By Francis Tim Mbom
Two security sources have hinted The Post that detectives are fast closing in on the gangsters who attacked four banks in Limbe on Sunday, September 28 and robbed one of some FCFA 200 million.
It would be recalled that an investigating team from the Presidency arrived from Yaounde on Tuesday, October 7.The team is said to be made up of top security personnel from the military, the gendarmerie and the police.
Sources who spoke to The Post said the team, stationed at the Limbe Gendarmerie Company office, on Wednesday grilled several individuals for long hours.Among those said to have been questioned were the security guards who were on duty at the four banks that night, some bank staff and a few other suspects.
The Bits So Far
From what has been gleaned so far, two security officials, who talked on condition of anonymity, said government has already made some vital arrests that are likely to lead to the masterminds of the robbery.
Two hints from our sources are coherent that the three high-speed boats used for the heist were hired from some individuals who do business along the coast.They equally said the investigating team is close on the heels of the other gang members who came by land.
Our sources said from the facts garnered so far, the vehicles the thugs used were hired from the Littoral Province and their registration numbers have been gotten as well.But initial speculations had had it that the vehicles bore no number plates.
Ze Meka's Knowledge Of Planned Attacks
Our sources hold that the declaration by the Minister Delegate at the
Presidency in charge of Defence, Remey Ze Meka, that his administration
was tipped about the attacks before hand, was partly true.The Post was told that the Limbe security, some time in December 2007,
received instructions from Yaounde alerting them of a planned attack.
It is said the Fako and Limbe administrators, at the time, took measures and security around the banks was stepped up. But as time went on, the measures lapsed.Our sources said the attackers might have benefited from the fact that some administrators of Fako and the Limbe Public Security were changed not long ago.
The first was the Commissioner of Limbe Pubic Security, John Ngale, who went on retirement and was replaced by Eric Eko Ngwesse.Then in August, the SDO, Bernard Okalia Bilai, ceded his position to Jules Marcellin Ndjaga.While investigations are still ongoing, there are strong allegations that heads would roll.
Beyond this, there have been heightened allegations that the robbers were people from within.Ze Meka even said the attackers could have been people who live around us.
Biya and his band of thieves and killers will be visiting canada from the 16th -19 of this month. To highlight the plight of our people under this brutal regime, those of you in the US and canada should turn out en masse with placards other symbols, and demonstrate similar to the one in New York.
Those of us who cannot make it physically can do same by sending mails en mass to the below links. Sorry I didn´t translate them all:
HON. Stephen Joseph Harper, Premier ministre
Courriel : [email protected] or [email protected]
Head of Quebec bloc :[email protected] or [email protected]
Head of canada opposition:
[email protected] or [email protected]
Head of New Democratic party: [email protected]
Hon. David Emerson,Ministre of foreing affairs [email protected]
Hon. Josée Verner,Minister of women affairs and Francophonie : [email protected]
Agence canadienne de développement international : [email protected]
Provincial level :
La chef du Parti Québecois Pauline Marois
Pour la joindre : [email protected]
Le premier ministre Jean Charest
Pour le joindre :
Le chef de l'opposition officielle Mario Dumont
Pour le joindre : [email protected]
La ministre : Monique GAGNON-TREMBLAY : Ministre responsable de la
Francophonie et relations internationales
Courriel : [email protected].
Please Be there to tell the international community, what Cameroon is like under this wife killer, or flood these mail addresses with pictures and conditions in Cameroon.
Posted by: Akume | Friday, 10 October 2008 at 05:24 AM
AKume, God bless you my brother. I wish I could be there but unfortunately I can't.
However, I shall flood those e-mail addresses with complaints and pictures ,depicting with genuine accuracy, the blood-thirsty regime of Biya. But of course, Canada and the West already know about these things. They just decide to give a blind eye. With being said, we should keep putting pressure until we cure that blindness.
Posted by: UnitedstatesofAfrica | Friday, 10 October 2008 at 10:46 AM
The change of security officials was to facilitate the attacks on limbe since the government of ze meka knew when it was gonna happen. Thank him for telling the world and cameroon how they did it.
one of these days they will show you a funny gang of people they are trying to bribe over the tv to deceive the people of cameroon and the world that some of the people were caught and thereafter you will see the people no more. We are cameroonians and we know Cameroun.........
Posted by: Delors | Saturday, 11 October 2008 at 01:28 PM
humourous, but true! You think so much about these happenings and your brains will implode!
Let them recover the swag and present to us the culprits, then we can begin to trust them. Fact is, these guys are searching for a needle in a haystack!!!!
Good luck to them.
Posted by: Danny Boy | Saturday, 11 October 2008 at 05:34 PM