When even war ravaged Somalia supersedes Cameroon
By Aloysius AGENDIA on Participating in Positive Change
Any reliable educational system aimed at inculcating veritable knowledge to students for self and community development is certainly very cautious of its leaders making fanatical, divisive and partisan political linings. Teachers in general and university professors in particular, have the obligation of not only imparting knowledge, but above all, helping students build independent, critical and analytic minds, to be able address situations. Professors and university lecturers make a great bulk of the intelligentsia of most societies.
However, political correctness in certain societies has pushed many professors to abandon their prime role and rather focus more on sycophancy and the propagation of what I may call “pseudo-educational values and political rhetoric”. If lecturers have fallen short of their basic responsibilities and acting as models to learners, what then is expected of their products-students?
On August 18, 2010,........Read more
Good point.
With a bad leader like Paul Biya, the butcher of etoudi still in power, do not expect change to come soon.
Teachers are also victims of Biyaism. Even if we pump leathal bullets in the brains of the butcher, it will take decades to cleanse French Cameroon of Biyaism.
Victim theory does not apply to traitors like Allain Dipoko, Mallam Shehu, Entrepreneur, Limbekid and a few other thugs who will pimp Cameroon and their Mothers for change.
Posted by: njimaforboy | Monday, 23 August 2010 at 03:47 PM
The quality of this write-up is testament to the quality of education that the author received from such intellectuals.....
Posted by: The Entrepreneur Newsonline Inc. | Tuesday, 24 August 2010 at 05:48 AM