By Ernest Tebid Fru, Douala
The Delegate General for National Security, Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo`o published a list on February 14, sanctioning three Commissioners for grave misconduct.
The action aims at deodorizing the system from future mistakes. The three include Mve of the Littoral Judicial Police, Jean Claude Djeudan, Chief of Service in charge of Maintenance and Order at the Provincial Delegation for National Security in the Littoral and Francois Xavier Minyem, Chief of Service in charge of Control and Inspection of Units.
According to information gathered from 'Mutations Newspaper' No. 2094 February 15, 2008, Commissioner Mve divulged confidential information last December, following a statement recorded from Zacchaeus Forjindam, Director General of Cameroon Shipyard and Industrial Engineering Company Ltd, known by its French acronym, CNIC or Chantier Naval. Mve flouted professional ethics and delivered a copy of Forjindam`s statement to the publisher of "Aurore Plus" for publication.
One Michel Moussalla is a reputed gold digger who thrives on blackmail and threats on his victims, a habit that has already landed him in jail more than once. True to nature, when the hapless Moussala got the statement of Forjindam he tried to entrap the latter to pay up or face jail. Forjindam, of course, told him to get lost.
Aurore Plus now came up with sensational titles to its articles, one of which read: "Zacchaeus Forjindam, one leg in Kondengui." Not only did he publish the audition which is a secret document but he now gave his interpretation of facts misleading his audience to see Forjindam as a crook and a guilty party whereas to other minds, just reading Forjindam's statement immediately cleared him of any wrong doing.
Michiavellic Forces Behind The Plot
Mve has never had any dealings with Forjindam; he does not know him, why then the sudden interest to see the latter denigrated. This is where the plot thickens. Another important figure gets into the scene as the case is demystified.
Mve claimed he was acting at the behest of the Deputy General Manager of Chantier Naval, Antoine Bikoro, of which he grossly refutes. Notwithstanding Bikoro's disclaimer, police investigations reveal mobile telephone contacts between Bikoro and Mve and Moussala of Aurore Plus during the period preceding publication of audition.
Who Stands To Gain?
It would be recalled that Bikoro was last December appointed to the post of Deputy General Manager of Chantier Naval. For the first time in this country, the installation of an assistant was accompanied by an onslaught of a blitz of tabloids with damaging articles portraying the General Manager as a corrupt culprit with one foot in jail and the other on the jail doorsteps.
The question was who was behind all these attacks on the General Manager? Since the truth invariably prevails, divine justice has begun revealing the hand of the Machiavelli who had crafted a devilish plot and like a chess maestro put it into execution step by step.
At the beginning was Bikoro who today is Deputy General Manager. He was, before now, a Director in SNH and a member of the Board of Administrators of Chantier Naval, representing SNH.
Upon discovering what Chantier Naval is worth, he could not imagine that in this country such an important structure should be in the hands of an Anglophone, who committed the sacrilegious crime of building the shipyard in Limbe and not in Kribi, the Province from where he hails. On numerous occasions he so decried this decision that it became a sing song.
A Board resolution sanctioned by the Government requiring shareholders, including SNH (biggest shareholder) to pay the remaining capital earmarked for Limbe Shipyard project was now blocked by Bikoro's antics - one ploy after the other to forestall payment. Then Bikoro came up with the ploy that SNH could not pay for it's share capital if an audit was not carried out by an SNH chosen auditor (in pure disregard of the accredited company auditor).
Through his meticulous design, he selected a group sworn to his cause, charged them to massacre the accounts of Forjindam and by that, hand the latter's head on a platter. The biased audit report was contested by Forjindam who reported the issue to the Government and prayed that a neutral auditor be appointed to audit his work.
Behold, Government sent the National State Inspectors. Without awaiting the release of the control report of the State Inspectors and fearing that their discredited audit report would come to naught, Bikoro and his accomplices now decided to undercut the report on the control of the State Inspectors by forwarding the discredited audit report straight to Judicial Police to pursue Forjindam for so-called misappropriation.
Bikoro now financed the flood of tabloids of all shades to come up with disparaging articles against his boss Mr. Forjindam, so the latter became the talk of the country. Amongst the leading newspapers that started writing about the discredited audit report that was supposedly still a confidential document and in any case contested was one "Anecdote."
How did Anecdote in 2006 get this confidential and contested report? Why did they pursue its publication as a crusade against Forjindam? The answer is so simple .The Editor of Anecdote is called Bikoro who happens to be the kid brother of the Antoine Bikoro of the Shipyard.
The war to bring down Forjindam was now waged with the Bikoro brothers as generals commanding the troops. Today, the present investigations linking Mr. Antoine Bikoro directly with commandeering the divulgation of secret judicial documents clearly identifies him as Forjindam`s assassin who has tracked him over time.
Faces Behind The Mask
As investigations narrow down to pinpoint Antoine Bikoro as the architect of all these evil machinations against his boss, just to nourish a blazing ambition and greed of his (or is it a clan?) who must now answer for his crimes, one is reminded of a scriptural saga of Haman who built gallows to hang Morderchai but was himself hung on the very gallows.
Everyone is watching to see what will be done to the result of this revealing investigation. But not everyone is waiting, at least not Forjindam's lawyers. They are preparing for justice to take its course and they intend to pursue this relentlessly.
But then, the big question now is, how shall these two work together to advance the cause of the Shipyard or is this appointment meant to eternally obstruct the completion of the Shipyard project in Limbe?
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Whenever an anglophone manages to become director or PM, a francophone i appointed to monitor him/her and they turn to have more powers than the anglohone. The PM is just a figure head. But when you confront anglophones from the two provincs, they accuse each other. biya has constantly put them in that position. Any anglophone biya appoints from the northwest is the want who will take the responibility of first of all destroying his own province and any angophone appointed by biya from the south west must acceptthe reponsibility of widenly the gab between north west and southwest. Stupid anglophones. Sme of you will very soon abolish English in your provinces provided you remain mnisters portfolio
shame shame
Posted by: Delors | Saturday, 23 February 2008 at 12:13 AM
That was true. It is always greedy Southern Cameroonians that Mr Biya always employ to do the dirty job. Atangha, a member of Mr Biya's cabinet if a feyman and was the one who first started all these talk about constitutional amendment in the heart of Bamenda. Fonjindam is another hypocrite. He was seen distributing money in Bamenda and forcing people to vote for Biya. He is part of the group of politicians that have been employed by the Biya clique to help him eternalise himself in power. Another group calling themselves the SDF have been busy working on colouring Mr Biya's fake democracy for personal gain. We want our independence and all these people pretending to speak for us, from Inoni to NJFN are mere traitor. Our president is Professor Carlson Anyangwe. The earlier Southern Cameroonians opt out of these fake politics with La Republique and focus their attention on their quest for their independent statehood, the better.
Posted by: rexon | Saturday, 23 February 2008 at 09:42 AM
Dear Southern Cameroonians,
Southern Cameroon needs tarred roads, schoools with qualified teachers, hospitals with good doctors, rural electicfications and pipeborne water, equality in all spheres of life. They are not interested if it is Anyangwe or Nfor Nfor or John Fru Ndi who is their leader. In so far as these basic things are not addressed, the so called Prisident of Southern Cameroon has no meaning to the Southern cameroonians. We don't even know Anyangwe. Where does he stay in Southern Cameroon? Does he feel the day to day problem of Southern cameroonians? Remember, the people of Kossovo fought for their independence from within Kossovo using all available means. We cannot want to get freedom without facing the oppressor bone for bone. The word of God instructs his children to fight all forms of injustice. Note the word fight. We cannot beg for our freedom nor be illusive about our freedom. Let stop accusing one another because the struggle for liberation is complex.
Posted by: Abdou | Sunday, 24 February 2008 at 02:47 AM