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Friday, 30 October 2009


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We weep for Bamenda.Good piece Canute,as i browse through your write-up i could not fight back tears from my eyes.Once upon a time, the Bamenda man thought we could hide behind the wind of change that swept across Africa in the 90s and change Cameroon.

Unfortunately,some North West elite who believe in politics of (scrash my back i scrash your own)refuse to imbibe the politics of good governance, balance development etc.As a young man, born in Bamenda grew up in Bamenda,i second canute and stand to justify the ill treatment the Bamenda people had soffucated from the ruling CPDM Blood suckers.

In the chequered history of human existence Bamenda man had seen and observed all the negative signs of Democracy.Ghost town,State of Emergency,Curfew,arbitrary arrest,killings,torture,social exclusion,unemployment,lack of Industries. occupation from the French forces. lack of government support on developmental issues.

Achidi Achu personally signs the decree on the state of emergency in the North west province. It puzzles me that, Achidi,Fonjidam,john Bi Nde,Tamfu,Neba Ngu,Fon Angwafor, Atut Muna,Abety,etc cannot be proud of a single structure at the Commecial Avenue Bamenda.What a shame?

The above mention bunch of idiot could not sign a decree effecting the construction of the Bamenda Ring Road? talk less of creating industries in the North West Province?
We will not give up. The Bamenda man will never be intimidated by your divide and rule politics

Take your bias development to Yaounde, Douala,Sangmalima, Ebolowa,etc. We will restrain and stand firm no vote for CPDM in Bamenda,we will sail through without CPDM support. I hereby call on all the sons and daughters of Bamenda to stand for balance democracy and not divide and rule politics. We will step by step precept upon precept build our town to suit our aspirations.

Vincent Wetiah

This is a pathetic portrait of a once buoyant city. The life has been sapped out and Bamenda in its present state is a mere shadow of the Abakawa we used to know. Let us hope that articles such as this one will spur the powers that be to act. In the meantime, the people of Abakwa, known for their resilience and self-reliant development activities, should not relent in their effort to make the city "a place to be", especially by supporting and taking part in the weekly clean-up.


The beauty of it all is that the Bamenda man is yet to cave in. Sadly though, they have been cursed with an abundance of inept leadership.The likes of John Ngu Foncha, the Muna' and the Achidi Achus are nothing but a bunch fortune seekers who cared less for the people they represented. Long live the Bobeh Juas and the Abendugs.

Bob Bristol

What a piece of write up! I wouldn't pretend I've not been moved by the above article. It evokes a very bitter sense of animosity we as Southern Cemroonians have ( and should rightly do so) towards this unitary piece of shit which superficially binds us as a CAMEROONIANS. The denigratory and pejorative twist which has been attached to the appellation "Bamenda Man" stems from the following:

1) Politically, when the ideas of someone or group of people do not tally with those of the regime, they are referred to as "les Bamenda". As disturbing as this may be, the people of Bamenda still carry the stigma of being associate with FAILED LEADERS ( the Fonchas and the Munas) and presently a FAILED OPPOSITION. The virtues of criticisms as a democratic tool has been negated and placed as a scarlet letter on the forehead of a Bamenda man.

2) Socially, within the past decades, what the majority has defined as STYLE has not been embraced by most Bamenda people. For example, the baggy trousers that goes crushing on the ground and that are placed on the lower part of the buttock is still to be welcomed by most youths in Bamenda. How loud can the Bamenda people shout to the world that not being part of a socially defined way of life doesn't equate to primitivity?

3) Economically, with the politically motivated taxing system in place, the people of Bamenda after discovering they were being sidelined in the distribution of national revenue, opted for self reliant projects. The taxation department did what it could do best. The businesses went bankrupt before they could see sunlight. What this atmosphere translate is abject poverty, destitution and the rise in all sorts of social ills. So if they put on torn shirts, what do you expect?

4) Culturally, the Bamenda people have been accused even here at Up Station Mountain Club for projecting and keeping their fons and chiefs forever in power while at the same time preaching for a change of regime. However, the uprisings against the fons of Balikunbat and Babanki is an indication the they do not tolerate bad rulers in general.


Che Sunday

Thanks Bob Bristol. And to add to your post I will like to add one more example of their no tolerance for fons they deem as not fitting the throne. While still living, Achirimbi I of Bafut was Foncha's biggest critic. He warned him against joining francophone Cameroon. When he died, Foncha led a batalion of soldiers and Gendarmes down to Bafut. They removed an already anointed fon from the throne, replaced him with a form II student from CPC Bali. The Bafut people responded with an all out rebelion which ultimately resulted in placing the entire Bafut under curfew for several months. That act alone solidified the fact that Foncha was not an indigene of the North West and not of anglophone decent either. The dirt this man brought in from his days of sujourning has left a stench behind that is bloating us all today.


God Is Always Reliable

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.”
2 Corinthians 1: 20

Your inheritance is waiting to be uncovered.

The favour of God is available at all times.

This is the right time in your life to expect God to work powerfully.

God cares.

He watches over you and prepares your future.

Nothing that happens in your life catches God by surprise.

God is the Promisor and His Word can never fail.

“Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven.” Psalm 119: 89

The promise is a:


A word of honor

A vow

An oath

A guarantee or

A covenant.

It is the ground of hope, expectation and assurance.

God fulfills the promises He makes to us.

“God is not man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good.” Numbers 23: 19

The promises He gives are good ones.

“For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”
Matthew 7: 8

It is impossible for God to fail to keep His Word.

God guards the promises He gives you.

God accomplishes His promised purposes for you.

“Blessed be the Lord, who has given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He promised. There has not failed one word of all His good promise, which He promised through His servant Moses.” 1 Kings 8: 56

“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from my mouth, it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
Isaiah 55: 10-11

Rain does not stop in midair and go back to the clouds.

It continues down and fulfills its purpose.

In the same way, when God send His Word to accomplish something…

It will not come back to Him but will go and fulfill His purpose.

God supplies whatever is needed for the promise.

He gives all that is necessary to see that promise fulfilled.

He brings them all the way to completion.

He does not get us halfway then stop.

He goes through to the end.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”
Hebrews 10: 23

Hold on to the promises because He is faithful.

God’s promises are promises of blessings and good things for your life.

God will not hold back the good things…

But will pour abundant blessings on those who walk after Him.

Say Yes to God’s promises!



Lift your hopes.

God’s promises are concrete and unmistakable.

His deeds match His declarations.

His promises cannot fail.

Nothing can stand in the way of the fulfillment of any promise He has made.

God is trustworthy.

God never lies.

God is faithful.

God is able to fulfill His Word.

The expectation Promises:

God has promised blessings.

“And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God. The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” Deuteronomy 28: 2 & 8

God has promised divine presence.

“Let your conduct be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13: 5

The promises of healing.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases,” Psalm 103: 2-3

“And said, ‘If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.” Exodus 15: 26

Divine Protection.

“For I, says the Lord, ‘will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.” Zachariah 2: 5

God promises abundant provision.

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4: 19

When you find yourself in situations where you do not know what to do…

Expect that God will hear when you ask.

Expect great things from God today.

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”
Psalm 34: 19

Whatever it is, however hard it is…

No matter what the cost is…

No matter what the obstacles are…

Trust God.

Remember always who your Partner is – Yahweh!!!

“And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; for You , Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.” Psalm 9: 10

Bob Bristol

Che Sunday, my main concern here is to define or trace the reasons why "les Bamenda" has developed lots of negative connotations.

Is it that the people of Bamenda are too prone to intimidation or is it that are rather more aggressive? When traces of humility or timidity are noticed on the character traits of someone, that person is referred to as "les Bamenda". When someone is very conscious of his/her right and is bent on seeing that this right is not violated, they are referred to as "les Bamenda".

The bitter truth about this whole chagrin is that there are sociological aspects that some tribes of the North West exhibit which embarrasses non tribal interlocutors. The very deviant pronunciational differences noticed in the utterances of The Nso people, The Meta people of Batibo, and to a lesser extend that of the Kom people etc is something which I intuitively frown at. But how long will some Cameroonians take to swallow this as a common or normal phenomenon with second language acquisition the world over.

A couple of months ago, CountryFowl dwelled lengthly on the " herd mentality" of the graffi people. How can this be reconciled with the tribal confrontations that rocked the province.


Bob,i will agree to disagree with who ever thinks that pronunciational differences should be used as a parameter to measure patrioticism.I however agree with Bob that this issue has become a social stigma.

This is unacceptable, Bob it is instructive to note that these villages shortlisted above have produced some of the most intelligent Cameroonians with a mastering of the queens tongue.This is a social attachment to create divide amongst Southern Cameroonians.

Well known journalist in the name of Epsy Ngum,Luke Anangha,Fai Henry Funyey,Ann Nsang,Fai Collins, David, just to name a few are all legends to be remember.

Social attachment should not be a tool to measure intelligence. Bob, the tribal confrontation that has rocked the province is fan by the administrative arm of the government in the name of senior divisionalofficers they are there on a special assignment to fragment the unity of the North West people.

Ma Mary

Che Sunday, I am surprised. I never took you for an angryphone LOL.

I am not from Bamenda, but I admire the stout and determined heart of the city. La republique, if it were a fair and just place would worship Bamenda as the city and people who brought them multiparty democracy, regardless of how distorted the process has become.

I would take "Baminda" as a badge of honor and not of shame.

The herald

I salute you Bob Bristol for the brief and apt analysis you have given above,though,it seems to call for further comments,which is just what has caught my attention for I was too emotional when I glanced over that masterpiece and consequently did not have words to portray or translate my feelings into lamentations.

Well,I don't think that a people can be isolated,discriminated against or even suppressed just because of pronunciational differences in a country like ours.
Even if that were the case,what will you make of the three NOTHERN REGIONS or what is usually referred to,as the Ground North?

Some of their accents when they speak french are recorded and used to produce humour in some parts of the pays.I think you know exactly what I mean here.Yet,some of the key ministries in the country are entrusted to them,they even produced a president that ruled the country with an iron fist just like the present one.

In spite of that flaw,their cities are not as abandoned as the one described above by Canute Tangwa.I want to re-assure you that all what Bamenda or southern cameroon in general is experiencing simply stems from a breach of faith.That is bad faith from across the Mungo.

Negative connotations towards les Bamendas came as result of the advent or re-introduction of multipartism in cameroon in the Nineties.

As Ma Mary rightly said,this came in through a Bamenda man,when Mr Fru Ndi and his people defied all odds and hoisted the SDF flag of green,white and green,though,they paid heavily for that as six brave sons succombed to the bullets of the brutal forces of la republique du camroun.

With these issues at stake,Biya and his clique were some what taken aback and they tried but in vain to blackmail the SDF Party by disseminating negative information towards it:for instance,it was said that SDF and his leader were a group of terrorists who had come in from Nigeria,precisely the Biafras to distabilise the country and that the SDF flag was an adequate proof,they further tried to convince other members,sympathisers and well wishers across the country that it was all an anglophone affair etc.It is from here that all other types of negative tags labeled on the people of Bamenda can be stressed."Les Bamenda,les graffi,les anglophones marchent toujours à gauche" etc

Fortunately enough,many have understood that these tags do not carry any special meanings but are used as a sight of relief on the part of their authors when they find themselves in any form of conflict with people from Bamenda and anglophones in general.

Ma Mary,I would equally take "Baminda"as a "Red Badge of courage" and not of shame.
Best regards.

Bob Bristol

Asafor and The Herald, I think if I made mention of the language issue, it is because it is one of the most pronounced marker of identity and the whole issue boils down to that of identity.

Far from the praises, we must examine those aspects that make a person from Bamenda to stand out from the "others". During my university days in Ngoa Ekele, I could make out about 80% of students who came from the North West from a distance. How did I get this? Their dress pattern served as a major parameter. While some strode across the campus in their traditional regalias, others put on "a la mode" Italian shoes to show that they are not that poor. Yet others were clothed in clothes that depict the economic frustration that the regime has meted on the region.

As far as mannerism is concerned, the feeling that " I DON'T UNDERSTAND FRENCH" kept most of them very timid or shy. This is usually not the case with the others. Although the general idea of knowing that they may have to bribe their ways through the French oriented system could contribute to this nervousness. There is equally no doubt that the lack of exposure contributes greatly to this problem. The few who wish to break away from this attitude rather became too bold or even a little rude. I have never relented my effort in letting them know that keeping a low profile and just being yourself can be much more appreciated.

Danny Boy

Bob et al,
been enjoying your brilliant exchanges. Bob, this is specially for you. The Meta people of Batibo do not exist!
The Meta people inhabit the regions around Gwofon, Mbengwi and Acha-Tugi. The right appellation for them is "the MENEMO People"
Batibo is one of 22 Villages that make up the MOGHAMO tribe. It is rather unfortunate that these people are referred to as Batibo!
The Moghamo and Menemo are brothers and sisters who decided to go their separate ways in the course of their history.
I am Moghamoan and understands the Menemo person when s/he speaks perfectly.


Gentlemen,it would appear we are missing the point in canute write up. Canute raised up an important issue in his piece,he touched issues of concerns and not about this childish comments we are ranting here sirs.

Bob you seems to assert the fact that some of us are still moving with feeding bottles in our ampits. I do not wish to push further on this insensitive talk.We seem to be addressing a different subject matter. Thank you.

Che Sunday

When it comes to dirty cities, Bamenda does not carry the mother lode. When was the last time you visited Manfe, Kumba, and Bonaberi in douala? I think Bamenda and Bafousam are among the few clean cities in the country, with Limbe pacing ahead as maybe the cleanest.
As dumpy as you may think it is, Bamenda is one of the few cities with garbage collection trucks, albeit dumping the trash in the Mezam river.
Yes, the anglos have been misled, taken to the alter of slaughter. The chief priest has always been a franco. If the anglos are genetically predisposed to stupidity, I wonder what is responsible for the franco propensity to blood sucking? Just a thought!

The Entrepreneur Newsonline Inc.

More descendants from this city benefited from Cameroon government largese from 1960 to date...Canute's piece is an apt indictment of the failures of the region's sons and daughters.....who have failed to give back to their community.....Remember, You point a finger, five point back at you!

Danny Boy

The Entrepreneur,
the North West Province is devoid of the sort of natural resources that abound in the South West. Talk less of the cash crops of the C.D.C. If anything was to bring wealth and prosperity to it's region, the South West would be light years ahead of any province in Cameroon, thanks to its' natural riches!
The Entrepreneur, compare the two provinces and tell one that there is any marked difference in their developments.
Talking of elites giving back to their communities, as the mainstay of development, I am afraid you are plain barmy!Elites, charities and NGOs may participate in this task, but theirs is voluntary. That business is the responsibility of the government of any state!
Your state has failed not just Bamenda, but every single metropolis, towns and villages across the country! Its'failed footprints can be discerned in write-ups like yours.
Logic escapes you, and when you write, you do not pay attention to detail! Is it largesse or largese? When you point a finger, is it four or five that point back at you? You must be a product of this system that has dumbed down our education and rendered all else not fit for purpose!!
As for logic, do you not think that the Basque region of Spain is more 'developed' than Cameroon? Yet these people want to break away from your vibrant Spain! Why should this be the case?
Give the thrifty Bamenda man a break!He survives in the face of all odds!!

Bob Bristol

Danny Boy, oh yeah!, That's a hard one on The Entrepreneur. I think I once made this point very clearly that the Bamenda people in particular and Southern Cameroonians as a whole are not lamenting because our areas are less developed than the other regions of Cameroon. The present regime has failed the entire nation.

Rather, the Bamenda man thought education, sincerity, hard work and humility could take him a step ahead of the others. Unfortunately, we found ourselves within a system where these values have been crushed. And I don't think anyone has doubt that with the right gov't or system in place, The North West will move faster than any other region. And this may be sooner than some dumb-asses on this site think.

The Entrepreneur Newsonline Inc.

....if only you people could marry fewer women..have fewer kids...perhaps employ the blue print of your caucasian recruiters....all could all be well in bamenda...I have always wondered why your these people transfered this rabbit habits to Douala and have now dirtied Douala irreversibly....very strange......

Chah Kenneth Walandji

A candid article well written in a foreign language!!!
As a son of Bamenda who has also lived in most of the country except perhaps the north and eastern regions, i shake all over in pain whenever i return to Bamenda and bristle with indignation when i witness exchanges like those between Bob and the Entrepreneur. All of you make some valid points but the bigger picture that few people seem to see is that the government has failed all who call themsemlves Cameroonians except ofcourse for the 2% who have fattened themselves and their accounts on the resources and toil of the rest.
The fact is that by arbitrarily dividing the African continent into 'states', and superimposing their language and culture upon us the europeans ensured that we will keep fighting amongst ourselves while they take away our riches.
What is the MAJOR difference between the culture of the douala and the bakweri?
What is the MAJOR difference between the northwest's cultures and the bamoum or westerners etc.
But by drawing a line the british and french essentially determinded that some families on either side of the line will speak french and others english and we proceeded to copy their cultures because language is the looking glass which clarifies culture.
Also we must not loose sight of our cultural heritage as far as governance is concerned. 'Democracy' was forced upon us in a period where we still adhered to Chieftaincy. Accordingly we have a system of appointed chiefs (aka presidents) who govern for life- a mixture of our culture and the european culture.
And it is true that Bamenda and the entire north west region has been starved of development funding by the 'state government'.
If we don't look beyond the artificially created differences brought about by the europeans we shall continue bickering amongst ourselves while they continue to use us.
Let us try to think beyond 1884 because unlike what the europeans would make us believe our history starts way before then.

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