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Tuesday, 02 June 2009


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Jimmy Stan

my sincere condolence to the music faimily


Le deccès de cet icône de la musique camerounaise vient creusé d'avantage le fossée dans lequel nous nous trouvons culturellement parlant. Charlotte était une "grande dame" elle restera à jamais gravée dans ma mémoire et j'adresse à toute la famille si durement éprouvée mes sincères condoléances



C'est le coeur lourd de tristesse que je m'envai laisser ce commentaire qui peut être ne change rien à ce qui est mais qui pourtant pour moi est une façon de partager avec toute la famille musicale camerounaise en general et la famille proche en particulier cette douleur.

Phisicalement maman tu nous as quité mais dans nos coeur tu restes à jamais gravé, tu as été un exemple pour tous et chacun gagnerai a te copier vas et reposes en paix que la terre de nos ancêtres te soit légère il ne nous reste que nos prières à t'offrir pour que ton séjour de l'autre côté te soit reposant...
Infiniment merci pour tout nous t'avons aimé et à jamais nous t'aimerons.

A la famille proche : ce n'est guère facile mais il ne sert à rien de trop se lamenter notre mère à besoin de nos prières je sais qu'elle serait peiné de nous voir souffrir autant

courage à tous


Reex Flames

Has the famous Charlotte Mbango passed away? I can't believe it!

My deep sympathies and condolences to the family and may her soul rest in perfect peace. Her music lives on forever.

We miss you...

Ras Tuge

Curiously, about a month ago or so, just out of the blue beautiful thoughts of this amazing person suddenly overwhelmed me! I reckoned it had been ages since i heard from her. Then, i decided to reach her by checking her videos, something that i seldom do since i don't listen to Makossa any more. Man, that konkai Makossa video especially awoke in me such a terrible nostalgia, for i loved that song pretty much back in the days.

I reminisce how i would stay glued infront of the TV each time the lively clip was on the air. Such video clips galvanized me to want to leave Africa, for even as a kid then, i thought those guys were having so much fun. I remember how we would dance all night to this song, and how we would sing it word for word eventhough we never understood the lyrics. Oh dread, i miss those days! How i miss this lovely woman!

I had to check with CRTV to confirm this sad story. Well, like Jah said; All ye whom I and I created, death shall be your new beginning. So, courage man, woman, and child for the humbleth and meeketh shall prevail, even when death strikes.

All players of instruments, and singers shall see Jah. Rest in peace, good sister.

Marie nkumbe

What a sad day and lost for all Cameroonians. Charlotte was a gifted and talented musician who moved the crow when she sings and dances with her great smile. Charlotte’s memory will always stay with us especially those of us who had the opportunity to attend her show. Beautiful and wonderful women she will always be. My sympathy goes out to her family and may her soul rest in peace. We will MISS Charlotte!!!!

Marie Nkumbe

Abraham orume

It's sad to believe that such a crowd puller and a power house of real makossa,Charlotte Mbango is no more.May her soul rest in peace.

yevah sabi

another sad news....charlotte may your soul rest in perfect sincere condolence to the music family.cameroonians will never forget you cos your music will remains with us forever.


Charlotte will always be an angel whereever she is gone may your soul rest in peace. I believe you are resting but not dead.

claire kam kinding

moi je l'ai découverte pas sur konkai makossa mais sur une autre chanson:oa busa. je ne sais pas vraiment ce que cette chanson veut dire parce que je ne comprend pas le douala, mais une chose est sure,elle m'a marqué...pour que personne ne l'oublie jamais! repose en paix maman charlotte et que la terre de nos ancetres te sois légère.


she was a great musician.we will miss her. may her sould rest in peace

Tening Gwendoline

its really a pity to miss someone u really love for life.Its like i will one day meet this talented lady on the streets of Douala again.In everthing we give thanks to God.I send my sympathy to her grand child coz he will miss the grand mother alot but i will miss her makosa.God loves you more that us Charlotte. A Dieu la mere.

Bridget Fonkeu

I wish you God speed!!!!!
you were a darling!!!!!!!!!!!!

M. N. O

May you rest in the hands of the good God.

mboueyeu bernard

May you rest in hands of the god and peace love we all remenberxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bonnie Marshall

I writing from USA. I met Charlotte in Paris years ago and she visited me often here in America. Her smile was infectious and her love and concern for educating children surpassed her passion for entertaining. I am shocked and saddened to hear just today, Sept. 1st of Charlotte's passing. If anyone knows her daughter or brother please have them contact me at [email protected]. May loaned Charlotte to us for a moment and she gave us all memories that will last a lifetime. And now she is back with him.

Bonnie Marshall, CEO
Kip & K'Noodle World, Inc.

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