomings of the SDF, it surely remains the expression of the depraved and deprived Cameroonian.
Posted by: Mbu.B | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 06:53 AM
Pa SN Tita in declaring that Fru Ndi should be stoned and that Muna's SDF is seemingly where he places his allegiance has proven that he does not belong to any legitimate SCNC. If sometime in the future, his own version of the SCNC pops up masterminded by the Muna's and the Ngwasiri's and financed by La Republique's colonial agents, you guys should not be surprised. That said, no rightminded person can pay allegiance to the Muna's in this fight for freedom. Pa's allegiance to the Muna's might be a sort of embarassment even to his own children. I think it has something to do with a kind of "old age" What can the Muna's offer to Southern Cameroonians? Those are Southern Cameroonians expatriates who have been trained and brainwashed by La Republique. They only come to Mbengwi or specifically their native Ngyen Mbo when they want to lie to their people or bury one of their own. Muna's view represent those of the very corrupt people of Southern Cameroonian heritage trained in Yaounde.
Posted by: rexon | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 06:59 AM
Strategies to defeat La Republique (by war or ideas) are not meant for this forum. It is the SDF that has been singing and clapping hands with the CPDM in their parliament from the time they realised that they cannot defeat them.
Posted by: rexon | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 07:06 AM
If I understand you well, Muna is dangerous for the SCNC too..
Posted by: Mbu.B | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 07:16 AM
I do agree with you fully that SCNC strategies are not meant for a public forum like this one.I equally hope and pray that such strategies do not take ages to materialise.What S.Cameroonians need now is coordination marched with action.Just any kind of action.
It really saddens me to think that S.Cameroons have seemingly accepted their fate under la republique and have left their destiny to chance.If you read Christopher Nsahlai's comments elsewhere in The Post that cpdm militants must help Biya fight the SCNC, then you'll agree with me that SCNC's fight is not even with la republique but against brainwashed traitors within her territory.
To me, what I want to see now is action. In my room, I've got both SCNC and SDF T-shirts and banners.If I see SDF marching down the streets,I'll put on my SDF T-shirt and join them.If I see SCNC activist demonstrating I'll join them.If I see them stoning a traitor I'll gather my own stones and join them.
Posted by: Muki StoneHall | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 08:04 AM
Neither the SCNC nor the SDF has got that powers as to question Biya.Today there is no opposition political party in Cameroon.All the parties we dreamt of that could foster party politics and bring dynamism in the political atmosphere in Cameroon,has long been forgotten.Gone are those days when Fru Ndi's rallies could shake a city.Even without SN Tita's comment nor Muna's stringent opposition to Fru's ideologies the SDF under Fru Ndi has been termed a mere representative party to the ruling CPDM with no hope of one day becoming the ruling party.
Biya's ministery and henchmen are now incharge of conducting next year's parliamentary elections what has NJFN done to say no to this move?He only thinks of Muna and Ngwasiri but remain silent to Biya's underminding actions to form an Independent Electoral commission.After he was invited by the President recently what good news did he bring back home from his mvomeka friend?He remains speechless and just accept everything Biya is saying.Why then is there an opposition party.
The Fru we knew of has become a puppet head and yet point accusing fingers here and there.Let him tell us his stragegies of combatting the ruling CPDM than to waste all his time to fight for supremacy while the party losses its national prestige and recognition.I am very heartbroken and upset when I see the political happenings today and take a retrospective in the yearsteryears when the opposition had not dine and wine with the CPDM.They are now either directly or indirectly under the CPDM nor pretenciously rubbing shoulders while enjoying the CPDM cake in abstencia.
Fritzane Kiki
Hong Kong
Posted by: Fritzane Kiki HK | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 08:11 AM
Fritzane Kiki,
Awake from your slumber.
You say "...After he was invited by the President recently what good news did he bring back home from his mvomeka friend?He remains speechless and just accept everything Biya is saying.Why then is there an opposition party".
Refer to the following links to get the answer to you vague questions
Some of us have the habit of laying blame and pointing fingers to leaders who spend enormous time and sacrifice their resources to make a better Cameroon for us.
If you read the last article linked above, you shall be aware of the clamour of Ni John Fru Ndi and the SDF for Cameroonians to outrightly reject ELECAM. So what have you done to heed to this call?
Gentleman, politics is not about hiding behind a computer monitor and punching in baseless criticism. It is more of being PROACTIVE, and that you are not. Sorry.
Posted by: Feli | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 08:28 AM
Fru Ndi is partly responsible for the creation of ELECAM, period. How many lessons does he wants to learn that these criminals are not good to be shoked hands with. Despite the numerous consultations, meetings, parliamentary participations and sessions, what good has come out of them? Has the SDF not learnt that these group of people are not supposed to be listened to? Fru Ndi was consulted before the creation and ELECAM and his ideas were taken before ELECAM was created period. We saw him shocking hands with the colonial prime Minister Inoni before ELECAM was created. To us, he was consulted and his ideas taken into consideration. Whatever story he is telling us now through long speeches in the media is his own.
Excellent analysis of the situation. I hope this SDF people should know that we cannot be fooled for the rest of our lives. They were consulted by Mr Biya before ELECAM was created. They are part and parcel of its creation. They cannot keep telling us that the CPDM is manipulating their councils (through government delegates and financial secretaries), manipulating them in parliament, etc. They are responsible for all the actions of the CPDM since they are coperating with them to legitimise Mr Biya's argument in the international community that La Repulique is a multiparty democracy.
Posted by: rexon | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 08:55 AM
I am not a sympathiser of any party.I have abserve keenly for the past 16 years events of this party,with all rapture and dismay that party politics in Cameroon is dormant and I just hope we should face realities or we continue to adore a chairman who is only contented of his chairmanship position than telling the president enough is enough.The point is if he knows that the SDF is able to bring that long dreamt glory to the Anglophones then good for him.But most if not everyone in Cameroon voting age thinks Fru and his entourage has nothing to offer to the people as a whole.
Biya knows he will always give him financial assistance and Fru knows it well that he receives funds from Biya(he once said this funds was for his wife funeral but later testified that he uses it for running the party).That notwithstanding he has more than enough time to tell the general SDF community what his strategies can offer for the betterment of the party and supporters alike;16 years is not 16 days my brother.Come on.We need changes and not promises anymore.
Fritzane Kiki
Hong Kong
Posted by: Fritzane Kiki HK | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 09:02 AM
Muki StoneHall,
I totally agree with you on the point that we either “FIGHT OR SLEEP”. La Republique has gone to extraordinary lengths in its crusade to assassinate the political identity of Southern Cameroons.
We all want change but we seem not to be willing to pay the concurrent price….Life doesn’t work that way!! In my opinion, since “the lion man” has polished his election rigging skills to perfection, the SCNC is the way forward. However, to my greatest dismay, the SCNC has adopted a rather too soft approach.
Lets consider the analogy of the 1789 French Revolution, which underpins the very civil liberty enjoyed in France today. Its slogan was “liberty, equality, fraternity OR DEATH”. Nonetheless, the SCNC subscribes solely for “the force of argument and NOT the argument of force”. Thats not good enough.
The SCNC cause presents an even more enormous challenge because some buffoons are easily bought over to dine and wine with “the lion man” while our people perish.
Until we are willing to place the national interest of Southern Cameroons before personal gratifications;
Until fraternity takes precedence over “politics of the stomach”;
Until we are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the interest of our land;
We shall continue to shed crocodile tears while bandits of La republique gloat over their loot.
Tangunyi Jerome
Posted by: Jerome Lawen Tangunyi | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 09:29 AM
My God,
at times I nod my head in dismay at the degree of information distortion I find in this forum.
the fact that Ni John Fru Ndi shook hands with Inoni does not make him in any way responsible for the actions and deeds of the government of Cameroon. Visit your history books and learn. The fact that Madela shook hands with De Klerk did not make him responsible for the policy of Apartheid. Same as the fact that Neville Chamberlain shook hands with Hitler after the later had forced in the Anschluss with Austria and the assimilation of Sudetenland did not make Chamberlain responsible for WWII.
In politics, great leaders never close the avenue of parlance. Even if the fruits of dialogue are not reaped, civility would always reign at the height of disagreement. It is because of this civility in Ni John Fru Ndi that Cameroon has not been reduced to a charnel house, a rubble heap and a breeding ground of pestilence and hate.
And today, the adamant government can even mention the word "independence" when it comes to elections!
This funding issue can not be so complicated to understand. Because even the Class seven pupils my aunt teaches know that political parties in Cameroon's parliament receive stipends from the state for their day-to-day running as stipulated by law. It is NOT thanks to Biya's largesse and has never been a piece-meal to cajole or influence anyone. What is so difficult to understand in this ?
The same applies to medical evacuations. The funds for such purposes are not derived from some one's account or meant to derange political agenda in any way.
People in Cameroon know these things that is why it is not an issue at all.
It is for this reason that I say for the second time: Awake from your slumber!!!
Posted by: Feli | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 09:34 AM
It is really annoying seeing educated people making silly comments. The way I see it, Fru Ndi has done all that which a reasonable politician can do taking into consideration the political terrain. Fru Ndi and the SDF are on the right path and are using the appropriate channels to put forward their grievances. The responsibility to bring down the Biya's regime lies on us individually or collectively and not Fru Ndi. If Fru Ndi and the SDF decides to boycott all the elections,if they decide to go on hunger stike or boycott work or prevent their children from going to school in protest against the corrupt Biya's regime that would not change a thing.
Fru Ndi and the SDF are using the right strategies as a mature political party to put forward their grievances.It is worth pointing out that SDF is not a rebel group but a recognized political party that has guide lines. We should blame ourselves for being so divided rather than blaming Fru Ndi or the SDF or the SCNC.
On a more serious not, if some of you are so impatient and has given up hope that the SDF or SCNC cannot effect change in Cameroon why not plot for the assasination of Biya?. Afterall John F.Kennedy was shot and killed by an individual. Your name can go down in history.
Posted by: Big Joe | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 10:24 AM
It is really annoying seeing educated people making silly comments. The way I see it, Fru Ndi has done all that which a reasonable politician can do taking into consideration the political terrain. Fru Ndi and the SDF are on the right path and are using the appropriate channels to put forward their grievances. The responsibility to bring down the Biya's regime lies on us individually or collectively and not Fru Ndi. If Fru Ndi and the SDF decides to boycott all the elections,if they decide to go on hunger strike or boycott work or prevent their children from going to school in protest against the corrupt Biya's regime that would not change a thing.
Fru Ndi and the SDF are using the right strategies as a mature political party to put forward their grievances.It is worth pointing out that SDF is not a rebel group but a recognized political party that has guide lines. We should blame ourselves for being so divided rather than blaming Fru Ndi or the SDF or the SCNC.
On a more serious note, if some of you are so impatient and has given up hope that the SDF or SCNC cannot effect change in Cameroon why not plot for the assasination of Biya?. Afterall John F.Kennedy was shot and killed by an individual. Your name can go down in history.
Posted by: Big Joe | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 10:29 AM
Big Joe,
I see the solution this way. If we have to vote and Mr Biya rigs elections, we should not vote. If we vote and people go to parliament and cannot bring any positive changes, they should not go. Some people should not be sacrificing while others are benefitting. If the parliament includes only CPDM politicians and no oppisition, then the international community will not see Cameroon as a multiparty democracry, period.
Posted by: rexon | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 10:35 AM
I have all along been taking it for granted that you are well-versed with the political topography of Cameroon.Do you know how many legalised political parties operate in Cameroon? Do you know how many of them are state-owned.Do you know about the so-called Presidential majority? You seem to think that SDF is the only political party in Cameroon.Cameroon will always be a multiparty state whether SDF takes part in elections or not.Is there a way you can convince Kudock and Bella Bouba who are already in gov't not to take part in elections? Are there not opposition leaders? Even if you can convince them, the Achidi Achu's and Yangs will form an opposition party overnight and be represented in parliament the next day.Elections or no elections,Biya can virtually make opposition parliamentarians at any time.
The point is, when we advance ideas, lets choose the more feasible ones.One of SDF's greatest blunders is to have boycotted parliamentary elections in 1992.Another boycott will be the last nail on the coffin. Cameroon is not a country where boycott is an option.
Posted by: Muki StoneHall | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 11:02 AM
When i speak of the CPDM, i mean the CPDM and all its products including our own Muna-SDF. As things stand, the CPDM is investing heavily on destabilising the SDF. That is what the SDF people have to understand. I do not think some political parties like MDR, ANDP, Muna/Ngwasiri's SDF, SDP, ETC can be classified by any righminded person as an opposition. If this government finally succeeds in openly manipulating this SDF through people like Mbah Ndam that it has trained and indoctrinated in Yaounde, then graffi people will be a laughing stock to other Cameroonians. Note that the biggest political blunder Fru Ndi has ever made is to accept subsistence when his wife was sick from the CPDM and his renting his house to PMUC. While i understood why he rented his house to PMUC, i still think it was a political blunder that has seemingly and partially destroyed the SDF.
Posted by: rexon | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 11:17 AM
When will the strongest opposition call for the prosecution of those gun-toting and marauding flatfeets who killed students irrationally in UB? Is it the PM or the State Prosecutor to verify,arrest and jail someone of an offence?Or this should happen because na strongest Opposition be threatened?Hilarious?
Intimidating troop deployment in Anglophone provinces failed to stop activists from hoisting the Southern Cameroons flag in several locations. In Europe, demonstrators burned the flag of the Republic of Cameroon.
By Franklin Sone-Bayern
With correspondent reports
Demonstartors in Germany set Cameroon flag of ablaze
Government vigilance and literal man-to-man marking of SCNC leaders still failed to hold back the tide of touch-and-run symbolic acts by determined SCNC activists on October 1 this year. Flags of the self-proclaimed independent Federal Democratic Republic of Southern Cameroons were defiantly hoisted in parts of “Southern Cameroons”, the largest one near the grave of founding father, John Ngu Foncha. Some flags fluttered for only a few minutes before they were torn down by uncompromising security officers. Yet they flew for long enough to symbolize a people’s will to defy the odds and seize their right to self-determination.
Anglophone Cameroonians in the diaspora, representing a strong moral and material support to the SCNC, made a strong showing at embassies in Europe. In Brussels, SCNC activists echoed the threat by SCYL leader Akwanga Ebenezer, “La République will hear from us soon!” They explained it showed their resolve to support the military option after years of successfully sensitizing the Anglophone public about the cause. Other banners read: “Southern Cameroons must be free! Freedom Freedom Freedom is all we need; colonisation is a crime against humanity! Colonisation is terrorism!”
Daniel Korondo in Brussels told Post Newsmagazine that SCNC activists demonstrated in front of the European Union headquarters under the leadership of their chapter chairman Rene Morfaw and another local official, Ewane Lawrence Ngolo.
In Germany, reports say SCNC activists burned the flag of La République du Cameroun and hoisted that of the Federal Democratic Republic of Southern Cameroons. German police escorted them as they protested carrying banners, flags and placards along the streets of the western German city of Essen. At the Cameroon consulate in Heierbusch Street 28, they sang the Southern Cameroons “national anthem” and listened to speeches by Victor Fuabeh, Cho Ayaba, Francis Akosah and other delegates.
Back home, defiant SCNC activists played hide and seek with security officers stationed even at the homes of SCNC leaders. Nothing was left to chance by the security services that had firm instructions to frustrate October 1 activities by the separatist movement. In Bamenda, all private radio stations were under security watch. Police officers monitored and recorded broadcasts for any information on the SCNC and eventually arrested two journalists of Radio Hot Cocoa for reporting on the activities of the separatist movement. Apparently under pressure from administrative authorities, station manager Gideon Tarka suspended Collins Anye and Walters Awunfe for announcing the arrest of some SCNC militants. Police also arrested a reporter of the Catholic newspaper L’Effort Camerounais Kingsley Njoka, for taking a photo of police whom he suspected of arresting SCNC militants.
Security forces kept a permanent vigil outside the homes of SCNC officials. They later searched and seized documents and equipment they said were incriminating from the homes of two faction leaders of the separatist movement, Nfor Ngala Nfor, vice chairman of the Chief Ayamba Otun faction, and the leader of a rival faction, Thomas Nwancham. Even worse, some senior officials of the SCNC were arrested and reportedly tortured at the Gendarmerie Legion Up-Station in Bamenda and later transferred to the Bamenda Central Prison.
Throughout this ordeal, SCNC leaders remained in hiding. A local police chief in Bamenda narrated how the SCNC North West coordinator, Hitler Mbinglo, fled for fear of arrest. Nfor Nfor was reportedly out of the country, while Chief Ayamba was unaccounted for, as his phone lines were inaccessible. His “Independence Day” speech was, however, in circulation. In Bamenda it was read by the Mezam “County” chairman, Emmanuel Muma, at an undisclosed location.
Around the Anglophone provinces, precisely in Kumbo, Bamendakwe, Nkambe, Bambui, Tubah, Bambili, Buea, Mamfe, Besongabang and Eyumojock, correspondent reports and testimonies from SCNC leaders say Southern Cameroons flags were hoisted. Amid tight security, diehard SCNC militants dodged their way around security vigilance to pose the symbolic act. SCNC sources in Mamfe say four separatist flags were raised but later pulled down by security officers in the presence of the Divisional Officer. In neighbouring Besongabang, the same source says five flags were hoisted, while in Ewele village in Eyumojock, flags were put up with fetishes and only removed by security officers after cleansing by a native doctor.
Elsewhere, dare-devil and provocative acts included the hoisting of the separatist flag near the residence of the SDO, the local secretariat of the ruling CPDM party and another between the offices of the Police and Gendarmerie in Kumbo. Such daring acts in Kumbo leave hardly anyone surprised. Kumbo has always been the hotspot. It was in Kumbo where at least four SCNC militants were shot dead during October 1, 2001 demonstrations. Kumbo is also reputed to have been the venue of fatal armed attacks that were carried out in 1997 against local administrative officials and gendarmes, in what the government described as SCNC terrorist acts. But most Anglophone political leaders and journalists accused the government of carrying out the attacks in a bid to give the SCNC a bad name and hang it. Many Southern Cameroons activists, including the youth leader, Akwanga Ebenezer, were tried and jailed over the incident.
SCNC militants abroad have continually saluted the defiance and daring attitude of militants in Kumbo with the hope that those in other parts of the country would emulate the Kumbo approach that could trigger an armed rebellion. Many of them express the wish that the struggle would graduate to the military option since years of success in defying the government to commemorate October 1 have done little beyond sensitising Anglophones, the Cameroon public and the international community.
No Dialogue with a Deaf
Calls by Anglophones for government to examine their grievances have met scorn and repression.
By Churchill Samba
If you want to know how impulsive or quick-tempered a man is, poke a finger into his anus when he is not paying attention. The reaction is typically impetuous. President Paul Biya has driven, and continues to drive, his fingers into the anus of Southern Cameroonians without any fear of repercussions. Yes, the Southern Cameroonian has demonstrated that he is enduring, patient and non-violent. However, the finger that goes into the anus must surely come out with something, even if it is an uncomfortable tang.
About a week to October 1, the Southern Cameroons National Council was in full gear preparing to commemorate the 45th Independence Anniversary of the Southern Cameroons, when President Biya announced a new cabinet. Anglophones were expectant – more portfolios and more important ministries. Their expectations were dashed to the wall as one Anglophone was robbed to pay another. The SCNC expressed no surprise. Mr Biya had just given them another weapon.
In March and April 1997, scores of Southern Cameroonians were arrested from various parts of the Northwest Province for alleged “terrorist attacks” on gendarmerie stations. They, including Ebenezer Akwanga, Chairman of the Southern Cameroons Youth League (SCYL), were jettisoned to Yaounde in the dead of night. Four years later, they were tried by a military tribunal which imputed guilt on them before the trial began. Before that trial, three of the detainees had died from torture and the horrible conditions of the prison.
In December 1999, the SCNC seized Radio Buea and broadcast an independence message. A seasoned magistrate, Chief Justice Ebong Alobwede, who had been forgotten in an obscure office in the Ministry of Justice, owned up that he carried out the operation. He and his acolytes were picked up and, as expected, taken to Yaounde. I am sure the authorities beat fear into Justice Ebong before releasing him under undisclosed conditions.
In September 2001, the SCNC announced that it would celebrate the Independence anniversary of the Southern Cameroons come October 1. Contingents of gendarmes and police were immediately deployed from Yaounde and Bafoussam across major Anglophone towns to preempt the celebration. However, in Kumbo in the North West Province, Southern Cameroonians poured out into the streets with leaves and placards. Four of them, one of whom had spent four years in Kondengui after the 1997 arrests, were cut down by oppressive bullets. And then President Paul Biya sent a message of condolence to the bereaved families that was read over CRTV Bamenda whose signals are not received in the affected villages.
Sometime in 2002, an SDF Electoral District Chairman, Titiahonjo Mathew, and five others were arrested in Ndop in connection with the alleged theft of a gendarme’s gun. They were detained in the Bafoussam prison until Titiahonjo died under very murky circumstances. The story of one George Shyntum who was tortured to death by gendarmes in Kumbo, without him having provoked them, must not be forgotten either.
Stories about the ordeal of hordes of Southern Cameroonians who have lost their lives to the oppressive regime in Cameroon because of their belief and struggle for justice may sound too foreign to some Cameroonians who have chosen to cover their eyes with leaves, yet they are real. Many families and communities have been shattered and bruised and want consolation. But there is none to come from the inhuman government in Yaounde.
One could go on to recount these ordeals for unnumbered pages while more is still expected.
In mid-September, security forces raided the SCNC secretariat in Bamenda and arrested everybody found in the vicinity. The SCNC had announced it was to hold a planning meeting ahead of the October 1 Independence anniversary celebrations. Similarly, security forces, some of them from out of the Southern Cameroons, were deployed to rein the Biafrans from conducting any form of celebration or mourning, while Prefets in various Divisions in the North West and South West interdicted any form of political, economic, social or cultural gatherings around that period.
The present situation can be compared to that of the man who puts a water-filled kettle on the fire and then seals it so that the vapour cannot escape, yet leaves the kettle on the fire. The man should definitely keep a good distance when the kettle explodes. Yes! The present dispensation threatens a peril of historical magnitude.
What options does the Biya regime leave the ordinary Southern Cameroonian? Can the regime pretend not to understand the frustration of Southern Cameroonians? Perhaps Southern Cameroonians are not doing enough to bring their plight to the attention of President Biya and his government.
One would therefore expect Southern Cameroonians to reflect on the regime’s incredible determination to scorn them and come out with a serious plan of action that should force it to review its attitude.
The SCNC, for her part, should use the recent cabinet shake-up to further mobilize Southern Cameroonians to join in the fight for their right to self-determination. The SCNC must also reflect on its motto of “The force of argument and not the argument of force” and explain to Southern Cameroonians how it plans to dialogue with a regime that is blind, dumb and deaf.
One should not lose sight of the Southern Cameroons Youth League either. The SCYL Chairman declared in a recent interview with Post Newsmagazine (No 002, August 2006) that the Biya regime and the international community can understand only one language about the precarious plight of Southern Cameroonians. President Biya’s recent cabinet reshuffle lends credence to the claim of the SCYL Chair.
Posted by: Ndiks | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 11:28 AM
rexon my man,u might call me a cpdm but all am doing is trying to kind realistically rather than rely on history or some sort of fiction.all i want and hope for is a better life for all cameroonians.i dont care who gives that reality.but for me to go and deliberately cite with scnc because am a northwesterner with no clear goal or vision is the way mr.rexon,what constitutional rights have been manipulated?i dont know.common sense shows that cameroon was one nation when our leaders signed a partnership of brotherhood to be one.and if there was any constitution it had to be one constitution.when u talk of manipulation did govt manipulate the constitution of the republic of cameroon or the constitution of the so called southern cameroon?
if u are refering to some agreement of sharing power or so u have to realise that things changed when cameroon become a multiparty state,or maybe we started this propaganda of succession.and if there is any constitution manipulation that is hanging in the air then let justice run its course in the courts of law.
guys, lets be realistic and sincere to ourselves and stop these non-sense in the name of succession.its dividing us more.the truth is scnc is a disterbance in the struggle for a better cameroon.fru ndi himself knows let ayamba and his gang be quiet and let real things happen.
to me,the sdf had always been the party i thought would bring the much needed change,until its leadership started being corrupt,power-hunger and unaccountable.but the sdf being the strongest opposition party in cameroon is the only realistic route to follow provided the put the interest of the people first and place their house together and then they will position them selves once again as the winning team.until then.............peace.
Posted by: espoir | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 02:10 PM
Tita Espoir,
Hear what you have to tell this forum:
"and if there is any constitution manipulation that is hanging in the air then let justice run its course in the courts of law"
You really make me laugh. Which courts of law are you referring to? If you want to recognise that no courts of Law exist in la republique francaise du cameroun, read through:
And maybe you will understand that there are no courts of Law in La Republique francaise Du Cameroun.
And for the Southern Cameroonians constitutional rights, i will advise you to seek to understand the details of the name changing syndrome that has been going on in La Republique. From Federal republic of Cameroon, the United Republic of Cameroon to La Repuublique.
Posted by: rexon | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 08:01 PM
If you don’t support the Anglophone fight, you certainly have a right to your personal views. But you don’t have a right to questions others` who do so.
We have had similar arguments like this. During the University of Yaoundé student strike in the 80s when Anglophones fought to protect our system of education and during the struggle for the creation of the GCE board. Today we all benefit from the GCE board. Where those Anglophone "Judas" who said the GCE board was a bad idea and that government is always right.
If you are a skeptic, stay home. Let others struggle for the common good.
I have so much respect for Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi. Unfortunately, he should understand he can never be the present of La Republic Du Cameroun, because he is a foreign. His opposition colleagues, mostly francophone, have made that point by not supporting him as a single candidate. My dear "hero" joint Chief Ayamba. That is a better fight for you.
Posted by: M Nje | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 09:26 PM
M Njie,
I salut you for presenting the facts as it is. Ni John can never be the president of La Republique as he knows that. He has been told that Frankly by Hogbe Nlend and others managing la republique. He is not constitutionally part of that republic and he knows that very well.
Concerning the issue of the GCE board, i have long said when our elder brothers like Boh Herbert, Julius Wamey, Peter Teforlack, Carlson Anyangwe were sacrificing their careers to defend our southern Cameroonian heritage, others like the Muna's, Ngwasiri, Inoni, Meoto, Musonge, Njeuma, Luc Ananga, Elame, were búsy trying to discredit them and calling them trouble makers. It is thesame story today. As we are figting to reinstate our country the Southern Cameroons, others are using titles like terrorist to describe us. No matter how i am abused, i will still work for the restoration of our statehood. That is my ultimate ambition. Those who want to believe in the SDF frolics and all Ni John Wahala can do that.
Posted by: rexon | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 10:08 PM
Can somebody corroborate this;
"Beloved Netmates:
Exactly one and a half hours ago, a MIRACLE happened
at SDF National Chairman's residence.
Honourable Professor Clement Foty Ngwasiri accompanied
by his wife and a Pentacostal Pastor came in. Their
Apologize to and ask for the forgivenness of the
National Chairman for what he Ngwasiri has done to
him, SDF and the Cameroonians.
Find here attached letters written to the Courts
withdrawing all cases against the SDF by him
After brief presentations in true reconciliation
spirit by both he, his pastor and the National
Chairman, Prayers were said by the Pastor and conluded
by the National Chairman.
While depending on the LORD Almighty God to water this
seed, I personally ask all to also pray.
More next time.
Posted by: Big Joe | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 03:01 AM
Big Joe,
Ngwasiri is henchman of the SDF. If truly he has apologised accompanied by his wife and pastor, then we must laud him for his sense of maturity. He must have understood that he has been following the wrong groups of people in the Muna's.
Lets wait and see.
Posted by: rexon | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 05:58 AM
...Tayong thanks for the gist. I'm equally writing to confirm this information from an unquestionably reliable SDF source.
He went to the metador's residence with his wife and a pastor. The Chair asked him to go to the press were he started.
More on this development as the news unfolds.
Where is Vally of England, the Mukete's, the BenFTeribobs? Where're they? When I was praying to my God for justice to be done, others threw jibes and insults at me. TRUTH has triumphed over evil. That's just the world. Muna will soon confess!
Gentlemen and Ladies, Mukete chopped millions from his evil mission here. My God! He'll be forced to vomit this money when the time comes.
...Time'll tell!
The SON.
Posted by: Akoson | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 06:52 AM
Gentlemen...Keeping Fru-SCNC affair aside
The truth is that according to "opinion polls" there're four schools of thoughts on the Southern Cameroon delima.
1.The ideal group or the SCNC SCAPO,SCYL etc Group. This group believes that the only way forward is the total separarion of the Southern Cameroon from La Republique.The proponents of these group we all know and admire but critics call them illusionists.True or false ,time will tell.
2.Then there's The Federalist Group.
This group believes that something good can still come out from a Federated Cameroon if the ruins of the one time glorious Federal Constitution can be remolded . Many of the proponents of this group are those who still hold onto the AAC of Buea and Bamenda. Today some of of them dance between group one and two. Can they be right? Time will tell.Their leader? Late Abel Mukong!
3.Then there's this Federal Republicans who say a four state Federal Republic:(A)NW,SW(B)West,Littoralc(B)Grand Centre(D)Grand North can solve the problem and this is where the current SDF stands. Do they have any strock of luck? Again, time will tell. Their leader? Of course Mr John Fru Ndi.
4.Then there's this other autonomists group.
For them the present status quo if transformed into ten autonomous regions will solve this crisis. Adherents to this idea are mostly CPDM bigwigs of Southern Cameroon extraction who feel, simply saying there's no anglphone problem will be very betraying and therefore call for this cloudy concept.
Their leader? Of course Ngole Ngole and Dion Ngute
5.Then there's an obnoxious group who arent even Southern Cameroonians(the Bamileke Group) chaired by people like Ricardo calling for a four state Federation where West and North West will make a State while South West and Littoral will make a state , thereby calling for the complete annihilation of the Southern Cameroon nationhood. Have they any chance? Maybe a simple goodluck will do.
So guys wherever you think you fall, simply convince the Southern Cameroonians that your way forward in the best and prove it rather than throwing stones at each other.
Tayong ,simply being honest
Posted by: tayong | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 08:46 AM
Tita Espoir comes in again.but just as Espoir.He has left out Tita.Espoir,just like his masters,have no argument to defend their Colonial praxis in the Southern Cameroons.Mayhap,tita knows not that SC is still a UN trust territory.Tita's brain is narrowed by a colonial doctrain.No need to give facts here. Much have been given to them and papytex,Iwondo etc and demanded them to challenge it paragraph after the other.They cut and ran.We have and argumentum ad vericundia and Tita is not a,Mallam of the junta,but a small propaganda field worker.Facts can be put here for the world to read not just becuase of tita Not even the thugs that we want deodorize.Tita and ilk knows clearly their mission. Tita keep putting eggs allround his face.
Posted by: Ndiks | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 09:57 AM
"et veritas liberabit vos"
This is a genuine step taken by Ngwasiri who has of late been a thorn to my flesh, SDF and to Cameroonians of Godwill. I want to express my sincere appreciation to him for the giant step to expose Praise singers of Ben Acho Muna and the old SCNC idoit S.N Tita not leaving out the paid praise singers in the forum like Mukete,Vally of England Benf. It is true he has apologised and as a lost son he has once more been accepted like the prodigal son in the Bible.So i will once more call him Hon. Prof. Ngwasiri just like the Chairman H.E.Ni John Fru Ndi calls him Brother. This is a good example of an elder and so praise singers in the forum please write as much as you can now to sing the praises for SN Tita as he is surely panting to death at this moment in his hut, while Ben Muna is busy making up fresh stories about Hon. Ngwasiri's reversed decisions. The die is cast. Pastor and Ma Ngwasiri you have done well and i am sure your Christmas and New Year will be well spent for putting a lost son back to light. Shame to all who will see no good in what Pa Ngwasiri has done.Your turn is coming when you will vomit out all the chunks of money you have recieved as bribe from Ben and Tita to sing their praises in the forum.Where is Mukete,Valley of England andBenF,please i will like to read from you again about the SDF saga.Is our foolish Chief in the forum dead or alive.Say something bros.Ngwasiri has given you a "Christmas present" so use it now.The truth shall set you free.
Hon.Ngwasiri will have a sound sleep this night and am sure no tablets for him again as he has cleansed himself with the water of truth and simplicity.
Caution: In as much as he has apologiesd, the apologies should not also be a calculated attempt to bounce back like Muna did when he came back to reconcile himself with NEC with a hidden agenda to kill the party. Any how Muna inherited this bad faith from the last generation of Muna the prison builder and so Professor Ngwasiri will not as he came to apologise with his wife and a Rev.Pastor.Long live the SDF and hope ELECAM should soon disappear from the lips of LIFAKA just like UB Chancellorship has dissappeared from the lips of Lambi the sacrificial Lamb of the PAULO regime.
Posted by: JCKING | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 11:05 AM
Akoson,Jc King.
You guys make me laugh.I never knew some could be this stupid.What has Ngwasiri reconciliation got to do with Vally?I started castigating dictator Fru ndi long before the various conventions.Nothing has changed,Fru ndi through Mbah Ndam has been feeding on Biya's largees,period.So big Joe is Atekwana?
Some lilipots blocked my contributions on this forum.I reported the matter to the metropolitan police and have been shock with the preliminary findings.Audit trail routes the blocks from the US,germany,uk,and cameroon.
Let me used this to warned those who think they can play with the modern technological age,that they are playing with fire.It is a crime punishable under international law.
If those i have been accusing of feeding with Biya have the guts,let them take legal action against me.I live in the Uk where the law is robust and honest.Do they have the guts?They spend their precious time routing my mails,believe me, i have good information to identify all,watch out.
I decided to stop contributing because some members are chickens,i need not waste my precious time.Postnewsline must protect their property from bigots,they should allow freedom of expression.He so ever who feels grief should sue for libel.
Vally England.
Posted by: vally England | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 02:16 PM
Vally England,
Can you give us verifiable information on who the lillipops are who block ur id from commenting in this forum. I have been sent viruses a number of times that has grounded my home computer, but i have never been blocked from commenting here.
Posted by: rexon | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 02:40 PM
You have to give Vally England a break. He emotionally banked on Ben Muna taking over the SDF. He is experiencing the SHOCK of his life. Ben Muna has burnt to ashes, his last bridge to any political career in Cameroon. I feel sorry for people like Dr. Daniel Muna (A true Gentleman) who will not have peace because of the "OPPORTUNISN AT ALL COST" power mongering tendencies of his brother.
Ngwasiri has done the right thing by righting a treacherous wrong. All the supporters of Ngwasiri should be given the option to make amends with the SDF except one of them. That one carries the sword of the devil, and his name bears only BAD NEWS. The SDF should NOT welcome Ben Muna back on any condition. He carries only biles of treacherous poison.
The regime should work with some foreign body to give him a foreign assignment......Oh, I forgot, the United Nations has already unearthed his imcompetence. Cowards really do die many times before their death. He wanted the corridors of treachery to prevail in the SDF, he has instead unearthed the gates of hell on himself. Poor Diboule; if he only knew.
Tabeng Tayim
Posted by: Tabeng Tayim | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 04:47 PM
Tabeng you don't need to warn others about Muna.Everybody knows he carries the mark 666 on his head (Revelation 13).His case is worst than that of Popo and only the almight Satan knows what to do with him.
Why would anybody block a nobody from contributing his/her shallow mindedness in an open medium like this? Seems to me that some people now beleive that the nonsence they write on this site are taken serious by anybody.
This is just a "mimbo house" so don't fool yourself that anybody has noticed you, let alone gives a damn about the trash that you write Mr.
Posted by: Tita Mofaw | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 05:59 PM
Because I posted a message carrying the name of Atekwana doesn't mean I am Atekwana. If you have been having problems with posting on this forum which is common at times, you should channel your querrel to the post editors and stop making childish allegations. What effect does your contributions have that will warrant somebody to block them or could it be that you were disgracing Ben Muna with those trash and he decided to ask the post to put an eye on you.
Vally, I met you on this forum and have been reading most of your posting not because they make any sense but because you have a right to your opinion. Your case is of great interest to me and maybe many others.Like many Cameroonians, you supported Ngwasiri and Ben Muna whole heartedly and it is embarrassing that you can't even explain to this forum why you stand behind them even when they are confessing and asking for forgiveness.
Posted by: Big Joe | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 08:06 PM
Valley of French England, you are a real sample of a liar. Why can't you say you were short of words to write? Why is it that you want to paint white as black? You are a stupid liar as to say some people blocked you from commenting. Your write ups are so good as we need them to laugh at when better and meaning ideas have been exhausted by better forum mates like Watesih and Rexon. I comment just when it is hot and i see people like you soffucating because of your tongue.This is just the beginning of the real baptism of Fire coming to you and your god father Acho Muna.I am happy you can comment now so please fight hard to reverse the decision of Hon. Ngwasiri to suit your evil intentions.
The question now for Vally of England is: WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATH OF DIBOULE? I hope you take a good quantity of anti collapsing drugs this days as things are rough on your camp now.Shame my brother and i do not know if your Christmas will be the same as that of Prof.
Posted by: JCKING | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 08:41 PM
Hey Vally,
Don't let us think that we're addressing an amature mind.
Just hear you: "What has Ngwasiri reconciliation got to do with Vally?"
Do you think we're new to your worships, adorations, support and everything you term subservience to Ngwasiri? When Ngwasiri came up with the divide, you were the first to praise him and died for him. Unfortunately, your mind's so young and tender that you're terribly unaware of the INSIDE of politics. Man, grow up!
May I remind you of your psoting on this forum...the post edition number 2964917, posted on Tuesday, 14 March 2006 at 07:50 PM. You wrote:
"...SDF members the time has come for us to stand and be counted, the struggle is tough but we must stand to it, if you love the sdf please get ready for the die is cast.
Let me start by plegeing 500.000frs cfa for the convention to remove the famous dictator of our party Hitler Fru Ndi,Ngwasiri and co we are here to support your course if in need count on us we are waiting..."
Someone who paid total financial, physical, and moral support for somebody and even attended Ngwasiri's convention in Yaounde, sits on LIES(well he's already used to with a BLACK mind), and comes on air and says that he doesn't CARE about Ngwasiri's demise. You sure are eating your own words and even regretting your "dough"!
On my own side I've been very particular about the SDF crisis and watched and studied the unfoldings critically to see that neighter Fru Ndi nor Ngwasiri don't fool us. Everyone knows Mr. Vally that I've always palyed a just role in this struggle.
May I also remind you of my contribution on this forum...the post edition number 2964980 posted on Friday, 17 March 2006 at 10:36 AM?
Hear me: "...Let's not crucify Vally, Mukete and their likes!!! I argue that after so much reflection about the present status quo, the situation needs a careful look and scrutiny. And that the answer is to be found in a series of dramatic events which'll soon occur at this special turning-point in the SDF's history.
I strongly believe that the authority and sincerity of any claim one makes depends upon its origin. Who is pronouncing what is truth? If the origin is purely human, why should we take any notice? The opinions of any man, or group of men, are of no more authority than those of any other men. Though they may appear more logical and be founded upon more reasonable grounds, they are still the products of the human mind. They carry no guarantee of absolute truth. You all criticise Vally, Mukete and the rest. How truthful is your stand????
I have always stated and I'll always state my neutrailty vis á vis the unspeakably deteriorating nature of our great party.
When we speak the truth, it certainly will set us free. We're all blind about the SDF saga. No one can stand up and claim to swear and support a particular faction of the SDF cos we're humans....if you think you can do, could you raise your finger let's see you?? I beg that whatever criticism(s) people like Vally make on this forum we shouldn't just overrule them with such considerable ease.
If at all Ngwasiri has been speaking the truth from the beginning and he's sincere by whatever struggle he's presently bent at fulfilling, then let's wait for time. I deeply reflect at times about his aggressive, indefatigable and evergrowing approach against the Ni John Fru Ndi camp. I beg to argue that such extreme tendency should not be taken lying down. There's something certainly wrong somewhere. Unfortunately, this something may be negative or positive. The negative sense could be argued from two perspectives. Firstly he may be on a personal mission to quench his selfish desire of excessive power thirst. Secondarily a mission of treachery is possible - getting rich overnight - collecting money from a catalyst who may be an outsider, purported to be the CPDM(that wants to dissolve the SDF) or an insider who's power hungry purported to be Muna.
On the other hand, his quest for the truth may be correct - he may be adhering to an opinion that it is better to be boldly decisive and risk being wrong than to agonise at length and be right too late - this may be in a bid to rescue the SDF party from "evil and tribesmen". But why only now? Why not before? Is he being deprived of his own share of the cake???
Summarily, my point's clear and simple - the outsiders like you and I don't know it all! Let John Fru Ndi address the SDF and Cameroonians in general. But the million dollar question's "if he does address and claims innocence, who'll know?" Now if he claims innocence and those who claim that Fru Ndi accpets bribes or has a dirty affair with the government...will they give us proofs...I mean hard proofs???...Mukete once attempted an answer I'll always hold dear to until someone contradicts. That's since Ni John Fru Ndi, a man to whom I pay so much admiration and respect could've stooped that low and taken money for Late Rose's incidence behind closed doors is questionable. If the private press didn't release this information it means beyond all reasonable doubts that Ni John Fru Ndi wouldn't have made it known to the public..."
Vally, this is to proof to you that I've always been neutral. I've not been sent by anybody to "chop" unjust salaries as some of you do. Like I said earlier time shall come when you all will vomit that money!
The SON!
Posted by: Akoson | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 12:11 AM
...and of course, we're seeing the answers NOW!!! Those answers which're to be found in a series of dramatic events in the life of the SDF!
Posted by: Akoson | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 12:21 AM
Like leaders, like subjects. I think big joe has seen what the problem is. Talking too much, finger pointing, accusations and counter accusations, divisive and so what else can we achieve. Lets enjoy the talk while it lasts.
Posted by: ATS | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 01:08 AM
Mr Vally of England,
I am glad you have mustered enough courage to come up again.All along I knew you have been reading from the background(just like TeribobsBenF and Mukete) but never had the courage to write again.Stop that thrash about somebody blocking your contributions.That's childish.Let me remind you that you disappeared from this forum when you started a foolish debate here on how gov't does not fund political parties in England. Kumbaboy confronted you with facts and figures and proved beyond reasonable doubt that you either do not live in England or you are hiding in somebody's basement and do not know anything about England.When he threatened to expose you further you absconded.This,coupled with the fact that the tides started turning against Muna kept your lips silent.You only found your voice again when S.N. Tita talked of stoning Fru Ndi in Limbe.Now you claim you were blocked. As akoson said, your contributions have only serve as a source of laughter on this forum.Why then should anybody block our only source of laughter.
You main problem now is fustration.I won't be suprised if you start picking papers on the streets shortly or even commit suicide because clearly you are mentally unstable.It all stems from your political shortsightedness.However, I do symphathize with you because unlike Teribobs and mukete who were hired,you were fooled.While the others are somewhere enjoying the money they made,you are regretting the £500 you spent.Thats money you would have used to buy more roasted british beef.
Be prepared for the worse is still to come.I would not be surprised if you end up in jail.This is the real time for the Deboule murder case to begin.And if you are used to the metropolitan police as you claim,then you'll know that financing a terrorist organisation is a serious crime.Your own case is even worse because you directly and opening sponsored the murdering of Deboule.I am happy you live in the UK where the law is reboust and honest as you claim.Just wait until ngwasiri will start naming his sponsors.Too bad Mr Vally,to have allowed yourself to be fooled.
Posted by: Muki StoneHall | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 01:20 AM
Big joe 'alias Atekwana',
You can keep fooling the very stupid not me.You think we do not know that sdf senior members/Fru's NEC access this forum?Stay in cameroon and be deceiving yourself.
JC King,
The man who killed deboule bribed the state counsel handling the case with 21millions frs cfa.He was booted from handling the case.Right.
Iam man enough to distinguish virus from route blockings.I do not need to bring my evidences here,the matter is with the best security in the world(Met. police).
Prof Ngwasiri can reconcile with dictator Fru ndi,that does not change my perception of the sdf saga.Before the professor and Ben Muna challenge the legality of Fru ndi's NEC,i had long been calling for the dictator to step down when prof Asonganyi exposed his diabolical acts.There are lots of underground moves to reconcile Sdf,as i said in one of the meetings,that can only happen to me after Fru ndi lives the helm of the party.As long as he stays there count me out.
Vally England.
Posted by: vally England | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 01:48 AM
Vally and what about the comments you made on this forum some months ago. You skillfully run away from my question. I remind...How can you reconcile these two statements:
"...SDF members the time has come for us to stand and be counted, the struggle is tough but we must stand to it, if you love the sdf please get ready for the die is cast.
Let me start by plegeing 500.000frs cfa for the convention to remove the famous dictator of our party Hitler Fru Ndi,Ngwasiri and co we are here to support your course if in need count on us we are waiting..."
and "..."What has Ngwasiri reconciliation got to do with Vally?..."
SHAME ON YOU! You've tried to deep your head into the sand...thank God you're realising that we can still see the rest of your bottom to whip!
CONFESS like Mgwasiri...
Posted by: Akoson | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 02:27 AM
I know this is a mere waste of time but you will be persued until you either apologise and beg for forgiveness like ngwasiri or commit suicide.Why did you skillfully dodge Akoson's questions above?
As usual,you will pretend as if you did not read my write-up above.I know you read it and it is eating you up in your heart but you have no voice to speak.Go back and read it and you'll know why you ran away from this forum.Answer the real questions asked to you above and prove that you are a man.After being fooled and exploited by ngwasiri and muna you are now pretending to hide behind metropolitan police.Man your end is in sight.
Posted by: Muki StoneHall | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 05:24 AM
In hindsight, It is my humble opinion to suggest that you re-evaluate your views about Fru Ndi. All of us have criticised Fru Ndi. In life everybody have his shortcomings. I see no reason why you should still stand behind the Muna camp when stalwarts and henchmen of the SDF like Ngwasiri can come forward and apologise to Fru Ndi. Like myself, there has been a point where i had thought he has been dining with the regime. But when i read through the numerous frolics in this forum, i turn to realise that i was making a mistake in thinking so. Some other people might be dining with the regime, but NOT Fru Ndi. If he had done that before, the regime would have got a way of exposing him more, even through agents. Remember the infos that came to the world that Fru Ndi had billions in bank accounts. What was the result? I can testify to you that some unscrupulous CPDM stalwarts paid by the regime where behind that scam. They used the letterhead of that organisation to discredit Fru Ndi.
I think Ngwasiri has been very much close to the hirarchy of the SDF than you and if he can come forward and apologise, then there are some lessons he must have learnt from politics and life that we can all imagine. A word to a wise is sufficient. You can continue with your criticisms of Fru Ndi but it should be constructive not destructive. It should be based on facts not "hearsay"
Chairman Fru Ndi,
I applaud u for being strong and steadfast in the face of all these challenges from different angles. But i will advise you to take over your property that you have rented to PMUC. That is not only an immoral business, it is seemingly crumbling our economy. In Investment banking, we call gambling shares "sin stocks" like prostitution and alchohol and we advise ethical funds like those of churches, charities, government, not to invest on these "sin stocks". Though we all know when someone invest on this stocks he seemingly get a high abnormal returns, we recognise that the long term economic price is relatively negative. i understand that PMUC must have paid you millions to lure you to renting your house to them. As a politician, it precedes negative synergies that will go a long way to harm our people's long term economic interest. I will therefore advise you to part company with PMUC.
Posted by: rexon | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 05:49 AM
Also Fru Ndi, stop attending meetings masterminded by the CPDM.
Posted by: rexon | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 05:52 AM
I was taken aback to read the following statement from you.
"???...Mukete once attempted an answer I'll always hold dear to until someone contradicts. That's since Ni John Fru Ndi, a man to whom I pay so much admiration and respect could've stooped that low and taken money for Late Rose's incidence behind closed doors is questionable. If the private press didn't release this information it means beyond all reasonable doubts that Ni John Fru Ndi wouldn't have made it known to the public..."
I was surprised because even rare guests in this forum are always quick to decipher that Mukete is a fabricator on mission. I was even more saddened that although this point of evacuation has been belaboured in detail on this forum, you decide to choose Mukete's version (a man you claim to have exposed!) to base your opinion on.
Now, let me briefly correct this misinformation.
When Mrs. Fru Ndi collapsed in Yaounde, Hon Mbah Ndam was in Kumba overseeing the reorganisation of party structures in the SW. When he returned and saw the state of Mrs. Fru Ndi, he asked the chairman what he is doing about the situation. The Chairman said he was travelling to Bamenda on sunday so that he could meet the Bank manager on monday morning to arrange for a loan so that his wife could be evacuated by the following weekend. Hon. Mbah Ndam then replied that from the look of things Mrs. Fru Ndi would not be able to make it till the next weekend. That is why he persuaded the Chairman to make use of the law on evacuation of citizens of Cameroon. When the decision was taken, it was Gregoire Owona who contacted the minister of health to convene the medical council. Now, it is this council that gives a professional opinion in writing whether a citizen needs to be evacuated or not, and also how urgent this needs to be done.
Ni John Fru Ndi explained this procedure above to the population at the Presbyterian Church in Akwa, Douala in the presence of the press. A couple of days later, Hon Mbah Ndam said it again to the population of Bamenda at the Bamenda Municipal stadium. The press had absolutely no deal to uncover!!!
So to hold Mukete's claim that these arrangements were done behind close doors to please Ni John Fru Ndi shows how easy some of us can be cajoled to become proponents of falsehood.
Vally England,
where in history have you heard that dictators sit with people who have sworn an open war against them? Either you lack something to write or you really do not understand how dictatorship functions. It is reported that when Ngwasiri called Ni John Fru Ndi to announce his visit, the Chairman gladily invited him over saying " Brother, you are welcome to a house you used to call HOME".
Now remember that Ngwasiri had ran defamatory stories on how Ni John Fru Ndi signed his death warrant ordering SDF Vanguards of the Bamenda Electoral District to intoxicate him with tear gas before leaving for the UK.
So you think a Professor of law would go and sit down with a "Dictator, murder, conspirant etc" to say I am sorry?
You all know the truth. You have been misled, big time!
Posted by: Feli | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 10:54 AM
We have heard these stories about Mah Rose's death and all what transpired. What we want you guys to accept is, that was a political blunder period. Anything involving the CPDM should be a NO GO.
Posted by: rexon | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 11:10 AM
Lets be serious here for a moment....was going to the Government to solicite for financial assistance to evacuate late Ma Rose abroad for medical treatement a matter of last resort or an opportunity to make use of public funds designated for such emergencies?.
A single phone call within the hierarchy of the SDF could have been enough for the money needed for Ma Rose's evacuation. Fru Ndi could have shouldered his family responsibilities single handedly or with the help of friends and relatives.
Mbah Ndam's advice was constitutionally right but politically wrong.I can only conclude like Rexon, that act was a political blunder.
Posted by: Big Joe | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 12:04 PM
people,if the elites within the SDF can solve their grievances for the survival of the one time SDF,of the 90,s,then this will be a great move.
but the issue here is people should not be citing with one another and apologising just because the see it as a last alternative to revive the party or feel like they are not being heard.rather apologies should be sincere and truthful.
because this apologies might only be short lived if grievances among its hierachy are not being attended to genuinely.
lets ask our selves why mr.Ngwasiri is apologising?was he being truthful to criticise and publicise Fru Ndis policies and leadership as being unfair?what trigered him to oppose Ni in the first place?is he satisfied with things at the moment?him going to apologise,does that mean SDF and its leadership are on the right path?and what about others,are they also satisfied?
to me we shouldnt just jump into conclusions and say all is fine.the people have a right to publicly know the truth about the conflicts before reconciliation.
and i believe,he who ever was wrong in these accusations and conter-accusations has a public obligation to apologise to SDF militants at large.the must be caution before wahala up-springs in the future.who knows where the next conflict might spring from.peace and merry christmas and a prosperous new year to u all.God bless.
Posted by: espoir | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 01:48 PM
Feli, nothing good...I mean absolutely NOTHING good can come from Mukete. You're wrong there!
If you reread my comment again between the lines it is not my present mind. That was about nine months ago when I was new to this forum and was playing a fair role, not until I realised that Mukete was sent...and I started investigations and 'deciphered' him. So, look at it again, it was a contribution I made so many months ago. I just posted it for the BOY OF ENGLAND to see that initially and even now, my stance about this SDF claim is VERY FAIR one. Hope you understand, buddy!
The SON.
Posted by: Akoson | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 04:45 PM
If there is another convention today to help change the leadership of fru ndi's sdf,i will support.The issue is not because it was Ngwasiri who triggered it,but a matter of principle.Just as the acceptance of cash from cpdm to evacuate Ma Rose was a political blunder,so too the way and methods of manging the party in the past six years.
Fru ndi lost steam after his tenth year in office.As the chair,he seems to think like Biya that he must rule for life.
Look at technocrats like professor Asonganyi,Fru Ndi thought they where serving the sdf for what?to continue when he lives.Who are those to succeed him now?ma Tamajong?Ossih?Mbah Ndam?you must be joking.
In any case,i have less worries now for i know justice will always prevail.
Well,it must only be prof Ngwasiri who is calling for reconciliation.How are you sure Fru ndi too is not involved?Good luck to Ngwasiri if he wants to reconcile with fru ndi.
Some have moved on and there is no turning back with all the evidences people have.
Posted by: vally England | Thursday, 21 December 2006 at 08:08 PM
...and Vally all those you'll support will go back cos their cause'll always be unjust just as yours. Don't be shocked that the next to confess and ask for forgiveness and readmission is Assonganyi!
The clock's ticking ...tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.
The SON1
Posted by: Akoson | Friday, 22 December 2006 at 02:58 AM
Valley of Englang,
What have you seen? When we told you that the truth never hides but will always prevail you never believed us.Do not be surprised if one of these days Muna ,Biya or Asongayi will be the ones asking for forgiveness from Chairman Fru Ndi.These fellows must all pay for the crimes and the sins they have committed against the people of Cameroon.Muna's sins including yours can never be forgiven even by God.I am afraid you are refusing to live with the reality of events.Shortsightedness in politics is an unforgivable blunder my brother.Can you wakeup and move with the trend of events.Let me assure you that one of these days you will be told that the 500.000frs you donated to Muna was given to thugs to kill Diboule.Your hands are dark and covered with blood.Can you apologise to the forum before events turn sour against you.You, Muna,Biya and other idiots that are destroying Cameroon must render an account to history and before God.
Posted by: knganjo | Friday, 22 December 2006 at 08:03 AM
Please, Cameroonians be careful with the ruling party (CPDM)of Cameroon.Most of the News and Media over the radio and Television a false.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Those who have ears should hear and faithfully interpret to those who have not got ears.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Is it a right thing in the first place for some one to own ta country and make it as if it belongs to his parents.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cameroon is a big shame in Africa.
Posted by: In God We Trust | Saturday, 07 January 2012 at 05:51 PM