By Kini Nsom
The former General Manager of the Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance, FEICOM, Emmanuel Gerald Ondo Ndong, has been claiming that some highly placed clergymen in the country, were involved in the FCFA 52 billion embezzlement scandal for which he, and some of his collaborators are standing trial.
Ondo Ndong submitted to the Mfoundi High Court in Yaounde last week, a list of clergymen to whom he allegedly gave part of the FEICOM loot. According to him, the clergymen and many others got the money as help for various activities.
Going by the list that Ondo Ndong submitted in court, the Archbishop of Yaounde received 30 million as aid for the functioning of the Diocese. The Bishop of Bafoussam is said to have received financial aid of FCFA 5 million from FEICOM for the construction of the Bishop's House, while the Archbishop of Bertoua got FCFA 5 million for the commemoration of activities marking the 10th anniversary of the Archdiocese.
Meanwhile, Eglise Presbyterienne du Cameroun, EPC, grabbed FCFA 10 million of the FEICOM "largesse".After Ondo Ndong's submission, the lawyers of the civil party said the naming of the names of people in high places would not help him, because, FEICOM is not a charity or philanthropic organisation. They averred that the main mission of FEICOM, as defined by its statutes, is to sponsor development projects in all Councils across the country. It is not a charitable organisation, they emphasised.
The claim by Ondo Ndong that the churches are involved in the FEICOM embezzlement mess, has left many observers in Yaounde agape that even men of God have not been spared by the cankerworm. Such allegations are sharply at variance with the moral principles of the church in Cameroon that has of late been very vocal on issues that border on the embezzlement of public funds.
Recently, the Bishops of Cameroon issued a pastoral letter condemning the upsurge in the embezzlement of public funds in the country, calling on government to make sure that those who line their private pockets with money from the public till be forced to return it to the public treasury. The Catholic Church is yet to react to the claims made by the former General Manager of FEICOM in court. The Post made futile attempts to let the church officials react.
One church official who asked for anonymity, said he could not react to the issue because the National Episcopal Conference is likely to comment on it during its Annual General Assembly that begins today, Monday, April 16, at the Mvolye neighbourhood in Yaounde.
Transparency International In The Mess
The FEICOM embezzlement mess seems to have been so strong that it contaminated the Cameroon branch of the anti corruption NGO, Transparency International. According to the former General Manger FEICOM, the former President of the outfit in Cameroon, grabbed FCFA 500.000 from FEICOM. It was not mentioned what the amount was meant for.
It was also revealed in court that the Chantal Biya Foundation benefited over FCFA 150 million from the largesse of the former FEICOM guru. Moreover, Circle of Friends of Cameroon, CERAC, that also involves the First Lady, received FCFA 5 million for the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Cameroon.
Mr. Ondo Ndong is said to have equally extended the FEICOM largesse to the Cameroon's legendary footballer and Roving Ambassador, Albert Roger Milla, when he lost his wife in a road accident some few years ago. He wiped the footballer's tears with a sum of FCFA 6 million.
It was stated that the former General Manager of the Cameroon Radio television, CRTV, Prof. Gervais Mendo Ze, also received FCFA 10 million from FEICOM for the coverage of the 2004 African Nations Cup. Ondo Ndong also claims to have given FCFA 5 million to the Secretary of State In charge of Penitentiary Administration while the Ministry of Women Affairs, received FCFA 3 million.
Besides, the Lamido of Ngoundere, reportedly received FCFA 5 million from Ondo Ndong while the Lamido of Demsa, Moustapha Moussa, received 15 million for the construction of classrooms in a school in his area. The wife of the former Minster of Finance, Michel Meva'a M'eboutou also benefited from the Ondo Ndong "generosity".
Mrs. Chsristine Meva'a Meboutou allegedly grabbed FCFA 5 million to organise a meeting of her Common Initiative Group, GIC, in Sangmelima, in the Dja and Lobo Division of the South Province. The former Minister of Urban Development, Prof. Lekene Donfack was equally cited to have received FCFA 2 million in order to publish one newspaper known as Mefore Ya Nam.
The erstwhile FEICOM General Manager seems to have a very long list of those who benefited from his largesse. When his trial began in court, he disclosed that the Presidency of the Republic and the Prime Minister's office were both accomplices in the embezzlement scandal.Besides, some local and international newspapers were also implicated in the scandal.
Being a vital key to socio-economic development, the objectives of education, its content and orientations, as well as the fair spread or disposition of its facilities can do a lot to foster a healthy and responsible future to many young people. After the 1961 unification, The Federal State of West Cameroon continued to manage her education sector. Most schools at the time had the missions notably, the Catholics, Presbyterians, and the Baptists at their management. These school flourished flamboyantly with almost a negligible financial stress thanks to sufficient financial assistance received from the Federated state. Appropriate measures were taken to impose an all round low teacher : student ratio. As a result, the quality of education was high. Anglophones who lived through this époque look back with a lot of nostalgia. Academic credentials, be they Cambridge School Certificate or The London G.C.E. were very credible and officially well respected.
Trouble started in 1972 when the Unitary government replace the Federation. First, mission schools which were at that time voluntary agencies were lumped together with non-confessional private schools by Yaounde and given subventions arbitrarily. The grants in aid to mission schools seized. As a result, annual state assistance to schools of over FCFA 32 million per annum prior to referendum had dropped to less than FCFA 5 million e.g. C.P.C. Bali. Consequently, schools tried to make up for the declining state assistance, the average class size of 35 doubled, high tuitions imposed and the quality of education hence dropped . With much still have to be done, The Southern Cameroonians have fought and loose limbs to prevent annihilation of the Anglo-Saxon educational heritage. According to Dr Azong-Wara Andrew (Pioneer Registrar of the Cameroon G.C.E. Board), the declining standard of Anglo-Saxon education [in The Southern Cameroons] is a function of the institution of a unitary state and the leadership in Yaounde. He re-iterated that:
"Biya has done more to destroy the Anglo-Saxon system of education than Ahidjo. Ahidjo was never interested in silencing Anglophone education. Rather, he was bent on a policy of assimilation. He actually encouraged bilingualism at all levels…On the other hand, Mr Biya has never been a sympathizer of the English language at all. Within his 20 [25] years of reign, he has never attached any importance to the English system" (Source: The Post NO.0374 of Monday May 20, 2002)
Due to a mutual suspicion between Francophones and Anglophones, the Anglophone educational system is being ridiculed, impaired and rendered stagnant or deteriorating. It is due to this mutual suspicion that the head-on collision resulted between Rene Ze Nguele-the erstwhile Minister of National Education and The Anglophone Scholars and solidarity team in 1983. This was when the Minister on September 27, 1983 signed a circular instituting a GROUP CERTIFICATE G.C.E. for Anglophones. This scheme was perceived with suspicion and fear, because it seemed to place more difficulties before the English-speaking student than the Baccalaureate seems to do on French-speaking students. According to the scheme, a failure in French during the exams would have meant failure in the entire examination. The Anglophone students in the then lone University of Yaounde in a bit to salvage the situation and fight for the preservation of their educational heritage mobilised and took to the streets. They were even more angered by the arrogant explanations given by Ze Nguele that the Group Certificate would have enabled the G.C.E. look like the Francophone "Baccalaureat" (BACC) and would help Anglophones gain admission into Higher Institutions of learning like ENAM and IRIC. The government tried intimidation tactics in vein and with victory going to where it belonged, the government resorted to retract its plans.
Technical education in The Southern Cameroons which used to flourish at the time of The Federation was after the dismantle of The Federation and in the meantime going down the drain. In hitherto renowned schools like Government Technical Colleges in Ombe, Bamenda, Mamfe, Buea and Kumba and in other Government Technical High Schools in The Southern Cameroons, Anglophone students are being taught in pidgin by Francophones. They were being trained for Francophone Certificate examinations like the CAP, "Probatoire" and the BACC. Examination questions poorly translated from French could not pass for any known language in the world. As a result, many Anglophones resorted to English examinations like the City and Guilds or the RSA but found their certificates being ridiculed by Yaounde.
In the present day Anglo-Saxon University of Buea, due to facility and staff shortage, the admission spaces for Anglophone students is small, therefore many of Anglophones must stream other pro-French Universities and after years of frustration, many will be flocking to Nigeria to get alternative education. The University of Buea today bears an Anglo-Saxon expression only in its name as those pushed to very influential placed of decision taking are first and foremost assimilated into the French culture before appointed. When ever an academically fit personnel is appointed, he is sandwiched with assimilated tyrants. A politicised Institution is not an Ideal Anglo-Saxon Institution. An Anglo-Saxon Collage is characterised by a good and academically fit management for excellence not a politicised management as that cannot yield excellence. The University of Buea has also been used in the past years for the execution of tyranny and barbarism on The Southern Cameroonians. If this is not true, how can the regime in Yaounde explain the gruesome murder of students in the University of Buea on the 28th of April, 2005, coupled with brutalisation, arrest, detain, goods confiscation etc by the joint police and gendarmes contingent from Buea and Douala?. Presently, The Southern Cameroonians are experiencing a very difficult period in history as the tyrant Yaounde regime is inflicting all calibre of arrogance, cruelty, oppression and barbarism on the harmless and law abiding people of The Southern Cameroons. Carefully examine this; due to poor learning infrastructures and the alleged addition of fees in the universities of both "La Republique" territory and The Southern Cameroons, the students of the University of Yaounde I resolved to go on strike. They were later joined in a solidarity strike by their mates of Yaounde II and Douala Universities. The minister of Higher Education Fame Ndongo had to `go down on his knees' to calm the students and send them back to class even under a heavy down pour of the most typical torrential rain. A week later, as the students in the University of Buea, the lone University in The Southern Cameroons' territory, facing the same qualms and in solidarity joined their mates of Yaounde in the strike on the 27th of April 2005. Either in an attempt to cause another "Rwanda1994" (genocide) in The Southern Cameroons or to take a platform to barbarise and brutalise The unarmed Southern Cameroonians, the occupational `forces of law and order' with a mission not analogous to law and order was dispatched to the university campus and students' residential area of Molyko with a contingent of reinforcement from Douala. As a repercussion of their manifestation to their legitimate demands; teargas, batons, gun boots and like bullets were let loose on unfortunate unarmed students. This let to the gruesome murder of Gilbert Nforlem (MSc student of Zoology), Aloysius Abuoam (BEd student) and others all of the University of Buea on the 28th of April 2005. It should be noted that Gilbert Nforlem came from Bamenda in the Northern part of The Southern Cameroons while Aloysius Abuoam came from Ekona of the Southern part of The Southern Cameroons. Many Anglophone students were also victims of arrest, torture, detention etc. The occupational armed forces took over the university campus, invaded students' hostels, looted and seized valuables such as cell phones, jewels, etc and even destroyed some. To confirm the fact that the contingent was meant for Southern Cameroonians not striking students, the raids were extended to other dwellers of Molyko. If the targets were indeed striking students, how came it that non-students in Molyko also suffered brutalisation and lose of property? Is this not part of the coloniser's systemic policy of improvising the annexed and assimilated thus keeping them subservient? With such barbarity visited on students, could other acts of human right abuse such as rape and the ill treatment of detainees have been excluded? In view of the fact that the Vice Chancellor Dr Dorothy Njeuma was absent from the country, what necessitated troop reinforcement and why from Douala? Other attempts by Yaounde to erase all evidences such as stealing the corpses from the Buea District Hospital Mortuary was intercepted by the vigilant students who fought diligently and that even let the setting of the police commissioner's car ablaze and a police truck on Thursday May 4, 2005.
Yaounde have not ceased from its barbaric policy of killing Anglophone students in cold blood as the 28th of April 2005 tragedy was repeated on Wednesday November 27th 2006 which saw students barbarised as they protested against fraud and corruption in the University competitive exams in to the Department of Medicine. It is by the Yaounde's usual use of Live bullets and lethal weapons on "Anglofool" students that led to another gruesome murder of Ufeanyui Abiegong and Moma Beneth, both UB students and several others wounded. The extract below was communicated by this same author after that grievous incident of November 28th, 2006:
Death and brutal molestations is the penalty conscientious and unarmed students in the lone Anglo-Saxon university in The Southern Cameroons - The University of Buea get for championing the fight against Corruption in the Kamerun University landscape and advocating the prevalence of meritocracy.
In spite the lost of lives, the injuries and the human devastations, the students of UB as the university is fondly called, are the great protagonists for a perfect university arena of our time.
It all commenced on Monday 27th November 2006 when the UB students coordinated by the University of Buea Students' Union (UBSU) staged a peaceful manifestation on campus following the Yaounde-imposed 26 names addition of basically unmerited francophone to the list of 127 students who succeeded at the first part of the competitive exams into the newly created Buea University Medical school. It should be noted that these 26 names included students who had either not made it at the written part of the exams or did not take part in the exams at all. The UB Vice Chancellor Professor Lambi Cornelius assured the manifesting students that their plea will be looked into with the immediate suspension of the Oral exercise. The protesting students who all spoke with "one mouth" expressed satisfaction with the Vice Chancellor's intervention and promised to go back to their classrooms once this issue and others mentioned in the UBSU manifesto were appropriately addressed.
The feeling of betrayal and abuse of confidence came upon the students when Prof Lambi acting under pressure from Yaounde announced repeatedly over CRTV Buea and MOUNT CAMEROON FM that the suspended oral exams will take place later that evening and that the alleged list of 127 successful students was signed in error by him instead of the Minister of Higher Education. The angry students in reaction to this, streamed into the UB campus like "one man" and a damage of over 15 vehicles belonging to the UB Central Administration staff was recorded. Note that not even a bruise was made on the Vice Chancellor's car. The result was the halting of the oral exercise that day and its imminent suspension.
But for the above mentioned students' destruction and its accompanying results (though official reports have falsely and allegedly included the looting of university properties like computers, broke into campus' Amity bank and Finance Office associated with the theft of money, etc),the manifestations continued peacefully with the students routinely rallying at the formal UB street now baptized "Street 127",every morning and evening to hear from the UBSU leaders with the ever-present Prof Lambi addressing the student at every gathering and assuring them that plans were on the way to address all their grievances. It was until Wednesday 27th November 2006 that a joint contingent of police and gendarmes from Buea with reinforcement from Kumba and Douala assaulted the unarmed students with batons and teargases during the UB students' routine evening episode of their peaceful manifestations. The angry students retaliated with mere stones for self-defence. The police and gendarmes stepped up their assaults with rubber bullets then live bullets. The protesting students then moved to the streets of Molyko, mounting barricades and interrupting road circulation. The police in hyper-reaction sprayed both rubber and live bullets, teargases, both vertically upward to intimidate the students and horizontally forward to harm and even kill some. It is by this ruthless act that two (2) students namely: Ufeanyui Abiegong and Moma Beneth (official report) were shot dead with more than five fatally wounded and more than three scores suffering serious injuries. This writer is an eyewitness of the shootings, observing one shot dead, two fatally wounded (one shot on his head and the other on the right epigastric region of his abdomen) and one other shot on his leg, all with live bullets. The night of Wednesday 29th November 2006 was indeed a black one as students manifesting with placards carrying information like: NO TO CORRUPTION; REGIONALITY NO, MERITOCRACY YES; CORRUPTION IN YAOUNDE YES BUT IN BUEA NO; WE WANT MEDICAL DOCTORS NOT REGIONAL DOCTORS and many others, received live bullets as penalty.
The proceeding day (Thursday 30th November 2006) saw Buea in a state of chaos and "Ghost Town", with the inhabitants both students and non-students molested, barbarized and brutalized by government forces, student hostels broken in and looted by police and gendarmes, girls forced to roll on gravels and pebbles while boys moved by knees on gravels and pebbles. The inhabitants were forced to pay a bribe of FCFA1000 or FCFA2000 for compromised molestation.
The worst declaration was that made by the Yaounde based Prime Minister Ephraim Inoni who had not visited the ground, attributing the manifestation as an attack by some unknown group of persons(SCNC) armed with guns and clubs on the Molyko police post in a bid to conceal the crime committed by the police and as a justification for the gruesome killing of UB students in cold blood and the use of lethal weapons.
It must be emphasized that the Fight against Corruption is one of President Biya( of La Repubique)'s prime objectives in his "Grand Ambitions" policy. The students of UB in their bid to join arms with Biya to chase away corruption pay a deadly price. This is clear evidence that the Biya government only exercises a lip service towards a fight against corruption in a bid to deceive the International community. Mr. Biya is not yet ready to chase out corruption.
The right to peaceful manifestation for a just cause is protected by international law, so the students of UB were acting within their right and privileges but suffered lawlessness from the Biya administration.
I now humbly and solemnly with all respect call on Mr. Paul Biya-President of "La Republique du Cameroun" to use his good office well by Liberating The Southern Cameroons from his entanglement of Annexation and grant them freedom and complete sovereignty. We will not like to continue loosing arms, Limbs and lives for our genuine position in the world. The UB students hate dying by the whims and caprices of bullets and the Anglophone parents do not enjoy burring their children slapped by hatred and selfishness. We want our freedom, Freedom, Freedom and Now.
The blood of the dead students will forever chase you Mr. President should you fail to implement the above. May the souls of our departed victors and brothers chase all those truthfully implicated in this act for their entire lives on earth. You will forever be remembered as the martyrs of our time for a just Cameroonian society (our common cause).
The Struggle continues !!! (Courtesy: )
The right to peaceful manifestation is protected by international law and constitution of "La Republique du Cameroun". No law, even the authoritarian law of Yaounde endorse the use of lethal weapons on any one or give the right to deprive anyone of his life to the whims and caprices of any individual.
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Posted by: rexon | Monday, 16 April 2007 at 01:20 PM
Hell-bound miscreants and losers trying to buy a seat in heaven. What else is new? If a society developed to its full extent without extortion by a few rogues, people would be able to contribute more as a collective to any church than these demonstrations of largesse with ill gotten wealth.
Posted by: Ma Mary | Monday, 16 April 2007 at 04:08 PM
Ondo Ndong doesnot want to die alone; however, he is doing it in the most stupid way that can´t draw any sympathy. What guided him as he dished out the money? What was the qualifying factor to benefit from his so called "generosity"?
From these revelations, if am the judge, I will multiply his sentence by a factor of four.
What would have been important to the court and the public to hear is the person who ordered Ondo Ndong to dished out the money. If it was his sole initiative, then he should be ready to die alone. I don´t think we are interested to know how the money was spent.
If the church recieved some of the money, did they know it was money that has been embezzled?
Posted by: Fon | Monday, 16 April 2007 at 05:41 PM
The church should not even be receiving moneys from FEICOM in the first place. They have got enough money and investment for themselves. Except it was received as one of the many dodgy gifts to the church from 'christians' such as Ondo Ndong and Mendo Ze. If you know the history and connections of the Roman Catholic Church to Mafia, embezzlement, blackmail, murder and greed, you will not find Ondo Ndong's gift strange. They will even collect money fronm Satan. Do you know how much their failed priest, Paul Biya was dishing out to Jean Zoa. The source of the money was wrong. So the judge should not forget in his final judgement to ask the church to refund our money. Thieves in Cassocks!
Posted by: Spako | Tuesday, 17 April 2007 at 06:28 AM
Hi Raxon
I enjoyed the posting above.I never read of it because at that time i was in prison.Infact any Southern Cameroonian of good will can look for a gun after reading about the destruction and pain coused to us by the frog's occupational forces.Hop you have also read what SCNC Belgium did to one Jean Roger Bobo,called former minister of Cameroun. I do believe you people in Britain will do same.You can just gather people one day and go to the British house of lords and stand just at the entrance,no body moves.On your placates you let them know that we are now tired of the frustration they placed us into and until our problems are solved you dont intain to live that place because you have no were to go to.Boy you will see a miracle and it shall be history try it.
Spako who ever told you the church had money the way think will one day tell you there is nothing like God i am afraid.You don't know how this money was given to the church or to any of these groups mentioned.If the church has a project of building hospitals for example and announced she needed aid and a check came from Feicom and other bodies as aid should they not take it?.Have you ever gone to a remote place and you are wandering how people here survive when they are sick, with the rough nature of the road until you see something like catholic dispensary? CBC health board? Presbyterian health center etc.All of these are funded by people and organizations.So if this money was given to the church as aid i see no problem.Or why you should be shouting thieves in cassocks.The church is holy and is doing allot of help with the money you think they have, you can not tell me you have never visited any mission hospital or been helped by the church almost for free. This is because the church receives subsidies or help from individual bodies and organizations.Even your parents have received aid from some where to do some of the things they do for the family.This manger is only telling the court how he used the money and not that he connived with the church.I do hope you have not registered for the frog's elections, thank you.
MK the Southerner
Posted by: mk the southerner | Tuesday, 17 April 2007 at 08:31 AM
The Ondo Ndong embezzlement scandal is just a drop in the ocean of unchecked managerial or let me say, administrative excesses( because Cameroon is not managed, it is administer), the Yaounde oligarch is reputed for. It is a ‘laissez faire’ system where the Chief Oligarch himself, has never been audited for almost 25 years at the helm of this nation.
The guy rules the country as a private enterprise. Cameroon is an anarchical oligarchy.
When one continuously hears a lie, that lie starts sounding to be truthful. It really marvels my imagination when one hears compatriots say ‘the problem in Cameroon is not the President, but the Ministers, Directors, and other Appointees, spiraling down to underpaid civil servants’. What a disastrous illusion!
It takes a mentally sound President to identify and appoint men of integrity. It takes a patriotic President to propose laws that can stand the test of posterity, as well as manage a country that is long term development oriented. The job of President is not for playboys and tourists. A great nation cannot be run from hotel apartments in Europe. It marvels me how a President does not make a tour to the Provincial headquarters at least once a year to get the tempo of the developmental projects for the previous year, but takes lavish holidays abroad, anytime he wishes. Cameroon is a country void of any accountability. The so called Ministry of State Controls, as well as the Audit Bench are just joysticks controlled by the Etoudi oligarch. One really wonders why an individual Ondo Ndong(and Co) will swindle so much money (52 Billion CFA) in so many years, unchecked by a Government which claim to safeguard the common wealth of its people.
If you lived in Cameroon years before Ondo Ndong ‘s sacking and arrest, you would have had no iota of doubt that this fellow was toying with the people’s money. Worst still, he was often seen on State Television(CRTV) distributing gifts to all kinds of groups and associations, dishing out the people’s money without their permission. The Oligarch and his accomplices knew this but did not react.
When it was time to go begging again in the highly publicized ‘Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative’, Brettonwood Institutions served as the purgatory. The thief caught a handful of his accomplices and presented them, then we entered the ‘club of shame’ –HIPCI. I have always said that: ‘It is not when a thief catches another thief, that the former ceases to be a thief’. A lot of the people’s billions have been embezzled by a lot of unpatriotic Cameroonians who still parade freely in Cameroonian soil. See the mansions and ostentatious cars some of those oligarchs own. No problem with mansions and big cars, if only you own them through hard work while paying your tax. I am talking about people’s money misused and unused. None of them will go free. They will be booked.
The election fever is on now. The ruling party oligarchs will not distinguish between the People’s money and Party money. Treasuries will be looted to sponsor party campaigns, as if they wouldn’t rig if they don’t win. We wait the 2011 exit election. When they leave the stage, we will search them, and let them answer in the people’s court,even after they have received ablution from their favoured Clergymen. Afterall, don’t they say that: ‘ Better late, than never’ ?
[email protected]
Posted by: Neba Fuh | Tuesday, 17 April 2007 at 02:03 PM
I told the world that Bate Besong is not dead.
Neba Fuh keep on. What i see in you will prove me right in a free Southern Cameroons.My blessings man.
Posted by: mk the southerner | Tuesday, 17 April 2007 at 03:02 PM
There is no doubt that the clergymen and those who hold God's word high have been implicated in the embezzlement scandal.It is a shame the men of God has betrayed their calling by involving thesamelves in such a situation.The Catholic church bishops,priests,and other men of the eclesiastical domain have been hitherto been involving in indiscriminate theft and other mismanagement which go unaccounted for in their denominations and congragations respectively and little doubt that some have been spotted by Ondo Ndong for embezzling funds of FEICOM.They should be held responsible to set a good example for the other clergymen who have been using the word of God to carry out misconducts and misleadership in the house of God.
Fritzane Kiki
Hong Kong
Posted by: Fritzane Kiki HK | Wednesday, 18 April 2007 at 10:45 PM
From the way some of us here react on situation that needs just common sense,one must be tempted call them empty.
As MK the Southerner said,where is the fault of the church? If the church has a project and make an appeal to the general public to donate for its realisation; if the donations are coming in, must the church find out the source of the money before receiving it? Have we been told that Ondo Ndong mentioned in court that the church authorities lured him to divert FEICOM funds to them?
If Ondo Ndong shared the money without any text guiding him or without instruction from his boss, it means he considered FEICOM funds his personal money and could use it the way he wants.
To the Postnewsline, the caption of this news item is totally misleading. You have not stated how church authorities are implicated in swindle. Just from what the post has reported, someone should tell me how church authorities can be called to answer questions in court on this matter.
Posted by: Fon | Thursday, 19 April 2007 at 01:43 AM
Ethically speaking, the church (like politicians) have a moral responsibility to identify the source of any gift before taking/using it. The church should not even receive gifts from "SIN" businesses like gambling because, ethically it is against their moral doctrine. Even receiving gifts (like school buildings) from a company like PMUC as some priest did sometime before is questionable on the part of the church.
I was not in Cameroon when this Ondo Ndong was a public figure, but from what i have heard, he was always dishing out money in public places as gifts to different organisations on behalf of the government.
Posted by: rexon | Thursday, 19 April 2007 at 03:56 AM
I just want to congratulate you for the level of objectivity and maturity you have always employed in analysing facts in this forum. In you, i see a very honest Southern Cameroon, who is untribalistic, realistic, straightforward, precise and concise in presenting facts as they are, etc. Those who always rush to twist the facts you present here are those who are not principled. If they are in power, they will do just thesame as the Biya regime they spend sleepless nights wondering on how to overthrow. But you have shown beyond reasonable doubt that, your bone of contention is not to support your brother, sister or tribesman to take power, but to speak the truth and bring changes to the human race.
You are mainly doing what i will motto as
God will bless you.
Posted by: rexon | Thursday, 19 April 2007 at 05:11 AM
correction: honest southern Cameroonian
Posted by: rexon | Thursday, 19 April 2007 at 05:12 AM
Raxon,this is what you said "he was always dishing out money in public places as gifts to different organisations on behalf of the government" Let say Odong Ndong had to help miserable children at your village and your brother happened to be one of those benefiting, and you know Odong as the general manager of FEICOM. You who is so religious may be, will you ask your brother not to take his share until you know were the money is coming from? I guest not becaus you already know it is some kine of help from FEICOM. I am not protecting the church but i am trying to but my self in the churches position.The church is a very big institution and many people do give offer to the church even business men and women with well established businesses even gives more than Odong Ndong.
Mk the Southerner.
Posted by: mk the southerner | Thursday, 19 April 2007 at 06:31 AM
If your intentions are to challenge me on this forum, you will reduced yourself to a big fool to the public.
Is it really realistic that the church should question the source of a donation to them before receiving it, especially one from someone like Ondo Ndong who had the rank of a minister? According to you, how do you expect the church to verify this source? The church´s philosophy is that, make the house of God your treasury, therefore if you give all you have to the church, they will never ask you what will then eat.
How many times in your life have you ever questioned the source of a gift to you before receciving it? Keep ridicling yourself sir!!!
Posted by: Fon | Thursday, 19 April 2007 at 01:24 PM
Is there incontrovertible evidence Mr.Ndong gave out money to any church;receipts or the likes?He's opening himself to further charges.That's what i think.He calls my name,i'm suing bthe living daylight out of him.Nonsense
Posted by: vito | Thursday, 19 April 2007 at 05:06 PM
I am arguing from a professional point of view and most of the things i write here relating to ethics are strictly from a professional point of view. As an example, an accounting or financial analysts is not ethically oblidged to receive gifts from his clients. Ethically speaking, the church should not receive gifts from Ondo Ndong or anyone without questioning the source esspecially when large sums or values are involved. The church or any rightminded christian should not receive gifts from gambling businesses, alcohol and tobacco as they clearly define it in their bible as sin businesses. In Sweden, school authorities are not allowed to receive gifts from students without questioning the motive, source, quality and cost.
I have also had the chance to hear complex arguments (in conferences and seminars) of how churches, charities, etc are going against their own ethical policies in receiving gifts, doing business, etc. with unethical individuals and institutions. The church of England, Church of Scotland, etc has been implicated in complex projects like the trade in slavery, Chad-Cameroon pipeline, diamond trade in Sierra Leone, deforrestation in africa, coperation with governments, etc for ethical reasons. It is a very complex world and some things are difficult to explain essp. to people who are not in a particular profession. But a clergyman cannot argue with me if i present evidences (from the bible) that validates my arguments against them receiving money from people like Ondo Ndong. If you are a clergyman, then we can move the debate forward.
From the way you write in support of unethical and other issues in this forum, i am not sure that if i write complex arguments here, you would be able to read and understand them. So lets leave the debate at the surface level.
Posted by: rexon | Thursday, 19 April 2007 at 06:11 PM
You got it wrong again.The church is resposible for the spiritual,and moral welbeing of the Society,so the church is not very different from a charity organisation. But the difference is that the church does not solicit alms from people. Charities can go out and do this work.The church allows the individual to cough up something that really comes from the bottom of his mind.The Ministers don`t give hugh sums to the church ,because they are thieves.They give because they compete for ostentation.There are ordinary business men who have never embzzled a single franc,but who give huge sums to the church.The church is not going to assume the role of a court ,and start questioning people about the source of their wealth.The church speaks out against evil like corruption,pride,and it is up to the individual to know that the sum of money he is offerig is truly clean,if at all he came to the church knowing it is a clean place.
Secondly,businesses ,and other organisations that might have involved themselves in wrongdoing always want to show some remorse to the society.They want to sort of cleanse themselves from evil,and the only place to channel funds that might go back to the society is the church.They have the idea that even if you have done evil all your life,and you go back to ask for forgiveness from God,then you will be forgiven.
The example you give about an accounting analyst not ethically supposed to receive gifts from clients,does not tie in here. Those are business dealings,and brinery is not normally allowed in business.Nobody bribes a church.Even the most satanic evil doer knows God exist,and when he occasionally come to terms with reality surrounding his exixtence,he always want to give back to God what he illegally got from ordinary people.Which is the right place to show your remorse for all your wrongdoing? Of course the church!
The church has at times knowingly involved itself in nasty business,so here we have to question the morality of the church,
but the church will never transform itself into a court.There are the christians ,and church authorities that make a church good.
This type of discussion has nothing to do with business conferences.It has to do with how christians should see the church.Should they steal,and go and dump it in the church,or should they be upright enough,and only give the little they have,since the church cannot oblige them to prove their that they are heros.
Posted by: Watesih | Thursday, 19 April 2007 at 08:10 PM
Watesih, thanks for that intervention.
Rexon, I used to think that your denial to reason was due to the SDF. However, from other topics on this forum, I have concluded that you have a very small head.
Did you answer my question on how you expect the church to verify the source of generous donations to them?
"But a clergyman cannot argue with me if i present evidences (from the bible) that validates my arguments against them receiving money from people like Ondo Ndong"
From the above statement(people like Ondo Ndong), you mean that Ondo Ndong was already of questionable character to the general public when he headed FEICOM: Was that the case?
As Watesih mentioned, your examples do not tie with the topic. "In Sweden, school authorities are not allowed to receive gifts from students without questioning the motive, source, quality and cost."
This is not only in Sweden, it is all over because the implications of such acts are obvious.
Posted by: Fon | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 12:58 AM
Fon and Watesih.
Let's be logical here. We all go to church and its part of our duty is to make some self critique.Your arguments so far had dwelled on church's unability to scrutinise gifts or alms.Thats right and correct.From the facts given in this reportand others there seems to be glaring leaning towards the belief that these were not some "Sunday offering" thrown into a basket during "offering" time.If that was to be the case then the church would be automatically exonerated.
But Im afraid the evidence Mr Ondo Ndong has been presenting points to well veified transactions with signatories appended.FEICOM as we know is a Special Councils Support Fund. Your arguments will prevail and hold water if you would prove that the Church has some status that allows it to function as "Council" or at least qualifies for FEICOM beneficiary status of tax payers money.
Secondly Fon made mentioned of gifts. Did Ondo Ndong made a goodwill gesture to the church? If yes then topic closed and church exonerated. But as things stand Ondo is claiming the fortune offered to the church was administratively accounted for with church leaders.What for? Did the church question their eligibilty for such funds?
Ondo Ndongs goes on the rampage with the tax payers hard earned sweat; Catholic Church, Chantal Biya,Roger Milla, Eglise Presbyterian etc etc. Do all these people and NGO qualify to receive Funds from Govt operative specially put in place for construction of councils when remote coucils like,Akwaya,Bakassi,Isangele,Mvomeka,Yagoua,May Ray Councils etc dont know of FEICOM?
Guys we all go to church but Im afraid we cant bail the church out of this.
If Ondo Ndong made a freewill offering then good and fine.Ondo Ndong is definitely a good master planner but when the church or whoever becomes accomplice to a man with questionable reputation and with questionable dealings that person(or organisation) must be held accounbtable for its misdeeds. After all , our elders say since all lizards lie prostrate you cant know the one one having belly bite.
Have a nice weekend
Posted by: tayong | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 04:09 AM
....inability ...verified
Posted by: tayong | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 04:15 AM
Watesih and Fon,
I am not arguing that the church should be a court, but the church has a moral responsibility to question the integrity of its christians and in extreme cases refuse to receive alms and gifts from them. Ask your pastors or priest for comfirmation.It is not very difficult to realise that someone is living above his means. What Ondo Ndong was giving to the church was taxpayers money and to be honest, everybody knew that and even the priest at the time that he was taking the money. Even our churches coperation with companies like PMUC is uncalled for. Ethically speaking, the church should refuse gifts from such businesses as they can be viewed as technically coperating with them.
Giving by politicians, businesses, influential people might have some political, moral and social implications. That is what the church should be concerned about. If the church thinks that PMUC makes its money the wrong way, the church should not invest or receive gifts from PMUC. If the church receives gifts from PMUC for example strictly speaking, the church is telling its christians in one way or the other to promote the business of PMUC. If the church also receives gifts from Ondo Ndong, it should not be looked different from the numerous funds that people channel illegally to the CPDM to fund its elections. These are taxpayers money and should not be disbursed in such ways.
Posted by: rexon | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 06:24 AM
I`m afraid the logic you want to introduce there includes so many "if Ondo Ndong, if the church".Go back to the article,and read again.The first lines tell us that Ondo Ndong gave this money as help ,you may want to call it aid.I`m surprised that you don`t know that if an official makes a gift to a school,hospital,there is always the reception ceremony where documents are signed to acknowledge reception of the gift.This is because a politician would always want posterity to know that he did something when he was in office.
Tayong ,it is wrong of you to distort the facts in an article like this.Where in the article did Ondo claim that the fortune offered to the church was administratively accounted for with church leaders? The article has even used the word largesse to show that he did not go into any negotiation with the church,but dished out cash at will.
The church will continue to accept money from everybody,but if the church knowingly invites Ondo Ndong,and tells him that come and give us some of the billions you embezzled then our attempt to spit on the church will be legitimate.It is not a problem of if,Ondo Ndong dished out this money as an a member of the elite,not knowing that one day time will catch up with him.Ondo Ndong could never imagine that his brother Biya could bring him to book.We still remember the words of General Asso`o Emane ,who warned Biya not to arrest Ondo Ndong,because Ondo supporter him,and he in turn supported Biya in the army.
Ondo Ndong`s assertion that it was aid completely makes light of your question as to whether the church is a "Council" or whether it is qualified for Feicom`s beneficiary status.The church is a free giving institution,and is completely different from modern-day charities,because it doesn`t solicit alms from anyone.Those who are sympathetic with the welbeing of mankind,chip in something graciously,and the church uses it for social projects.
Posted by: Watesih | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 06:25 AM
Rolls-Royce to pull out of Sudan
The conflict in Darfur has left millions of people displaced
British aerospace firm Rolls-Royce is to pull out of Sudan in light of its concerns about the worsening humanitarian situation in Darfur.
Rolls, which supplies engines to oil firms in the country, said it would "progressively withdraw" from existing contracts and not seek new business.
Foreign firms have come under pressure to cease their Sudanese operations in response to the situation in Darfur.
More than 200,000 people have died during the four-year conflict there.
'Responsible line'
The UN is set to consider a new resolution to try to end the violence between rebels and the pro-government Arab militia, which has also left more than two million people displaced.
Although it does not have any presence in Darfur, Rolls has been providing support services to oil producers in Sudan for more than five years.
The company has decided it should discontinue business in Sudan
The firm does not have any contracts with the Sudanese government and its business there represents only a small fraction of its global operations.
The decision to gradually remove its 20 staff had been taken "in view of increasing international humanitarian concerns about the situation in Darfur", the firm said.
"The company recently reviewed its position and has decided it should discontinue business in Sudan," it added.
"Rolls-Royce believes this is a responsible line to adopt in the current circumstances."
'Fuelling the crisis'
Critics of the Sudanese government's role in the violence in Darfur and the plight of the people in the region welcomed the firm's decision.
"Companies cannot blinker themselves from the impact they are having on the vulnerable people of Sudan," said Hamish Falconer, from Sudan Divestment UK, a body which campaigns for businesses to sever their commercial links with Sudan.
"It is a stark challenge to the other companies whose operations are helping fuel the world's worst humanitarian crisis."
Sudan remains one of Africa's leading oil producers, with many foreign companies active in the country.
Posted by: rexon | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 06:36 AM
Here is what the paper also says."After Ondo Ndong's submission, the lawyers of the civil party said the naming of the names of people in high places would not help him, because, FEICOM is not a charity or philanthropic organisation. They averred that the main mission of FEICOM, as defined by its statutes, is to sponsor development projects in all Councils across the country. It is not a charitable organisation, they emphasised."
There's no distortion of facts.Ondo Ndong wouldn't be submitting lists of persons if such "largese" was a good samaritan overture from his "godly" purse. In other words he's arguing that the money was judiciosly and legally put into use. No gainsaying .
Posted by: tayong | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 06:48 AM
Why do you think we confess our sins to the Priest? Because we think he is God`s representative on earth,and that through him, God will forgive us.It is the same with Politicians,Business men.Most of them get their money through dubious means,and when their hearts are occassionally pricked about the plight of man,they want to give back.They can`t give back through other government agencies,because they will be asked to account for it.They give back to the House of God.The Church is considered an empty House where you can go and talk to God directly.The Priests are just there to intercede,between man ,and God.When we confess our sins to the Priest ,do we involve in any argument with him? Of course not.That is the same reason why the church cannot go out negotiating for people to come and give it money,or finding out how they got the money.Even if they are thieves,the church will still take care of them spiritually,by preaching that stealing is bad.Salvation is an individual affair.If you want to turn over a new leaf,ok.
The essence of any major business enterprise is to mazimise profit,while at the same time taking care of the social welbeing of citizens where it operates.
Bodies like Pmuc are gambling companies that should carry out many projects all things being equal.The gambling they promote is an optional affair,that is why gambling exists everywhere around the world.
Rexon,the Cpdm is not the church.The church is responsible for the spiritual welbeing of people,while the Cpdm is responsible for their spiritual,and physical death.When money is given to the church,it does something with it,but when money is given to the Cpdm,nothing is done.When Ministers go to church with large sums,we assume they have stolen our money,but when the Cpdm wants to go out for elections,we actually see them making estimations on our existing budget.
Posted by: Watesih | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 06:50 AM
No,wrong. He wants to show that people should not take him for such a thief to embezzle such a large sum.He wants to show that he at least gave some of it somewhere.But this can`t be legal as you say,because aid,help is discreational.It would have been legal if Feicom asked him to embezzle money,and dish out some to the church.Feicom is an arm of government.
Posted by: Watesih | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 07:02 AM
You guys are wonderful in presenting your points in this unfortunate thing this god-forsaken fellow did with our money.
Brethren,the fun is, we are judging from this writers report.If what this guy wrote above is actually what Ondo Ndong did then i will go with Tayong and Rexon.
Did the church find out about FEICOM?
10 Million is too big for a government individual to dish out to a church.
Tayong said if the money was left in an offering basket then we would not be argueing today.
But it looks like a full blown transaction between the church and the director of FEICOM.
The money took days obviously to get to the church.
So,if Kini Nsom's story is actually what went around then the chucrh is an accomplice in this unfortunate act.
Posted by: casara | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 07:09 AM
I guess Ondo Ndong is already a victim of circumstance.He never knew what malaise will bafall him later since he was living in affluence and plenty.He was mistaken to be given out huge sums of monies to ladies and the church in return for 'sexual favors' and 'God's blessings' at thesame time.Everything has its time.He has to pay in his coins.It is really ridiculous that this gentleman became a cheerful giver with state's funds to the large number of names and organisation he was naming in court!!
I am sure he will be released like his former predicessors like Fon Doh, since he was/is under the CPDM canopy.All these are just camouflages from the CPDM regime to blindfull the general public that there is a strong anti-corruption drive.If Ondo Ndong also implicated the Anti-Corruption organisation branch in Cameroon of having collected 500,000frs and Chantal Biya's CERAC who also snashed 5 million frs,then it is clear that many people will be implicated and persecuted or will answer questions about the allegation.Let's hope there will be free and fair trial and punishments that will equal their amount of monies stolen/embezzled.
Fritzane Kiki
Hong Kong
Posted by: Fritzane Kiki HK | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 01:41 PM
You say...."He wants to show that he at least gave some of it somewhere.But this can`t be legal as you say,because aid,help is discreational"...
Of course Mr Ondo is trying to say he put the money somewhere and that "somewhere" is appropriate without which he should have pleased guilty of misappropriation at least.But we know he's neither pleaded guilty of misappropriation nor embezzlement but tries hard to say his beneficiaries fall within the legal tentacles of FEICOM.
Then again you say..."help is discreational".The papers talks of FEICOM's largesse and not Ondo Ndongs largesse. The question that the church authorities must answer is did they question their elegibility of benefiting from FEICOM?
Well your argument is that the church doesnt question people who give them but when such gifts are made from a source they know they arent qualified to receive from then they have chunks of questions to answer.
If the church must remain the only aorta of justice we have in Cameroon then such dealings are eyebrows raising. If the church couldnt question itself before going into such transactions then even Chantal Biya and others involved had no reasons to question their right to receiving their share and subsequently Ondo Ndong is not even a criminal since he was the man of the decade for his largesse . Maybe we need many other "largesseurs" to come to the aid of Baptish Church, Full Gospel,Apostilic, etc etc.
Posted by: tayong | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 03:27 PM
Are we arguing for a defeat or we want to face reality?
Some where, you sounded as if some of us are in support of Ondo Ndong´s disgrace; far from it. Our point is that the church can´t be called to answer question in court for any wrong doing depending on the information that we have presently from the postnewsline.
Do you want to tell me that the clergymen are obligated to know the text guiding the expenditure of FEICOM funds or any other state department? If your answer is no, as it is the obvious answer, don´t you see that the quotation below sounds funy to come from someone like you.
"The question that the church authorities must answer is did they question their elegibility of benefiting from FEICOM?"
"Secondly Fon made mentioned of gifts. Did Ondo Ndong made a goodwill gesture to the church? If yes then topic closed and church exonerated. But as things stand Ondo is claiming the fortune offered to the church was administratively accounted for with church leaders.What for? Did the church question their eligibilty for such funds?"
The church could not question her eligiblity because they will obvious say, they do not know who qualifies to benefit from such funds. It is Ondo Ndong who knew and had the text guiding the expenditure of FEICOM funds that must explain in court why he decided to channel FEICOM funds to persons who did not qualify to benifit from it. It can´t be the other way round; i.e. those who benefited explaining why they accepted funds from a source they did not qualify.
Tayong, however, I agree with just one point from you,"Ondo Ndong wouldn't be submitting lists of persons if such "largese" was a good samaritan overture from his "godly" purse."
This is the point that the court should dig out and which we expect to post to report. We should know the circumstances under which Ondo Ndong share this money before we can judge who ever accepted the money. I believe there is more to it that we don´t yet know. For example I don´t think he could have single handedly given Chantal Biya 150 million francs.
To sum up, What is important is for us to know what pushed Ondo Ndong to channel FEICOM funds to persons who did not qualify to benefit rather than question why these persons accepted the money.
Posted by: Fon | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 04:25 PM
As Fon said we debate on topical issues to enlighten ourselves not to win.You say papers speak of Feicom`s largesse not OndoNdong`s, is it Ondo Ndong or Feicom that has been taken to court? Here you,"If the church couldn`t question itself before going into such transactions".Which transactions? Was the church involved in any business dealings with Ondo Ndong? Lets be serious ,and stop distorting palpable facts.Lets get this sentence clear: " According to him ,the clergymen,and many others got this money as help for various activities".So what is this ridiculous talk of transactions between the church,and Ondo Ndong.Again aid is discreational,thats why Ondo did chose those he wanted to give money to.If it were government oriented,the terms will be clear
and it may even be an annual affair,as its supposed to be with councils.
Posted by: Watesih | Friday, 20 April 2007 at 08:14 PM