AFRICAphonie AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
Jacob Nguni Virtuoso guitarist, writer and humorist. Former lead guitarist of Rocafil, led by Prince Nico Mbarga.
Postwatch Magazine A UMI (United Media Incorporated) publication. Specializing in well researched investigative reports, it focuses on the Cameroonian scene, particular issues of interest to the former British Southern Cameroons.
Bernard Fonlon Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
PostNewsLine PostNewsLine is an interactive feature of 'The Post', an important newspaper published out of Buea, Cameroons.
France Watcher Purpose of this advocacy site: To aggregate all available information about French terror, exploitation and manipulation of Africa
Bakwerirama Spotlight on the Bakweri Society and Culture. The Bakweri are an indigenous African nation.
Simon Mol Cameroonian poet, writer, journalist and Human Rights activist living in Warsaw, Poland
Bate Besong Bate Besong, award-winning firebrand poet and playwright.
Fonlon-Nichols Award Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
Scribbles from the Den The award-winning blog of Dibussi Tande, Cameroon's leading blogger. Professor of Medicine and interventional cardiologist, Nowa Omoigui is also one of the foremost experts and scholars on the history of the Nigerian Military and the Nigerian Civil War. This site contains many of his writings and comments on military subjects and history.
Victor Mbarika ICT Weblog Victor Wacham Agwe Mbarika is one of Africa's foremost experts on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Dr. Mbarika's research interests are in the areas of information infrastructure diffusion in developing countries and multimedia learning.
Martin Jumbam The refreshingly, unique, incisive and generally hilarous writings about the foibles of African society and politics by former Cameroon Life Magazine columnist Martin Jumbam.
Enanga's POV Rosemary Ekosso, a Cameroonian novelist and blogger who lives and works in Cambodia.
Godfrey Tangwa aka Rotcod Gobata Renaissance man, philosophy professor, actor and newspaper columnist, Godfrey Tangwa aka Rotcod Gobata touches a wide array of subjects. Always entertaining and eminently readable. Visit for frequent updates.
Francis Nyamnjoh Francis B. Nyamnjoh is Associate Professor and Head of Publications and Dissemination with the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA).
Ilongo Sphere Novelist and poet Ilongo Fritz Ngalle, long concealed his artist's wings behind the firm exterior of a University administrator and guidance counsellor. No longer. Enjoy his unique poems and glimpses of upcoming novels and short stories.
By Innocent Chia There
is a general misgiving that Cameroon, and albeit the rest of Africa, is
virgin land to homosexuality. In some rare international news
appearances between 2006 and 2008, Cameroon was both on the defensive –
reaffirming its penal code in outlawing homosexuality even as the gay
and lesbian activists around the world were rebuking government’s
treatment of 11 citizens who were arrested and charged for hanging out
at a prominent homosexual bar – and on the offensive – with President Paul Biya calling on the Press and Cameroonians to find news elsewhere other than in bedrooms.
This offensive followed thunderous press revelations of cabinet and
public officials that were / are randomly Sodomizing. In a country
where the President is the law of the land, there is no gainsaying that
President Biya’s pronouncements at his 2006 ceremonial end of year
speech did more than empower closet gays and lesbians. It literally
legalized and opened the floodgates to a practice that social observers
maintain, is practiced as a means to an end and not a lifestyle in and
of itself.
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Master Innocent,
yea, homosexuality is everywhere, and the fact that Jah cautions against such acts is a testament to the fact that same sex individuals would somehow manage to find a way to shag each other. Now, as abhorrent as this may sound to the ears of the average African, no one can stop homosexuals now, especially as Babylon is becoming increasingly secularised and has spiralled out of control.
However, Africa SHALL remain the last bastion against any prominent proliferation of homosexuality. No matter the pressure from the perverted Babylon, homosexuality will remain anathema to the valuable African culture, which perhaps is the only significant treasure that Africans own.
Man, i really can't figure out what your motive is for writing about this the way you did. Are you writing to embellish your person in eyes of disobedient Babylon children, or are you encouraging Africans to transgress their cultural values because Babylon so dictates? Or, since you are apparently condoning these acts ( by echoing the questionable Babylon concept that gay men excel) which obviously go against our norms, then what exactly do you find disturbing with homosexual occultism?
Babylon dem rush to shower unholy praise on you!
What about polygamy which used to be ubiquitous in Africa, and which was an integral part of our affluent African heritage? Why must mystery Babylon chant down our revered culture as primitive, only to start educating African criminals to intoxicate our refined ways?
If homosexuality is met with abject hostility in Africa, and if Babylon is so merciful, why would she not make it's doors wide open to create room for all the homosexuals from what she decribes as a primitive continent? By the same token, why must Babylon criticise African men for taking more than one wife, even when we all know that the natural ratio of women to men will always unfairly leave out hordes of females? Therefore homosexuality can never be right,and polygamy wrong! And if Babylon must practice what it preaches, she must DECRIMINALIZE POLYGAMY NOW!
It is indeed sad to see anybody being persecuted. However, since Africa would obviously hardly accomodate homosexuality, and whoever is brave enough to enable the repulsive activity, the plight of whoever considers himself to be gay in Cameroon shall all but exacerbate with time.
Democracy for Babylon shall never have the same connotation as for Africans, because Africa is a peculiar place with its unique set of realities that Babylon will never understand. Worse yet, is the fact that proleterate Cameroon is notoriously intolerant to acts of homosexuality. This is mostly the group of people that would go on the rampage against any suggested manifestation in support of homosexual emancipation. This could result in a bloodbath! Hence, the desire for the African people to rid the continent of homosexuality must be regarded as paramount.
Africa needs no moral lessons from Babylon, and Cameroon must rather focuss on salient issues connected with alleviating the untold misery that torments the people. It's about time Africa be left alone, for imposing homosexuality on the Africans who are mostly opponents of the act, is just as unhealthy a repression as that which gay people purport to be victimized by.
Moreover, as a Rastaman, my trust in Igzebiehe, Medani Alem, and Neguste Negast puts me at loggerheads with the Babylon system which accuses Rasta children of homophobia. Babylon dislike Rastaman because we dare challenge the status quo by speaking the truth as proclaimed in Jah word. We vehemently refuse the absurd notion that a man can call another man 'his husband', and a woman referring to her female lover as 'her wife'.
Nevertheless, when Rasta demands his rights to marry his three lovely chicks who love him dearly, and whom he satisfies every blessed night and makes beautiful babies with, wicked Babylon immediately starts calling him names like chauvinist donkey, medieval psycopath, hungry lion, black slave master, and the like! But then, it is right for a batty boy to marry another man, and transform the poor human anus into an exotic sexual orifice! And if a woman is not sexually attracted to a man, then why do lesbians feel any need to fill up their holes with all kinds of big wood in the name of strap-on? Bullshit!
African children, Babylon shall not re-write fundamental rules that govern your lifes, for homosexuality will never be accepted by many in that continent. However, the only consensus that will be reached on this matter, and that would safeguard the said gay community from unwarranted onslaughts, will be attained only when Babylon takes gay people away from Africa. The rights of the Cameroonian gay opponents to their moral inclination must be preserved as well.
Gosh, people are talking about gay rights in Cameroon! Cry blood, cry blood, the world done!
I don't know why you insist on disgracing yourself, continuously, on this forum. Have you ever heard of the separation of church and state? do you know that the Sharia Law, Judaism, Christianity etc has been used by governments in the past to oppress women and people of color like yourself who now have the freedom to constantly spew rubbish on the internet? Torturing someone for living a different lifestyle from yours should not be tolerated in the 21st century. Why on earth is the Cameroonian goverment locking up gay men in prisons to serve five year terms? I mean, are you kidding me? In a country where ministers embezzle millions in mukuta bags, roads are dilapidated and development is at 0 percent, we prefer abandon all concerns and focus aggressively on gay men. I understand that this is a moral issue for Cameroonians but a line should be drawn between encouraging your values and forceful conversion which includes torture and jail sentences. How then are you different from the terrorists who spread their beliefs by bombing buildings and killing millions of innocent lives? We no longer live in a jungle...this is a modern society where every human is entitled to their human rights.
That is like the people who want to ban abortions and use the government to hunt down those who do them and those who have them. The human rights violations and the suffering that would follow such a policy they have not considered. They are not thinking, because they surrendered to a religion.
Is really interesting that people are out there comitting murder, embezzling millions, we have all kinds of problems -global warming, shortage of food and drinking water in many parts of Cameroon (the world) and people are seriously wasting their time about what is going on between two adults.
What is the African culture that Jey Jey is talking about? Can you clearly state what it is that you mean by African culture? In the NW province of Cameroon alone there are cultures that are completely at odd with each other. In Fundong and other parts they have a system of matrilineal kinship while in other parts of the province we have a patrilineal kinship. In some parts of the country women are circumcised, something that is considered insane in many parts of the country. This is just in Cameroon. Then go to Nigeria, Gambia,Zambia and other parts of the continent you will find cultures traditions that you do not understand anyhing about. What then is the African culture?
Stop using the vague concept of culture or tradition as an excuse for your bigotry and hate. Sometimes I even feel that if more people are gay they might be more peace in the world.
Who knows, they might be more women for the few of us who are not gay...haha
Mauris ut dui vel plures us.there questio de viribus tuis, iam satis invenient post.I ut una nobiscum socius persevero vestri blog usquam ut placeas Skönt att vara besöka din blogg igen, har det varit månader för mig. Väl här artikeln som jag har väntat så länge. Jag behöver den här artikeln för att slutföra mitt uppdrag i kollegiet, och den har samma tema med din artikel. Tack, bra aktie.
Wees aardig voor een bezoek aan uw blog weer, is het maanden voor mij. Nou, dit artikel dat ik heb gewacht lang met. Ik heb dit artikel hebben we deze opdracht te voltooien in het college, en het is Sam onderwerp met uw artikel. Bedankt, grote delen.
Wees aardig voor een bezoek aan uw blog weer, is het maanden voor mij. Nou, dit artikel dat ik heb gewacht lang met. Ik heb dit artikel hebben we deze opdracht te voltooien in het college, en het is Sam onderwerp met uw artikel. Bedankt, grote delen.
IF i get my satisfaction from the same sex why you who get the same satisfaction from the oppisite sex most complaint.why then the word misogynist exist then.Let the government of cameroon think about her anti fundamental human right of bady is force to do it ,it is matter of choice and feelings
That is like the people who want to ban abortions and use the government to hunt down those who do them and those who have them. The human rights violations and the suffering that would follow such a policy they have not considered. They are not thinking, because they surrendered to a religion.
Mauris ut dui vel plures us.there questio de viribus tuis, iam satis invenient post.I ut una nobiscum socius persevero vestri blog usquam ut placeas Skönt att vara besöka din blogg igen, har det varit månader för mig. Väl här artikeln som jag har väntat så länge. Jag behöver den här artikeln för att slutföra mitt uppdrag i kollegiet, och den har samma tema med din artikel. Tack, bra aktie.
The world is going to its end.How can two people of the same sex be attacted? Abomination! Homosexuality is one of the mortal sin.It cannot be accepted by morals.God greated man and woman because He had a plan for them;to have children so as to fill the world.Homosexuality is against this nature.
Master Innocent,
yea, homosexuality is everywhere, and the fact that Jah cautions against such acts is a testament to the fact that same sex individuals would somehow manage to find a way to shag each other. Now, as abhorrent as this may sound to the ears of the average African, no one can stop homosexuals now, especially as Babylon is becoming increasingly secularised and has spiralled out of control.
However, Africa SHALL remain the last bastion against any prominent proliferation of homosexuality. No matter the pressure from the perverted Babylon, homosexuality will remain anathema to the valuable African culture, which perhaps is the only significant treasure that Africans own.
Man, i really can't figure out what your motive is for writing about this the way you did. Are you writing to embellish your person in eyes of disobedient Babylon children, or are you encouraging Africans to transgress their cultural values because Babylon so dictates? Or, since you are apparently condoning these acts ( by echoing the questionable Babylon concept that gay men excel) which obviously go against our norms, then what exactly do you find disturbing with homosexual occultism?
Babylon dem rush to shower unholy praise on you!
What about polygamy which used to be ubiquitous in Africa, and which was an integral part of our affluent African heritage? Why must mystery Babylon chant down our revered culture as primitive, only to start educating African criminals to intoxicate our refined ways?
If homosexuality is met with abject hostility in Africa, and if Babylon is so merciful, why would she not make it's doors wide open to create room for all the homosexuals from what she decribes as a primitive continent? By the same token, why must Babylon criticise African men for taking more than one wife, even when we all know that the natural ratio of women to men will always unfairly leave out hordes of females? Therefore homosexuality can never be right,and polygamy wrong! And if Babylon must practice what it preaches, she must DECRIMINALIZE POLYGAMY NOW!
It is indeed sad to see anybody being persecuted. However, since Africa would obviously hardly accomodate homosexuality, and whoever is brave enough to enable the repulsive activity, the plight of whoever considers himself to be gay in Cameroon shall all but exacerbate with time.
Democracy for Babylon shall never have the same connotation as for Africans, because Africa is a peculiar place with its unique set of realities that Babylon will never understand. Worse yet, is the fact that proleterate Cameroon is notoriously intolerant to acts of homosexuality. This is mostly the group of people that would go on the rampage against any suggested manifestation in support of homosexual emancipation. This could result in a bloodbath! Hence, the desire for the African people to rid the continent of homosexuality must be regarded as paramount.
Africa needs no moral lessons from Babylon, and Cameroon must rather focuss on salient issues connected with alleviating the untold misery that torments the people. It's about time Africa be left alone, for imposing homosexuality on the Africans who are mostly opponents of the act, is just as unhealthy a repression as that which gay people purport to be victimized by.
Moreover, as a Rastaman, my trust in Igzebiehe, Medani Alem, and Neguste Negast puts me at loggerheads with the Babylon system which accuses Rasta children of homophobia. Babylon dislike Rastaman because we dare challenge the status quo by speaking the truth as proclaimed in Jah word. We vehemently refuse the absurd notion that a man can call another man 'his husband', and a woman referring to her female lover as 'her wife'.
Nevertheless, when Rasta demands his rights to marry his three lovely chicks who love him dearly, and whom he satisfies every blessed night and makes beautiful babies with, wicked Babylon immediately starts calling him names like chauvinist donkey, medieval psycopath, hungry lion, black slave master, and the like! But then, it is right for a batty boy to marry another man, and transform the poor human anus into an exotic sexual orifice! And if a woman is not sexually attracted to a man, then why do lesbians feel any need to fill up their holes with all kinds of big wood in the name of strap-on? Bullshit!
African children, Babylon shall not re-write fundamental rules that govern your lifes, for homosexuality will never be accepted by many in that continent. However, the only consensus that will be reached on this matter, and that would safeguard the said gay community from unwarranted onslaughts, will be attained only when Babylon takes gay people away from Africa. The rights of the Cameroonian gay opponents to their moral inclination must be preserved as well.
Gosh, people are talking about gay rights in Cameroon! Cry blood, cry blood, the world done!
Posted by: Ras Tuge | Saturday, 16 May 2009 at 07:48 PM
Ras Tuge
I don't know why you insist on disgracing yourself, continuously, on this forum. Have you ever heard of the separation of church and state? do you know that the Sharia Law, Judaism, Christianity etc has been used by governments in the past to oppress women and people of color like yourself who now have the freedom to constantly spew rubbish on the internet? Torturing someone for living a different lifestyle from yours should not be tolerated in the 21st century. Why on earth is the Cameroonian goverment locking up gay men in prisons to serve five year terms? I mean, are you kidding me? In a country where ministers embezzle millions in mukuta bags, roads are dilapidated and development is at 0 percent, we prefer abandon all concerns and focus aggressively on gay men. I understand that this is a moral issue for Cameroonians but a line should be drawn between encouraging your values and forceful conversion which includes torture and jail sentences. How then are you different from the terrorists who spread their beliefs by bombing buildings and killing millions of innocent lives? We no longer live in a jungle...this is a modern society where every human is entitled to their human rights.
Posted by: UnitedstatesofAfrica | Sunday, 17 May 2009 at 03:23 PM
That is like the people who want to ban abortions and use the government to hunt down those who do them and those who have them. The human rights violations and the suffering that would follow such a policy they have not considered. They are not thinking, because they surrendered to a religion.
Posted by: oyez | Sunday, 17 May 2009 at 04:26 PM
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Posted by: jey jey | Thursday, 30 September 2010 at 05:36 AM
Good argument unitedstateofAfrica.
Is really interesting that people are out there comitting murder, embezzling millions, we have all kinds of problems -global warming, shortage of food and drinking water in many parts of Cameroon (the world) and people are seriously wasting their time about what is going on between two adults.
What is the African culture that Jey Jey is talking about? Can you clearly state what it is that you mean by African culture? In the NW province of Cameroon alone there are cultures that are completely at odd with each other. In Fundong and other parts they have a system of matrilineal kinship while in other parts of the province we have a patrilineal kinship. In some parts of the country women are circumcised, something that is considered insane in many parts of the country. This is just in Cameroon. Then go to Nigeria, Gambia,Zambia and other parts of the continent you will find cultures traditions that you do not understand anyhing about. What then is the African culture?
Stop using the vague concept of culture or tradition as an excuse for your bigotry and hate. Sometimes I even feel that if more people are gay they might be more peace in the world.
Who knows, they might be more women for the few of us who are not gay...haha
Posted by: Tita Mofor | Friday, 01 October 2010 at 10:12 AM
we have lived a blessed time.
Posted by: Louis Vuitton Sale | Thursday, 27 January 2011 at 08:35 PM
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Wees aardig voor een bezoek aan uw blog weer, is het maanden voor mij. Nou, dit artikel dat ik heb gewacht lang met. Ik heb dit artikel hebben we deze opdracht te voltooien in het college, en het is Sam onderwerp met uw artikel. Bedankt, grote delen.
Posted by: Kamagra | Tuesday, 16 August 2011 at 11:10 PM
Wees aardig voor een bezoek aan uw blog weer, is het maanden voor mij. Nou, dit artikel dat ik heb gewacht lang met. Ik heb dit artikel hebben we deze opdracht te voltooien in het college, en het is Sam onderwerp met uw artikel. Bedankt, grote delen.
Posted by: Generic Viagra | Wednesday, 17 August 2011 at 01:01 AM
IF i get my satisfaction from the same sex why you who get the same satisfaction from the oppisite sex most complaint.why then the word misogynist exist then.Let the government of cameroon think about her anti fundamental human right of bady is force to do it ,it is matter of choice and feelings
Bye Bye Cameroon forever due to yr anti gays laws
Posted by: Che Aaron T | Tuesday, 10 April 2012 at 02:31 PM
That is like the people who want to ban abortions and use the government to hunt down those who do them and those who have them. The human rights violations and the suffering that would follow such a policy they have not considered. They are not thinking, because they surrendered to a religion.
Posted by: Steroids for Sale | Wednesday, 11 April 2012 at 06:23 AM
Mauris ut dui vel plures us.there questio de viribus tuis, iam satis invenient post.I ut una nobiscum socius persevero vestri blog usquam ut placeas Skönt att vara besöka din blogg igen, har det varit månader för mig. Väl här artikeln som jag har väntat så länge. Jag behöver den här artikeln för att slutföra mitt uppdrag i kollegiet, och den har samma tema med din artikel. Tack, bra aktie.
Posted by: hgh for sale | Wednesday, 11 April 2012 at 06:25 AM
The world is going to its end.How can two people of the same sex be attacted? Abomination! Homosexuality is one of the mortal sin.It cannot be accepted by morals.God greated man and woman because He had a plan for them;to have children so as to fill the world.Homosexuality is against this nature.
Posted by: Nadine | Friday, 28 December 2012 at 12:04 PM
Mosiah Ras,
Who're you fighting against: journalists, or gays? If I may ask? Have another spliff, hope it keeps you gay...
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