For wrongs and trespasses committed
Against the Most Holy One enthroned
Above seated on high, lapis and carried
By Seraphim worshipped and praised;
By creatures so celestially crowned,
Created with fire; with movements
At speeds of lightning deportment;
Pray the Holy One does redeem
The people, gems, champions of esteem,
Making atonements to rejuvenate
On what once was lost but now found;
For no man does self-elevate
To self-made a sovereign as to pound
His mortal chest-beating in defiance
Of the Only One on Most High watching;
His creation; a melting disappearance
Of Beauty; malfeasance despoiled
By him who by fallen pride recoiled
Not from casting lustful eyes awide
As to spread fear, lies on either side
Of the Chasm: Heaven and earth
Where dwells all creatures; living
By the power of Spirit that cleaneth
All creation, all creatures; enlightening
To know the wicked enemy roaming
And see the adversary deceiving;
Coverting and stealing; eyeing
The kingdom; Him not duly given
To the whole truth but Air Prince stolen
Title; forever not given or sustained
Since in fraud this title contained;
In a hollow darkened plan prepared
In empty pride; no love conceived
By his hapless troopers so out fought
In their futile battle unappeased
By their diabolic aims so sought.
War for Diamonds – Blood Diamonds
Thus the great hand battle emerged
To dislodge the Great Ogre lodged
On the neck of Diamonds squeezed.
As the huge Red Dragon tightened
The enormous grip on free red blood!
He sucks:apocalyptic blood flood!
And then Diamonds came off stumps;
Her hardness greater than ord’ rock
Found in all earth and the heavens
To stand up as one; weakened in stills
The broken parts no longer holds
As the Great Ogre with an iron frock
And a clay foot had Diamonds picked
Up from aground to be swung around
Like a swirling boiling sea raged
By a fierce wind: hurricane laced
With torrents; and raindrops flicked
Around Diamonds with savage drones
As in the sounds of a great myriad
Of chariots: a furious army of dunces.
The Terrifying Scene
Appeared a terrifying scene so dreadful
That never before earth has been seen
On earth since Diamonds turned bountiful
To the resting princes resting between
The freezing west and the burning east.
The Great ogre his left foot planted east
And a monstrous kick with right foot west
But with a great rush of wind did he miss
His intentions to destroy the serpent lest
The Red Dragon gathers his stars thrown
On Diamonds humble dwelling down
The devastated planet; man’s sure curse
Fooled by Dragon; ruler with no course
And with no known truth and torch light
But love of darkness: propensity to blight.
The Red Dragon; an advantage gave
Not least chance for Ogre who craved
For assistance from his fall brought
About by miscalculations untaught
By ages of co-habitation disallowed
From above ‘cause celestially created
Must he keep his realm: not alloyed
With Diamonds from dustly earth created.
Yet Ogre, same wicked spirit enchanted
As in Dragon the celestial demoted
From above to cause chaos; drawn
To earth by vain power: greed blown
By covetousness, murder committed
Against man, woman above commanded.
Thus, Great Ogre and Dragon friends; swore
To destroy Diamonds break her with sworn
Grave vengeance; to have her people wiped
Out of the face of the marked land swept
With a single mighty blow delivered
With precise wickedness obtained
From the deep; authority denounced
By the High Principalities; announced
By Holy Providence; residing
In the Highest alters; arising
With great power and compassion
Grant Dragon and Ogre permission
To rule and consume part Diamonds
But time is truth; as sweet as almonds.
The Apocalyptic Struggle
So began the terrible struggle in earnest
To dislodge Ogre and Dragon in tempest
Being that Diamonds were to be recovered
Put again together as was Diamonds favoured
By natives and heirs of gold Diamonds given
To them by heavenly fortune-named proven
By Providence's advance; so man is not pained
By his lightning fall from blinding beauty gained
From glorious Providence's prodigious creation;
And lost with pure watered paradise in unison.
So united poor indigenes; so noble they were,
Began a challenge for Diamonds’ recovery
With a new song called out: Come! Come! Rally!
For the new gainful struggle in savoire-faire:
Continue reading Blood Diamonds: A Rendition of an Apocalypse*