By Emmanuel Konde
1. Introduction
A lot of verbiage is being spilled forth by journalists and rabble-rousers alike, all men only partially schooled in the history of Cameroon . In fact, it has become something of a fad lately to peddle tantalizing and titillating stories about Anglophone marginalization without careful substantiation of this macabre rumor. Hungry for facts relating to this marginalization thesis, an unsuspecting public has consumed it without second thought. What follows below is a synoptic account of what befell Southern Cameroonians on the eve of unification and thereafter. As you read this piece, please exercise uncharacteristic calm, and coldly ponder these questions: (1) Is the Anglophone marginalization thesis relevant? (2) Can a people marginalize itself/themselves, or must one people overwhelm another for marginalization to take place? (3) Is self-marginalization possible? (4) If so, have Anglophone consciously or unconsciously marginalized themselves?
By virtue of the Lyttleton Constitution of 1954, Southern Cameroons was detached from the Eastern Region of Nigeria and granted a separate regional status within the Nigerian Federation. Autonomy gave Southern Cameroons its own legislative assembly and empowered it to legislate on matters within the purview of the new government. The overwhelming electoral victory of Dr. Endeley's KNC party in the 1954 elections led to his appointment as Leader of Government Business. The institutions created by the Lyttleton Constitution were consolidated in 1955 and 1956. To that end, the Governor-General of Nigeria dissolved the Southern Cameroons House of Assembly on 29 December 1956 and on 5 march 1957 a new House was elected. The new House consisted of 13 elected members and two Special Members. One of the special members was a woman, Mrs. Dorcas E. Idowu, the first woman parliamentarian in the history of colonial Cameroon .
Dr. Endeley's KNC victory was largely due to his advocacy of separation from Nigeria , a message that struck a consonant cord among Southern Cameroons ’ voters.. Once in power, however, the KNC party leader had a change of mind and began preaching a gospel at variance with his previous teaching. Endeley was probably influenced by his Nigerian wife to tilt towards Nigeria , which is plausible in politics as in other human endeavors. Perhaps he had used the separation strategy just to gain power. Whatever the reason for his wavering stance, after his electoral victory Endeley began to call for Southern Cameroons autonomy within the Nigerian Federation. This new political orientation placed Endeley at loggerheads with his erstwhile political allies and split the KNC party. The splinter faction, led by John Ngu Foncha and Augustine Ngom Jua, bolted out of KNC and formed the KNDP in 1955. The KNDP immediately adopted a program diametrically opposite to Endeley's KNC, which called for the secession of Southern Cameroons from Nigeria .
3. Regionalism and Fragmentation
By the time the January 1959 elections were held, Southern Cameroons could boast of six political parties--KPP (Kamerun's Peoples Party), CCC (Cameroon Commoner's Party), CIC (Cameroon Indigenes Party), OK (One Kamerun), and the KNC and KNDP as dominant. Come election day, the great "Northwest-Southwest Divide" that has persisted to date was clearly delineated by the results. Not only did Endeley's KNC and P.M. Kale's KPP form a coalition, so did Foncha's KNDP and Ndeh Ntumazah's OK. The voting of 1959 was thus configured on regional lines. The KNDP victory was predicated on two counts: (1) its message of secession was more appealing to the general voting population, and; (2) nearly all northwesterners voted for the KNDP.
The ascension of Foncha to the Premiership of Southern Cameroons in 1959 saw the appointment of Mrs. Josepha Mua as Special Interest Member in the House of Assembly. At the time of her appointment, Mrs. Mua was a 26-year-old Grade II teacher at the Catholic School in Wum. Mrs. Mua served in the House from 1959 to November 1961, when the House was dissolved following the Plebiscite result of February 1961 that led to the unification of the two Cameroons .
Regionalism in Southern Cameroons can be gleaned even in the appointment of women to the House of Assembly. Mrs. Idowu served in the KNC-controlled House under the leadership of Endeley; Mrs. Mua served in the KNDP-controlled House under Foncha's leadership. Surely, this was no coincidence, as their choice of these women from their respective regions during their tenures is instructive of the deepening gulf that would later blossom into near-open warfare between the two Anglophone regions in the 1990s.
4. Anglo-Saxon abandons Anglophone
The election of 1959 destroyed the slightest semblance of Anglophone unity. This absence of unity was further accentuated by the abrupt departure of the British from Southern Cameroons . Badly hurt by the Plebiscite results, the British felt repudiated by the electorate and, therefore, opted to play no part in advising the Foncha government in the same way that the French guided Ahmadou Ahidjo. Britain 's abandonment of the Southern Cameroons is understandable in part because it had invested more in developing the human resources of its territory than the French did in their own zone. In politics, two Southern Cameroons women had been parliamentarians long before Mme Julienne Keutcha was elected to the first National Assembly of the Republic of Cameroun in 1960 at age 36. The table below demonstrates that despite the smallness of West Cameroon's population, barely a quarter of that of East Cameroon , it had proportionally more qualified technical personnel.
If the figures in the table above are to be deemed accurate, then Southern Cameroons entered union with the independent Republic of Cameroun on a very sound footing. And if that were the case, what happened along the way that has resulted to the now prevalent perception that Anglophones are marginalized in Cameroon ? Could this perception be as far removed from reality as fiction is from fact? Perhaps another table depicting the last ten years would reveal a new reality that may either confirm or disconfirm the perception of Anglophone marginalization. In the absence of facts relating to positions occupied by Anglos and Francos in the public and private sectors of Cameroon, the wail of marginalization remains just that—a wail. The difficulty arises in determining who is an Anglo-Southern Cameroonian in the context of an ever-mixing Cameroonian population. Nevertheless, the elections of 1959, including events such as the 1958 Bikom Anlu, drove a wedge of discord between Bamenda and Buea, permanently rupturing whatever trust and confidence that had once existed between the coastal and hinterland Southern Cameroons politicians. British abandonment of the ill-experienced Foncha-led regime was but the last nail in the coffin of an incipient partner to a presumed union of equals, which was in fact unequal.
By the time of the 1962 Foumban Conference, the Southern Cameroons delegation could well have been made up of walking corpses. Foncha, Muna, Jua and Co. did not lead their delegates to the slaughter house. Far from it! Even before the Foumban Conference met, the delegates had, metaphorically, slaughtered themselves. What Ahidjo did was simply to present a fitting and honorable burial, but not before performing the last rites that some have called "the Foumban Conference"--a veritable misnomer.
5. The Trajectory Since 1959
The Anglophone camp in Cameroon politics has been in disarray since 1959 and will continue to be so until kingdom come. That has been the discernible trajectory, and those of sharp minds know this to be true. Strange, however, was the audacity of some Anglophone architects of the so called “marginalization thesis” to join the chorus of this choir, even leading a delegation to the United Nations, not long before they passed away. How often does participating humankind see evil in politics when and only when their period of action is past?
6. Conclusion
The living must hold their kind to account while still active. They must not wait until the evening to accomplish morning tasks. As in personal hygiene, so too, in public service. If we cannot eat before brushing our teeth in the morning, why rest tranquil when our neighbors invert the natural order? The loud minority of Anglophones have often basked in the limelight of their legendary past. Legend, yes it is because it exists only in their imagination. Basking in some presumed glories of the past, glories that never were, will not do it. Action, positive action, is the leitmotif of politics and a myriad of other human endeavors.
The Roman Polanski of nations la Republique Francais du Cameroun rapes a brand new nation then justifies it to the whole world and blames the victim.
The notorious racist, Konde is its mouthpiece?
Posted by: VA Boy | Thursday, 01 October 2009 at 06:22 PM
Konde, this is the very first time i read anything somewhat objective from you. Eventhough i donot agree with some historical facts that you indicated, i must somehow vindicate you this time by screaming again that it's all about the battle for our consciences as Anglophone children, who are forced to inherit a tragedy that could have been averted.
I wouldn't blame Her Majesty's rotten queendom any more than i would keep on chastising the lackluster and infantile devil Foncha, the mischievous devil Muna, and others of their ilk, for masterminding such an untold crime against their very own kind.
And when i lash out a rallying cry against a baby devil like AMA TUTU MUNA who provocatively insults Anglophones with her debilitating Fonchalitis, and by stepping in her father's demonic footsteps, some say that i am playing the victim game!
Now, this has always been the trouble with Anglophones ever since the bedevilled days of Foncha, abject stupidity! Yea man, and thanks to that, illiterate Anglophones became utterly unaccountable and deeply cynical about each other. Consequently, trust waned and desperation gripped the nation.
Clearly, the British couldn't do much in such a chaotic atmosphere, and just like in Ghana they had to wash their hands off the Southern Cameroons when they realised that Foncha's zeal to plunge Anglophones into the gloomy valley of death was unquenchable. Strangely though, Foncha had massive support, especially from his own region.
Scores of video images on Youtube reveals a gleefully smiling Foncha, alongside hordes of feeble Anglophone criminals like Muna, Egbe, Fonlon and many more, as they expose the lack of vision that has always tormented Anglophones. Good riddance to bad rubbish, a good many of these old quislings have vanished in shame.
Even today, SCNC leadership is blatantly overcrowded by the very same feeble and untrustworthy group of vampires, who dare leave no room for the new minds. These people who claim to fight to restore a challenged legacy are the same ones who fight against anything good for the younger generation!
The so-called leader Carlson Anyangwe is just too uncharismatic for my liking. Just like Nfor Ngala Nfor who basically can't express himself. I'd say, the more the younger generation gets convinced, and hence allowed to shoulder more responsibility, the better for the cause. It's about time Anyangwe and the rest step aside, and make way for greater objectivity and appeal!
Anglophones have a fine case, but even a good case can be woefully lost if there's no conscientious accountability in the manner in which the cause is pursued. If this struggle must get any value or pick up steam, Anglophones must get some really smart spokesmen, and not necessarily rely on PHD holders who can't master the art of reading from an autocue!
Enormous powers ought to be delegated to younger Diasporans who would inevitably bolster the morale of this struggle especially here in the West by massive sensitization campaigns. This way Anglophones in every single Western country shall manage to garner either some noticeable support and sympathy from many. Moreover, we're in the cyberculture, and Anglophones must make extensive use of this medium.
Lastly Konde, you indicate questionably; Britain 's abandonment of the Southern Cameroons is understandable in part because it had invested more in developing the human resources of its territory than the French did in their own zone. I'll give that a pants on fire on the truth O-metre, as Americans put it. By contrast, it was easy for the British to leave since they had almost no vested interest in the Southern Cameroons.
Nevertheless, your paper looks fine this time man, and i agree with you that Anglophones must hold their kind to account while still alive. Therefore baby devils like AMA TUTU MUNA MUST be stopped now before it's too late. Waging a war against snakes like her shall all but give this struggle a new lease on life
Posted by: Ras Tuge | Thursday, 01 October 2009 at 07:07 PM
emmanuel konde, after working as a nursing assistant in boston for years,c leaning whitemans shit, then took classes at Boston university wants tell the world what southern cameroons is guilty of beeing raped by french cameroun and how the colonization and annexation is a rummur. of course to those who are bought and paid by paul biya mcahine. ours would always resemble a rumour.
a rumour that a nation of 7m plus like our , its citizens desrve no right to dicth the said plebiscite fot a new referandaum if they saw fit? konde couldnt be this impartial. what school did this man get his phd? freedom of belive, expression and choice are a people non negotiated rights. overwhelming southern cameroonians had said no, after this konde plebiscite, that they nevet voted to be annexed ,not ,ilitary occupied, their resources stolen every day under their feet.
their rights and freedom curtailed. yet konde never listen nor see.
Emmanuel konde is a very bad example of this hypocrites learned men of the pen , who have got to be role models to our anglosaxon southern cameroonians, his is just a spin of lies and little facts to suit his master
paul biya in la republique du cameroun, who pay him his paycheck.
Posted by: DANGO TUMMA | Thursday, 01 October 2009 at 11:17 PM
Posted by: DANGO TUMMA | Thursday, 01 October 2009 at 11:28 PM
Listen Mr Emmanuel Konde,
If you want to past out information to readers stop writing in this unconprehensive way.
Even the English people dont communicate in this way my be you think writing in this way will make you popular sorry but this shows clealy that you have an entellectual complex Your way of writing is boring.I am not interested in pilitics but you are just boring because you dont come to the point you are spending your time writing just big words meaning nothing.
Regards Mr
Posted by: Sonny Donald | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 12:06 AM
"Britain's abandonment of the Southern Cameroons is understandable in part because it had invested more in developing the human resources of its territory than the French did in their own zone. In politics, two Southern Cameroons women had been parliamentarians long before Mme Julienne Keutcha was elected to the first National Assembly of the Republic of Cameroun in 1960 at age 36" by Konde.
Konde, in creative writing, we say these two sentences lack coherence.
In terms of historical facts, I think Foncha ascended as the Head of Government Business in 1957 and not in 1959. He had 2 mandates. The first was from 1957 to 1959 and the latter from 1959 to 1961.
Finally, if at your age you are still wavering in deciding the WINNER and the LOSER in this unification/reunification saga, then you certainly lack the intellectual knack to be regarded with high esteem. Do you remember that some months ago you said The Southern Cameroons were developed by La Republique? Now you've clearly stated that at the eve of unification, West Cameroon " had proportionally more qualified technical personnel" than East Cameroon. Well, you're learning. You would soon state the obvious unambiguously.
Posted by: Bob Bristol | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 02:19 AM
Posted by: BAMBO SAMUEL | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 07:36 AM
Master Dango, too much tumma is bad for your brain man! So you better cool dong di pace me friend, else you turn loose.
Anglophone is a word coined by PAUL BIYA and Ahidjo of french Cameroun?! Bumboklaat! Why man... why? Why such stupidity from you?! Anglophone is an english word which simply means a person who speaks english. You may accuse La Republique du Cameroun for distorting the word to Anglofous, just because of people like you. And they definitely have every right to do that.
I am Anglophone, i have never been a Southern Cameroonian simply because that nation has never been throughout my existence, thanks to the goodwill gesture of rasclaat Foncha. Biya wasn't even there when Foncha erased your identity. All Biya need to do was the easiest job of lowering the casket, and what a formidable job he did! The wages of stupidity is death.
Posted by: Ras Tuge | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 12:43 PM
@Ras Tuge
It is people like you that made slavery possible. Your stupidity is beyond ridiculous.
Anyway, this is the most incoherent article I've read in a long while. It actually seems the author opened a few copies of several books and basically copied the phrases that had "big sounding" words.
Posted by: Nji | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 01:19 PM
Well son of evil, all i'd say to you is simply that you might just as well be running a misguided campaign of utter enslavement yourself. I am an Anglophone from the South west province, and i can't see the bloody wealth that you're chanting frivolously about.
The famous Fako remains a wretched shit hole despite the vast plantations and natural gas. Kupe Muanengouba is a frightfully derelict site inspite of enormous cocoa, coffee and timber. Manyu is the most secluded garbage pit where monkeys live better than the Nyangis. And is there anything to talk about Ndian? Is there any life in that Hell named Ndian division?
Listen now son of satan, you don't have to be SCNC to acknowledge the plight of Anglophones in Cameroon. It is crystal clear that with all the wealth, the South west province has not even had a taste of it's worth. All these Bloodclaat rotten CPDM hoodlums must be taught with a file.
Yea Foncha was a lunatic, and i shan't ever forgive anybody that was involved in that notorious deal. But inasmuch as i chastise demmal i still strive fi justice fi all di Anglophone nation. Every Anglophone father, mother, and child must get dem due piece of di pie. CPDM gives no magga dog any kana right to shove di whole pie up dem arse.
Nevertheless, Landlady and all di rasclaat dem who always stand in me way, you see now when i talk of dismal rift between Anglophones? This is the biggest trouble to overcome in the battle to win minds, and no doubt sweet Tutu would not let go, just because Southwesterners wouldn't let go because of blackheart snakes like her. What a vicious cycle! What a botheration! We're jammed dong.
Too bad fi Anglophone dem, and no wonder little frog demma call we say fous! Cry blood...cry blood, Anglophone dem done! Maybe i just gottu forget abot dis fucking shit, and raise me likle family quietly. Rotten people!
Posted by: Ras Tuge | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 03:40 PM
Comrade Dr. Alain Dipoko, called you a son of a whore but I would add you are worst than being a bastard. You are a Biafra. You found yourself in Cameroon like the graffi people, “come no go” when your parents’ fishing boat accosted the shores of either Ngeme or Limbe. If those places in the south west are what you call them, then what is Ikang like? Ibio bio son of a bitch.
You see why we must deny Nigerians from attending schools in Cameroon? When we allow them this privilege, they start behaving as Cameroonians. South westerners should not collaborate with north westerners politically. Graffis are full of perfidy. This nonsense called the SCNC is full of the graffis. We do not want any thing to do with them. They should pack and go back to their barren north west.
Foncha deceived us, John Fru Ndi deceived us and collected a colossal CFA 3 billion from the same government all along he has been calling the Satan. Foncha like Endeley asked for the independence of the southern Cameroons only to turn around and ditch the territory on the laps of Ahidjo. Today you want the South westerner to trust the graffi man? The SCNC is asking all French citizens to leave the territory of former West Cameroon, but the south westerner is asking all graffi people to leave the south west.
We do not like you the graffi people. Apart from your filthy lifestyles, we hate your perfidy in life. Why must you always come to the south west to preach and create your nonsense in the south west? Do that rubbish in Wum, Nkambe, Bali, Bafut, Banso, and Santa but not in the South west province. Let the south west province be the wretched place on earth but south westerners would prefer to live in that wretched place without the graffi people and the Biafras.
Posted by: Son of the Soil | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 04:18 PM
Mr Son of the Soil,
No reasonable SW person would write what you are saying. I think you are a racist. We are not racist in that region. Please take your racism some where else where racism is the norm.
In London, such writings will land you in jail because it is a crime. In civilised societies, what you say is criminal.
Have a good day.
Posted by: Louis Egbe Mbua | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 04:45 PM
Previewing your Comment
Monsieur Son of the Soil,
All I say is that you are a racist: from what you write. In case you fail to understand: A racist is a person who hates people in general. In that case, therefore, you must seek help.
Revisiting your vocerating outburst:
"They, the Graffi people could preach their secessionist ideas in their land not ours. When violence erupted in Cameroon during the ville mortes which region bore the brunt?"
Revolutions centre on the centre. Those who do not understand this mantra have already failed. It follows that you are already a failure, from your views.
You are free to come to London or Cameroon to meet me. However, from your racist writings, you may be handed over to the Police for due investigations on your terrible views.
Whether you came to London, fresh from ecole primaire, is a matter of profound irrelevance in this instance.
Posted by: Louis Egbe Mbua | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 06:58 PM
Ras Tuge,i salute you,and extend a message of congratulation.your comments will always piece me. Now, listen and observe carefully,Ras as a leader,you listen to your people and pick out facts and feelings from their complains and presentations.
Ras, revisit the comments of the son of the soil,breath in, relax,you will certainly come back to me.To begin with, there is no sense in what the son of the soil is trying to project.
Secondly, revise the postings of Mr Alian Dipoko,
Ras T, i strongly believe you are not a defeatist? He who fights and run lives to fight tomorrow.The director of special duty here he comes again with his diabolic intention to keep Southern cameroon fragmented.One of these days God will visit you.Son of the soil what a shame.
Remember i suggested we form an organisation to encourage grouth in Southern cameroon,hope you are thinking about it? Do not give up am with you Ras.
Its devastating that a man of your caliber in the 21century will reason this narrowly. Sir, discredit that obscure mentality of yours and abandoned it in the high sea.
Posted by: Asafor valentine Funwie | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 07:23 PM
Thank you Mr. London. I am fresh from l’ecole primaire. I am neither a fool nor a tribalist. I just don’t want the two sided blade of a people who these graffi people are. These people are not refugees in the south west region. Why can’t they go to their region to preach violence and destruction there? Must they always come to the south west?
We as a group of dedicated CPDM members shall do every thing to frustrate the strategies of these rascals. We shall infiltrate your meetings and pass you on to the authorities. To be safe, go to your region where you could speak in Bali, Baforchu, Bikom or whatever language you chose.
Leave us alone. Go with your deception.
Posted by: Son of the Soil | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 07:35 PM
Son of the Soil is the same ass that used to call itself Alain Dipoko. He is really a paid provocateur addicted to the internet.
Posted by: Va Boy | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 08:12 PM
Monsieur Le Son of Le Soil,
People are free to join organisations of their choice. Choice is a natural cauldron of man. However, the choice of settlement does not prise the matter of change. Change is that which happens without warning or with warning. The result is that; certain people will like it; while others do abhor.
You mitigated:
"Leave us alone."
Good. Please, leave the territory.
Your racism shunts your view.
You wrote:
"We shall infiltrate your meetings and pass you on to the authorities. To be safe, go to your region where you could speak in Bali, Baforchu, Bikom or whatever language you chose"
Is that the solution to the Southern Cameroons question? What a shame. Racism blinds you. Southern Cameroons will be independent.
Have you thought about what will happen to you? Where would you work? And what will be your fate? Are you going to be judged on your malicious deeds for LRC?
Posted by: Louis Egbe Mbua | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 08:14 PM
Posted by: DANGO TUMMA | Saturday, 03 October 2009 at 12:17 AM
Cameroon needs a civil war the person who kill the most will have his place and I know the graffi people will finish almost the entire cameroon because they are strong and brave in any way.
Look at Ruwanda today better than Cameroon because of the brutal civil war that is what we need 4 to 5 million people must be killed in 2 months then Cameroon will be a stable place.What I am saying is bitter but we must go through this Europe went through this as well.
Posted by: Soliman Amin | Saturday, 03 October 2009 at 02:25 PM
Posted by: njimafor boy | Saturday, 03 October 2009 at 03:49 PM
Nothing good can come out of a union with the French. From their involvement in Indo China to Sub sahara Afrcia, wherever the Frenchman has been, there is bound to be Chaos and anarcy.
Felllow west Cameroonians, arm yourselves because
we are ready for war after paul biya is killed.
We smoke frogs like dipoko out of their holes.
Posted by: njimafor boy | Saturday, 03 October 2009 at 07:12 PM
Dipoko. Your visa has been withdrawn. You are no longer welcome in the presence of decent Southern Cameroonians. Pathetic, slimy frog. Go to the frogosphere and efroggie and comment all you want there.
Posted by: Va Boy | Saturday, 03 October 2009 at 08:53 PM
Dipoko / Konde / & Other Aliases,
It is a good scoop if you can bring it here for us to see. Corruption is corruption.
We do not endorse corruption nor tolerate it. Plain & simple, so whether a person is Beti or Bangwa or Maka, Bassa or Banso, if they are corrupt, as a society that is striving for the good, we must all collectively criticize, condemn & seek justice in bringing culprits to order.
You should not endorse corruption because Anglophones are corrupt, that is illogical & an insane way to look at reality.
Posted by: ContryFowl | Monday, 05 October 2009 at 06:49 PM
I believe all reasonable patriotic Cameroonians with understanding will not and can not buy into the type of things that anyone like "Son of the Soil" would preach. We are a very diverse country. Over 200 tribes and just as many dialects. Some even call us Africa in miniature.
When one person preaches descrimination against one set of Cameroonians and wants his vile and rancid views adopted by a certain subsection of the population of our beloved country, what is to keep that person from encouraging descrimination against another portion of our population once he is done with the first set of Cameroonians.
As I said earlier we are over 200 different tribes. There will always be something that can divide one tribe from another. What we need to understand is that it is these trivial divisions that are keeping us from prospering and moving ahead as a country.
We need to encourage/preach justice, equality, respect for human rights, tolerance, love for ones country and loyalty to one's country not an individual amongst many other things. I say these things because no matter wether one supports a single Cameroon or a seperate one, you still have to deal/live with people different from us.
We as a nation have bigger problems in our backyards than the graphi this, sawa that, francophones are like this, anglophones are like that. All of Cameroon is suffering because of the decisions of Paul Fou, CPDM and co., and the so called opposition parties.
All Cameroonians have to deal with electricity issues, insufficient employment opportunities, lack of academic choices, poor roads, insecurity, poor infrastructure, corruption, water shortages during dry season, etc.
Paysans do not be fulled by those who preach descrimination for that is the divide and rule tactic that is keeping us behind and allowing the ruling elite to get away with the theft of the will and resources of our great nation.
Posted by: The Ngwa Man | Monday, 05 October 2009 at 07:06 PM
please do not stain you so called four PhDs with cowardice. I thought you were such a smart guy. You should changed the way you present, your choice of words and tone before passing for "son of the soil". for its one and the same person.
I have been reading all comments on this forum,but decided to respond today.
I am from the south west, from Mundemba, the fact tht we as southern cameroonians are one and indivisible is just unquestionable.
Division and regionalism is not perculiar to this part of the world, even in french cameroon it happens, why should it be alarming when it comes to S Cmr.
Dear brothers, this pride of belonging to the south or to the north west is a well planned tactic by catarpillars of the commonwealth like son of the seas and mountains and son of the the yabassi
Posted by: Toivi | Tuesday, 06 October 2009 at 05:17 AM
Our dear Dipoko never least expected that his diction and tone will betray him as he took over the alias Son of the soil in other to preach division and tribalism among southern cameroonians.
I had earlier predicted that he will just do that.He couldn't discern.So,it was useless commenting on the garbage.
Posted by: The herald | Tuesday, 06 October 2009 at 05:52 AM
As you rightly say, it is the mentality of the stupid & the depraved. It is the mentality of people who are incapable of logical thought, of a people who are only able to live at the sensate level & have not been able to interpret visual, auditory & tactile information from the senses with reason & logic.
In this case, Dipoko or Son of the Soil who is also writing like Konde can be said to belong to those realm of human beings who are still to awake from the fumes of colonization & the severe limitations of the "SELF" .
Why would a man spend half of his/her live repeating an imaginary illusion of superiority based on physical & other so called perceived differences, when even little children can see that there are always differences between everything in this world....??????
Diversity is a function & a mechanism of nature & life, to promote not only growth but also intelligence & to enhance the survival of all species.
So when a stupid individual is going to come & tell the whole world that francophones are better because the speak french...!!!
Who the FOOL here....????
In any case, we should not even bother or give time to this insane individual.
Posted by: ContryFowl | Tuesday, 06 October 2009 at 05:57 AM
American intelligence predicts that in 50 years time, atleast 4 new independent states will emerge in Africa. They will be
1) South Sudan,
2) Dafur
3) Southern Cameroon or Ambazonia
4) Biafra (Current state of Nigeria may split into three independent states)
Posted by: Jason | Saturday, 02 January 2010 at 03:12 PM
Son of the soil New York
Posted by: oyez | Monday, 08 February 2010 at 09:51 AM