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« Background to Corruption and Recent Events at the Cameroon Embassy in Washington, DC | Main | Retiring Gracefully »

Tuesday, 24 November 2009


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After all the exposure we expect more of "most" Cameroonians in the US .
Hopefully this is an exception and not the norm.


Bob Bristol

CPDM -USA my foot!

There is no right-minded Cameroonian out of Africa who doesn't get embitter by the abuse of power and broad day banditry of the CPDM gov't in Cameroon. So the whole gang brandishing themselves as CPDM-USA are looking for ways to steal. One of such ways is to get closer to the embassy. Another is posing as Organising Committees during Biya's visit.

"There is not much that one can eat or drink in any person’s house in America that one cannot afford to buy for himself and his family and consume at his/her home" by Konde.

Konde your "wonderful and talented" CPDM gov't can't brag around about peace and economic successes when Cameroonians in the country can't afford these.

Konde, your somehow brilliant suggestions above doesn't extricate you from the bunch of that notorious organisation. You are merely playing smart. Your pro-CPDM and anti-graffi stance have taken your PhD to the gutters.

Adolf A Agbormbai

Excellent analysis that really sheds light into what is happening at the Embassy. What is described here is characteristic of what can be expected of the dynamics of implementing change among people.

There is the old guard... the bad guys(monsters of inertia). And the progressives... the good guys. There has to be war between these opposing forces, and change occurs when the new guard wins. This is how it will always be. So don't be surprised to see this pattern occur again and again in Cameroon in the coming months.

The bottom line is that for change to occur the new guard MUST ALWAYS WIN! They cannot be allowed to fail!


This is the inevitably consequence of politicizing the civil service. It is shamefull and patently undemocratic that the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon in Washington DC is synonymous with the ruling CPDM party.

Ma Mary

Look at the prostitutes!

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