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Thursday, 14 May 2009


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Ras Tuge

Man, this is a very inconsistently written thesis, and hence that self-satisfied smirk on your face is unwarranted! I had to make sure that i wasn't reading a vapid historical account of Cameroon, with little relevance to the topic. The essay shamelessly portrayed Anglophone leaders as misfits whose political parochialism was exposed by the SEASONED politician, Ahidjo.

What you wrote in the first part of your essay was commendable, eventhough there wasn't any original material in it. I relished it, and i expected you to deliver rather subjective arguments in the promised second part. But you failed in your immediate object, and i am going to tell you why.

Now, it is very nerve-racking to keep people on tenterhooks, just to finally hit somewhat below the belt! On several occasions, i have insisted on the need for Cameroonians ( Africans) to rely on their fundamental realities in order to come up with befitting suggestions when addressing the intricacies connected with governing the challenging place. I am elated that you mentioned something similar.

In part one, you insisted that the leaders of the Federation chosed to remain true to alien political cultures, which you obviously think is disturbing. However, surprisingly in part 2, you unwittingly mentioned democracy as one of the conditions which according to you must be implemented! Is democracy not alien to Cameroon, and the whole of Africa? Has democracy ever been equitable to Africa in the first place? Your thesis fell short of prescribing an adequate government system that would cater for the two hundred or so tribes or ethnic groups that you mentioned.

Moreover, it is utterly baffling to see a man of your ripe age who probably saw better days under Ahidjo's reign, lambasting a leader whose viewpoint of a nationalistic Cameroon has all but dwindled ever since his premature exit. Never in a million times have Cameroonians enjoyed being citizens of Cameroon, or felt that desire to achieve political and economic independence for their country as they experienced under Ahidjo.

True, Ahidjo's tenure was jammed with flaws, but so is your thesis too! Frankly, to absurdly purport that the man loved himself more than his country is a complete fallacy, and an absolute misrepresentation of his character as a person. Clearly, Ahidjo wasn't a well-read guy like you and i, but atleast he deserves much more credit than you reluctantly give him. Again, surprisingly you dismiss Ahidjo's nationalist policies, only to insist on a nationalist ideology as perhaps your most outstanding prerequisite for success in Cameroon! Really funny!

All in all, i am a staunch advocate for unity when it comes to the rift between Anglophones and Francophones. There's no need to create a nation that will be doomed from the start, especially as Anglophones themselves hardly seem to tolerate each other. However, maybe i should remind you that under Ahidjo, such secessionist tendencies stemming from abject exclusion were seldom as pronounced as it is the case today. Nevertheless, with or without nationalism, the ubiquity of colonial mindset shall remain rife in Cameroon, or Africa until we are fully able to emancipate ourselves. That may take centuries if we don't take heed, i am afraid!

In my blogs you'll read alot about my take on African affairs.

VA Boy

The Truth Shall Set You Free
by Emmanuel Konde

I understand the uproar that has greeted my “Deceptive Herd Mentality…” posting on camnetwork. But I also understand that I have done Cameroon and Cameroonians a great favor. Mine is a supreme act of benevolence from a magnanimous man. I ask you to think and not feel; to judge not my posting through the prism of short-term irrational passion but from a long-term perspective of the greater good it will bring to Cameroon, and especially to the subjects of my discourse.

From among all the noise-makers and their noise-making—all subjects of “Deceptive Heard Mentality…,” not one person has challenged the veracity of my exposé. Those who have accused me of seeking a position in Government by way of unraveling a machine of deception more than five decades in the making, have not much to offer but their pedestrian banter. My action is too virtuous to be categorized as political, too sublime to be tarnished with the cheapness of politics.

I strongly believe, and have accordingly articulated, that no grouping of people should be so deceptively domineering in a multi-ethnic polity; no grouping so vexing, callous, and disregardful of other groups. Democracy is not built on domination; it is fashioned on tolerance and acceptance of differences. Again, I understand this to be too complicated a political construction for some one-dimensional minds to understand, accept, and internalize. Even so, I have, with uncharacteristic will power, valiantly lifted the panoply of justice to unprecedented heights for all.

In as much as some may love to hate my guts, they cannot deny that I have with surgical precision dissected the machinations of a bullying group of Cameroonians, have called on them to refrain from their erstwhile practice of dissembling, and have requested of other Cameroonians to contain them. I am not one who would look askance at a neighbor with an un-ironed shirt worn straight from the dryer and not tell him that he ought to have ironed his shirt. Or, see a friend wearing dirty shoes and not tell him to polish them. Neither am I a person who wears a shirt with ring-around-the-collar. And yes, I would not permit my neighbor to wear such a shirt. We are our brothers’ keeper. The honesty I bring to everything I do in life and give to my friends and neighbors I expect them to dish out to me.

I have given you something to mull over. I do not regret one bit my posting because everything in it is the truth and nothing but the truth. There is no single revelation in my posting that is not discussed daily by non-Graffi Cameroonians in private. Some of these may profess otherwise, even disavow me and the contents of “Deceptive Herd Mentality…” But, as the taste is in the pudding, so the lie is in the content of the details. It takes for an exceptional man to do what I did, and it might surprise some that many who happen to be Graffi agree with my posting because it contains the raw grains of truth.
"The problem of power is how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public." Robert F. Kennedy

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