By Dibussi Tande
So who exactly ordered the hit on Moumie and how high up in the French government did the crime and cover-up go? For years, French authorities strongly refuted any French government involvement in the Moumie assassination.
Jacques Foccart, "Mr. Francafrique", with President De Gaulle
Initially they even denied that Bechtel was a member of the French intelligence service, even though all the evidence pointed to the contrary.It wasn’t until after Bechtel’s death that tongues began to loosen. And it became apparent that the plot against Moumie directly involved the Matignon and even the Palais de l'Élysée.
True Confessions
As we saw in Part I of this posting, one of the first public admissions of French government invlovement in the assassination of Moumie was made by General Grossin to Roger Faligot and Pascal Krop in July 1984. In another book by Faligot and Guisnel titled "Histoire secrète de la Ve République" (November 2006), which deals with the state secrets of the French Fifth Republic, General Grossin sheds more light on the Moumie assassination. In an excerpt published in La Lettre du Continent (« L’aveu de l’assassinat de Moumie » - N°503 - 12/10/2006) the authors write:
Questioned 20 years after the Moumie affair, General Grossin crudely shed light on the manner in which the SDECE set up the Moumie asssassination, at a time when Prime Minister Michel Debré, just like Foccart, was troubled by the situation in Africa.
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