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« UB Crisis And The Flight Of Innocence | Main | There Was A Hidden Agenda In The UB Strike - Prof. Lambi »

Wednesday, 06 December 2006


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Those who say we should keep listening to these idiots should hear one of them:

"He also added that the state owes no explanation to the public (especially students) on the additional 26 names to the 127 names"

As a corrupt junta, We all know that you owe no explanation to nobody. You owe an explanation to the colonialist who have employed you to institutionalise the evils you are implanting in the Southern Cameroons.

I call on Southern Cameroonians to join the students in a peaceful strike. Parents, civil servants, businessmen, etc should boycott all state institutions, public offices, etc.

Neba Funiba

Wonders shall never end. The fact that Agbor Tabi says the public (tax payers) is not owed an explanation as to where the additional names came from goes to explain why the Anglophone section of the polity is nothing but second-class. Do not forget what this demented cockalorum did in Yaounde when he was rector. That Anglophone poster boys always kowtow to the ethno-fascist La Republic machinations speaks volumes of the extent to which self-interest supercedes that of the masses. It does not end with UB, the list includes delapidated infrastructure, no roads, resources looted without onsite compensation such as the Ekoks and Sabogaris which provide entry points to Nigeria and where customs duty is collected but there is nothing there to show. These issues do not mean a thing to Agbor Tabi, Achidi Achu, etc.



Brother, you know no wrightminded Cameroonian will listen to you...
But I sincerely admire your rethinking of your strategy from a bloodthirsty to reasonable, constructive individual.
I have been insulted several times on this site for advocating unity and peaceful strategies to change Cameroon into a modern democratic Country.
That is what the SDF is doing in Cameroon. Rexon and co, you will achieve a lot more joining the SDF.
In final analysis, believe me or not Rexon no armed revolution is possible in Cameroon.
Cameroonians will turn in anyone who is plotting to disturb our peace and tranquility. IT DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THEY LOVE THE REGIME... Understand Cameroon to change it brother.
Look at Cameroon as whole Country with one flag and one people. There, you stand the change to be heard by the people.
The SDF stands a change to lead Cameroon in the near future...
In my analysis, this is a problem for John Fru Ndi. If the SDF wants to govern Cameroon, they could keep John Fru Ndi as the Head of the Party but have someone else to be a President of Cameroon. I mean a Cameroonian, new blood who will be a Unifier at the same revolutionary in policy making.
Until the SDF understands that reality, the CPDM will lead Cameroon again. The good news is: someone within that Party will take charge and change course from his predecessors. I predict the actual Prime Minister Chief Inoni is the Man...
His the Man acceptable by the Cameroonian people and the international community (key ally now is the United States of America).

May God bless a strong and united Republic of Cameroon.



So, you know who'll be the next president of Cameroon? Will your Inoni be "selected", "appointed" or "elected"? May be you're in a different Cameroon. Without much ado, Cameroonians will choose their president whether he/she's monoligual, biligual or trilingual. Much more, reading a speech in english as Biya seldom does (in Southern Cameroons) not make Biya a biligual president. France will NEVER impose another Biya to Cameroon but to Cameroun!

Mr. FRU NDI won the 1992 presidential election without being "bilingual". He'll be president if the people want him to be. People like you Riccardo have no mandate to preach "uniformity" which is not "unity".

That said, UBSU should fight to the finish for it takes courageous folks to annihilate dictatorship, tribalism, bad governance and you name the rest.

Cheers & let's keep the heat on!




You're right to demand that the President of your country speaks French. That is what you're asking for and is a legitimate aspiration.

Now put aside your linguo-fascism and consider the Anglophones who for 45 years have survived French-speaking presidents, lawlessness by successive francophone leaderships and a degraded value-system endemic in the francophone cultural heritage as manifested by recent events. Here are the principal stumbling blocks:

(a) The Francophone-inspired abrogation of the act of union between the Cameroons vis-a-vis the faked "peaceful revolution" of 20 May 1972;

(b) Paris teleguided extermination of Anglophone cultural heritage under the pretext of "national integration" as masterminded by Paul Biya. His first vile act was to rename the historic city of Victoria as "Limbe" to distance us from the United Kingdom. We pray the ancient Kings of Victoria continue to torment Paul Biya. Limbe as it turns out is the local appellation for Limberg - an early German missionary to the area.

(c) The effective annexation of West Cameroon since 1984. Can you believe the SW Governor, SDO and Security Chief in Buea are ALL Francophones? The NW also has a Francophone Governor. This is demonstrable subjugation and rapacious exploitation by a black colonial master who is now bold enough to open live fire on students.

(d) Francophone-inspired harassment and mass deportation of English speaking Cameroonians of Nigerian parentage to Nigeria with their parents.

These actions cause grief in Southern Cameroons and are anything but a promotion of unity.

Riccardo, no make erreur, to balance the sheet, the next President of Cameroon shall speak only English, the curriculumn will have to be changed to infuse English language teaching at all levels, including adult education especially in Francophone Cameroun.

Afterall, we are living in an American Century. There is no use for a minority European language of limited international application in Cameroon. Then, there will be serious reforms.

Fist of Freedom

Down the river we were betrayed and sold
In the sixties and onto the seventies,
By a flawed process
That pinches our every nerve
And stiffens our every vein
With the thought of leaders
Of a gone and shameful past
Absorbed by narrow minded self preservation
That choked the yearn of freedom

They got their pieces of silver
That massaged their egos
And blinded their senses
Towards the plight of a people,
Yearning and pleading for freedom,
Aching and screeching for justice
But got the dehumanizing reward
Of the oppressor's boot and gallows
From Nkondengue to Tchoillire
That stifled our abilities
And muzzled our humanity

They march on every May the 20th
To the drumbeat of of an unjust past
And a present illegitimate dispensation
That responds to our clenched fist for freedom
With teargas, bullets and batons
Symbolizing a thief's freight
And a robber's weariness
Against a gallant and informed people
Whose consciousness only grows
As our fist for freedom, only gets stronger

They call it a day of independence,
For unto us, a day of bondage
Based on a fraudulent referendum
That trivialized a legitimate plebiscite,
Whose truth rises beyond the skies
And bears rainfalls of reminders;
Whose reality echoes beyond the horizon
And charms the whistle of the birds;
Whose waking sound at every dawning day
Reminds us of our pains and chains;
Whose severance absorbs our fighting efforts

Where is the road from Bamenda to Mamfe,
Or from Mamfe to Kumba?
What happened to the Ring road,
Or the road from Buea to Kumba?
What happened to the Bali and Tiko airports?
Or the Plebiscite directives,
The SC Parliament in Buea,
Or the Federal Intent of the People's Vote?

Gone with the other Star
On the bastardized and treacherous tricolor,
Is our hope for a just and sovereign nation

For when we look at the oppressor's flag,
First we see the red,
Which represents the Blood of the Southern Cameroonian;
Of students, children and defenseless mothers
Callously spilled by helmets of cowards;
In Buea, Bamenda, and Mbengwi,
In Kumba, Ndu and all over our territory

And the green,
Reminds us of an impending future,
Towards an indispensable exit
From a bleak and brutal annexation
Whose charade of an unholy union
Echoes like a wolf's insistent howl

Today we contemplate towards a strategy,
In exacting pain, on the oppressor
With the call to revolutionary action,
Whose precedents, and glaring lessons
Emanate from heroes past and present;
In Brave George Washington
And the glorious War of Independence;
In Garibaldi and the thousand Red Shirts
Of Nelson Mandela and Umkhonto We Zizwe,
That unleashed the weapons of liberation
And gave birth to a free nation

Weep not my brother,
For the day and dawn of reckoning;
Lingers unfailingly beyond the gloom of darkness

Sigh not my sister,
For beneath our apparent calm;
Lies the courage of David,
Against the brutal arrow of the oppressor

Relent not, my comrade,
But permit me paraphrase a great thinker;
For ask not what your nation can do for you
But what you can do for your nation;
The Southern Cameroons nation, and its people
Under the boot, bullets, and batons
Of the annexationist state of "La Republique du Cameroun".



When we fought to gain independence from the colonialists, we became one Cameroonian people!

Before we were separated by the Colonialists, we were one people!

When the Colonialists with the help of their puppets killed our heroes, Um Nyobe, Felix Moumie, Ernest Ouandjie, we all felt hurt and mourned their death together!

When we all go to Church to pray together and light candles we long for hope and become one faith!

When millions of Cameroonians observ silence, and thousands
protest against corruption, nepotism, tribalism. we all speak one language!

When we volunteer and collect blood,
all religions, tribes, regions, english and french languages mingled in our arteries and veins!

When guns are consigned to fire and hands
are joined in unity, poverty ends, tears vanish!

When our Leaders will unite with the commoners and sing together "Cameroon is One", Peace, prosperity, Justice and democracy shall stay in our Beloved Land, CAMEROON.

May God bless a united and strond Republic of Cameroon!


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