Depicting the future of La Republique du Cameroun as bleak is the best way of whitewashing the devastating social consequences of the 2010 fiscal policies that P.M and his team are outlining. It is to this effect that the Chiareport, in this two part-series, is providing an exclusive insight analysis into P. M Philemon Yang's six months on-the-job training at the star building, background of his 34 year political career, infiltration of the SCNC, participation in the plundering of Cameroon's mineral resources by Canadian companies, scraping of the Limbe Deep Sea project and potential role as Paul Biya's next anglophone campaign manager! Of even greater importance is the perception of conflict of interest as CAMAIRCO's board chairman and his inability to fairly arbitrate conflict within the cabinetCo-Written and Edited by Innocent Chia
Yang is a strong man. His ministry of Interior where he was deputy to Ayissi Mvodo was responsible for the underground prisons where they tortured and killed many people. Those were the 1970s under Ahidjo so I suppose we have forgotten. Now he is talking about labeling the SCNC a terrorist organisation. Anglophones watch out. You are about to witness state terrorism launched by your son and brother.
Posted by: Mbango | Thursday, 31 December 2009 at 03:18 AM
...Limbe Deep Sea Port:
Limbe: Le port en eau profonde prendra corps
( )
Posted by: The Entrepreneur Newsonline Inc. | Thursday, 31 December 2009 at 02:28 PM
victoria can only achieve a seaport under an independent southern cameroons government.
no one in his right mind expect a foreign occupier to build infrastructures for us
in british southern cameroons, paul biya .ahijo
plan from the onset is well known to occupy soputhern cameroons, oppress its people and steal its resources to enrich cameroun and france.
Posted by: dango tumma | Friday, 01 January 2010 at 07:56 PM