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« Three reasons Africa’s diaspora isn’t more involved in Africa’s development | Main | African Commission Landmark Ruling On Cameroon -- A Road Map To Southern Cameroons Freedom »

Tuesday, 06 October 2009


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Anu Philip

I find it outrageous that the tenet of this key ruling were never made public by the SCNC and SCAPO even though the ruling has been available for months. As a result Minister Tchiroma and the government of Cameroun were able to go on the offensive and twist the judgement to their favor. And till date, neither SCAPO nor the SCNC has officially reacted to the mail.

And to show that Souothern Cameroons nationalists are unable to shape the debate even when it favors them, today's issue of The Post Newspaper stated that: "Court Orders Gov't, SCNC To Start Talking" - Not "Court Condemns Gvt of Cameroon for violating rights of Anglophones" or something to that effect. With a good PR machine and good connections with the Anglophone press, the SCNC would have been able to shape what appeared in newspapers on Monday.

A war of liberation has little to do with justice or truth and much to do with Public Relations and Propaganda. Southern Cameroonians should learn this vital lesson and stop talking only among themselves in their little forums and egroups


The Southern Cameroons groups should make a very public invitation to la republique to come to the table on neutral ground, and copy the court.


Dear Southern Cameroonians and our Friends:

This victory was not brought about by "public relations" and "propaganda". It has been brought about by individuals and groups--Southern Cameroonian patriots--who worked diligently for years for this outcome. Their work is based on the scientific method and not the mendacity as statecraft that Republique Francaise du Cameroun appears unable to out grow.

These Southern Cameroonian patriots are not stupid or naive and will not react based on voices from the peanut galleries in Yaounde and elsewhere. They are competent, intelligent and strategic in their planning and execution, and this victory that la Republique Francaise du Cameroun desperately tried to twist to her favor is proof of their superior strategy. He who laughs last ...

Minister Tchiroma, on his ejectable ministerial seat and steeped in the politics of the bush as is well practiced in francafrique is no match for Southern Cameroonian patriots. All Minister Tchiroma did was to reveal that la Republique Francaise du Cameroun is on the defensive, not the offensive!

The Post newspaper, allegedly bought and paid for by la Republique Francaise du Cameroun with their opiates of bingo lottery and beer money is irrelevant. They too will be no match for the moral imperatives of justice and truth that motivates the Southern Cameroons Liberation Movement. But man must whack! We understand.

We, the patriot-nationalists of the Southern Cameroons have la Republique Francaise du Cameroun were we want them.

Southern Cameroonians, the appeal is for you to keep the faith. We did not get here by accident. Support the struggle by being thoroughly informed about the history of the Southern Cameroons, educating others, participating in demonstrations in your countries of residence and making financial donations.

Also be prepared for those who feeling desperate like Minister Tchiroma and the France implanted Yaounde junta, will start inciting hatred and bigotry within the Southern Cameroons nation. If you thought Radio Milles Collines run by the Hutu was bad, just wait as la Republique Francaise du Cameroun becomes ever more desperate. Konde is going to sound like Mother Theresa.

However, we still have to be prepared for a Liberation War with real bullets that kill. This victory in my view is just a moral bullet that hit the target and la Republique Francaise du Cameroun appears wounded, desperate and confused already! They believed that releasing their vapid communique on Oct 1 was a stroke of genius. It fell flat and made them look stupid. But alas, they have no shame, no dignity and no guts.

Long live a free Southern Cameroons.

Ma Mary

Now, we are talking. No amount of stupid propaganda will do any good.

A proud and relentless CPDM member.

For 50 years you did not talk enough? Empty vessels.

VA Boy

Proud CPDM member is like a proud child rapist and bank robber. Pride should be reserved for good things. As usual you guys make things up. Southern Cameroonians have been trying to talk to the occupier nor the other way around.

The herald

Pride goes before a fall.


Sorry for u la republic,Destiny can only be delay but it shall surely come u are wasting your time u can't stop it sorry for u.

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