We condemn with utmost vehemence the tasteless and fallacious article captioned "Death snatches Enonchong from the jaws of Prosecution" that was published in the pages of The Post on 01 July 2008.
At a time when our family should be mourning and preparing to pay our final respects to our father, uncle, brother, grandfather His Majesty Chief Dr. HNA Enonchong, Paramount Ruler of Besongabang, we have to respond to defamatory and mean-spirited accusations that have no foundation in fact.
We will not dignify the so-called "article" with a point-by-point response. The facts and preponderance of documentary evidence are all before the competent courts and we are confident that the truth shall prevail and triumph.
In any event, in view of the obligation to respect human dignity, the rule of law and all constitutional rights, the writer of the libelous article and publisher of the newspaper are informed that the Enonchong family reserves the right to file legal proceedings before the competent courts for defamation, malicious intent, and/or fraudulent misrepresentation as per applicable tortuous or criminal liabilities under the rule of law.
While His Majesty Chief Dr. Enonchong's voice might be silenced, his principles, projects and good works are carried on through his children and family who will pursue with the same passion and vigor the legacy which he started.
On behalf of the Enonchong family,Rebecca Enonchong and Richard Enonchong

Utter nonsense,very irreasonable, must we go to court before we are told even the lawyers are not perfect!! Let's try this for a minute, who is reprimanding who.I seem to believe that the late chief had something to do with the lswsuit against Pamol, and his dead is not a line stroke across the case file number that no one should comment on.My perception is that, this vulturistic attitude by some families in Cameroon, pouncing on poor workers doing their job is tantamount to oppression and pervertion of justice.Yes, the first thing that comes to anyone mind after his dead is this popular case.Well I suggest another headline for the issue: Who inherits the Late Cheif battle with Pamol or does he die with it!!
Meanwhile we all, need to respectfully mourn his soul, give him the honor due for his fine works alive,it must not be a planted rule to avoid the tussle the dead leave the living in. May the Enonchong family reconsider their step and decide if they want to continue this habitual lawsuit or live in a realistic society that everyone is free to express his view whether for the dead or living.
Dear brothers and sisters, let us try to be reasonable and grow out of the supression and nonsense attack.When it is true many people must not join to shout it, because it is not a contest for popularity,this great state man will not go too long before his legacy is revisited.
May His soul in peace rest, and our struggle as we live continues.We will miss you,the one in many with the wit and might to stand this rudeless government.We will miss you.
Posted by: Epizi | Friday, 04 July 2008 at 07:07 AM
The law suit by pamol against Dr Enonchong dies with him because it's a criminal law suit and criminal law suits are mostly personal and die with the accuse. The Law suit by Enonchong against Pamol lives with his Estate as long as his Estate lives. His Devisees , Lagalisees and heirs can always pursue the law suit. I think Legal issues should be left to legal minds to comment on that's why CNN has all kinds of analysts. The post made an erroneous statement that Enonchong's law suit against pamol dies with him. I think The Post before commenting on legal issues should consult legal minds. Maybe at the time of going to the press all the legal minds in Cameroon were at the bars drinking because that's all they are capable of doing.
Also, Law suits for defamafation are personal and die with the victim of defamation thus the Estate of Enonchong cannot pursue defamatory law suits made against Dr Enonchong.
Thatnotwithstanding, Enonchong was a great mind who did great things. He should be given the respect he derserves.
For any probono legal advice consult with Eric-Denzel at [email protected].
May the soul of th Great Enonchong(chief) rest in peace,
Posted by: mimi | Friday, 04 July 2008 at 11:13 AM
Many years ago, when Dr. Enochong was in England, we had the privilege of fostering two of his children, our beloved Cecilia and baby Eric. Ceci stayed with us for about three years and we loved her very much. We would dearly like to get in touch with Ceci to let her know that we still think of her. Can anyone help us to contact her or her family please. Nanette and Tom Crickson of Dover, Kent England.
Posted by: Nanette Crickson | Friday, 19 February 2010 at 04:31 PM
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Posted by: Nike Shox Navina | Friday, 17 September 2010 at 11:24 PM
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