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Friday, 22 February 2008


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Ms Educ.

Interesting observation. wish it made some sense to the policy makers.


This is actually what is happening today in industialised nations and advancing societies.

Rogue regimes like the Biya regime will encourage a PHD in Agricultural Economics, and offer little or no educational support or assistance for the aspiring plumber.

Rogue regimes like the Biya regime create an accademic situation where the average government employee may be happy, but they don't know anything different. They avoid risks at all costs. It has become a frustrating place for high achievers.

No changes are welcome and complacency is rewarded. In Cameroon under Biya, u are encouraged to leave your potential behind.

Members of LA Republique and Biya aren't focused on anything but their own comfort Zones. No, they don't try anything new...why should they? Because of belly politics , there is no incentive to move Cameroon to the next level. Mr. Entrepreneur, the best people continue to grow frustrated and have either left or planning to leave Cameroon.

Men, it smell musty here in Cameroon, and lethal when it comes to individausl potential. What a waste of ability, and what a bland future for English speaking Cameroonians under the Biya regime.

The sad thing about this is that Biya and his band of thieves are all comfortable. But, like that clear pond in the nice warm sun, Cameroon will soon turn into a stagnant cesspool because there is no movement and fresh oxygen.


Njimaforboy, just a quick one: you see history is such a vast canvas that humans can learn from. Hitler, Idi Amin and others never saw any other time as possible other than theirs.

That is how Biya thinks, like Ahidjo, like many African statesmen who can read and write (or better scribble a few decrees since most cannot write even their own biographies by themselves). These are incompetent when it comes to deep philosophical, scientific, humane or logical thinking. They envision time very poorly. In five or ten years' time, we will be talking another historical discourse without him. But he doesn't see that possibility now.

I love TIME.

Each time Biya looks at gold watch, I wonder what he sees or thinks. Time can be very deceptive to those who think they can control it.

The question however is: what will Cameroonian politicians do without Biya? Will they do better? Did they have a different education, different value system? Do they have a different understanding of life? What ideologies do they have for a country to move towards modernity when they've grown in contexts that we know too well?

Can any politician in Cameroon move the country towards a Botswana or South Korea?

My thoughts are that West Cameroon can, if it toils hard and gains its independence. But not with any of these French-speaking countries in Central or West Africa. It will take them hundreds of years to evolve...

What you must realize is that countries evolve with the kinds of thoughts that circulate in the heads of their leaders or elite. That's why good scientists like Hayatou, the first pm under Biya, were completely out of place with that coterie or generation. Besides him, I know no other La Republique politician that could have meant well in that country.

We all know it smells in La Republique. Instead of getting rid of the smell, one can also sidestep it, especially if it's a smell that's hard to get rid of.

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