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« Ghana is the New Brazil | Main | Inspirational: Corneille Ewango of Congo »

Monday, 05 July 2010


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Those pitches are in a pitiable state, but the issue is not as simple as it looks. The government should provide infrastructure for national use, but it is up to football clubs to improve their own facilities.

In my opinion the product reflects the market. How much are you willing to pay to watch a football game in Cameroon? What is the average attendance? Would a sane investor invest in a local football club? Are sponsors interested? How do you get TV stations to invest, when we are all busy watching foreign leagues? Professional football feeds on fans, benefactors, sponsorship and TV rights. For the time being this paradime cannot apply to the Cameroonian context, as the product is not marketable enough.

Municipalities could engage some form of private finance initiatives, whereby infrastruture is leased to clubs to develop and exploit, in return for royalties. Even in developed countries, some essential facilities (hospitals) are operated this way.

 Medical Advice

im impress so much dood playing they have no cheating thats is spot playing


You talking trash and posting garbage.

Your twisted blame the victim argumnet makes no sense.

The root cause of the problem is Paul Biyaism, and u know that.

The Politcal Climate does not permit any of your argument.
You always try to protect the butcher of etoudi. What's up with that? Are u slow or just outwright dumb.

Chief  Ayuk  Arrey

Potato fields indeed !
Paul Biya and his Gang of Robbers find nothing wrong with those Potato fields. All they care is stealing and raping the Constitution.

A Country whose Policy on Infrastructural Development solely depends on the Chinese and MTN or PMUC. If the Chinese or MTN doesn't built who will build ?

Cameroons problems are just Paul Biya and CPDM period.


How can we progress when paul Biya has chosen poverty for his country .we still have a very long way to go.even angola ,mozambique,g.equatoria,mali can boast of modern infrastructures.we don't need to blame some of our footballers of their aging talents
,this is one of the causes.

Ngum Anthony

Does CRTV carry these matches live? I bet the regime may be too ashamed to show foreign visitors these Cameroonians pitches.


We worry about little things. Paul Biya's regime. You and I know this country called La Republique will never get better.So why are we still bother our selves about this. My people see the best thing for us right now is independence. 50 years of so called freedom. Please some one tell me what can we tell the people of the world we have accomplished. Its time for a new entity to be born. Let Ambazonia live forever.


Ambazonia was never born.


Ambazonia baby is healthy and thriving, u baby killer.

Trust me, he will be independent way before his teenage years.


According to my analysis, millions of persons on our planet receive the credit loans from good creditors. Therefore, there's a good chance to find a short term loan in all countries.


According to my analysis, millions of persons on our planet receive the credit loans from good creditors. Therefore, there's a good chance to find a short term loan in all countries.

J. S. Dinga

Those who argue that Cameroon has nothing to learn from the world beyond our borders can now see for themselves the harm they do to the nation's image. It is not only in football; everything we do, our great apologists play ostrich when it comes to competition and comparing with the standards elsewhere - education, politicss, business, road infrastructure, sports. Football is only hurting because we had seen and known better days compared to what we see these days.

But we know where the interest lies and where our money is spent, don't we? If so many billions of our currency is dished out to the First Lady's famous foundation and chest for playing Santa Claus (Mother Christmas), does it surprise anyone that we cannot maintain a stadium worth writing home about or keep players of talent?

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