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« IVORIAN NOUCHI, COUSIN TO CAMEROONIAN CAMFRANGLAIS | Main | Julian Assange: Why the world needs Wikileaks »

Monday, 17 January 2011


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Legion(for we are many)

See what is happening in Africa; for example Tunisia,Ivory coast,Zimbabwe.Do Cameroonians really believe Biya will leave power without a fight.We shouldn't follow the French.Look at Southern Sudan,that is what Southern Cameroonians should be preparing for.Independence not another seven years of dictatorship.Make your choose brothers and sisters of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia we have made ours.Like it or not, sooner than later the truth will be exposed and we will be free.Ambazonia will be a state recognized by all.

J. S. Dinga

Wishful thinking is good, very good for the soul. It would be nice if the scenario from Habib Bourgiba Avenue in Tunisia is reenacted in Ivory Coast, in Cameroon and elsewhere but....

Some times I worry. I worry because taking over from an unpopular regime is one thing; delivering the goods is another. Don't young military men take over power and promise to free the people? But ultimately what do they offer other than the AK-47? For as long as I can remember the cry has been the bad guy in Etoudi.But then when I venture to look at what Cameroonians do to each other on a daily basis, I shudder to think what will happen if they actually hauled out the tenant of the Unity Palace. Our greatest identification tag has come to be the hurling of insults at each other instead of supporting with constructive ideas what our congeners propose. Governance is such a great idea but it requires only human beings to do it, human beings who support each other, supplement each other's efforts. If that be the case, wishing for the bad guy at Unity Palace to leave makes lots of sense.


“I’m viscerally opposed to the idea that Laurent Gbagbo should hang onto power for two reasons. First, while some African woes are definitely associated with “French influence”, they’ve often been ratcheted as facades by rulers like Gbagbo who want to stay in power.“

I advise you to be less visceral in your opposition and become more engaged in seeking the facts about the crisis in Cote d'Ivoire.

“Second, in support of Laurent Gbagbo, some Cameroonians made reference to the fact that having been declared to be the legitimate ruler by Cote D’ivoire’s Constitutional Council, the world, as a courtesy, should show respect for that country’s institutions. But Laurent Gbagbo’s political difficulties also stem from a history of “no precedent” in this regard. The respect of state institutions has never been taken seriously by Francophone African leaders.”

When do you suggest the respect of state institutions begin in Francophone Africa?

Dr A A Agbormbai

I think Cameroon will have to go the Tunisia way in order to prevent a repeat of what is happening in Ivory Coast.

The Cameroonian people must stand up and force Biya out. Like the Tunisian people, Cameroonians must not wait for election results.

Thus, while the presidential candidates are campaigning for next term's presidency, the people must be mobilised to oust Biya.

If this doesn't happen then Cameroon will have to go the Ivory Coast way, with more serious consequences to follow.

One thing is certain... Paul Biya WILL NOT BE in office for the next term!

Paul Piot

Sadly Biya and CO don't care


Post-Script:How Francafrique was killed in Abidjan.

French foreign policy in Africa was/is meant to safeguard French interests. Fact.

It has never been for 'democracy' [and I use that word loosely] or for the interests of the Gabonese, Camerounians, Togolose, Rwandans, Madagascans, Congolese, and the other places in the continent and beyond, where they've left their trail of blood.

This time around, the fourth estates of the 'international community' [CNNs, BBCs,France24s, N.Y.Times etc have all of a sudden become loudspeakers for the cause of democracy in Africa. I do not beleive them.

It is as though the script leading up to the Iraq war eight years is been re-written, with a different cast, on a different set. Ivory Coast.

I have never underestimated the power of propaganda...

The issue is so crucial that African 'experts', international civil servants and others are being dispatched to enlighten the unenlightened about the Ivory Coast.

We are not fooled. We are not fooled.

A few dozen Hugo Chavez's are being born on that continent everyday.

No condition is permanent.

[email protected]


It`s an old trick. Want to perpetuate your political existence? Create a bogeyman.

Thus the Nazis invented "the Jews", Capitalists created Communists and vice-versa, post-colonial African leaders used the return of the "white-man" to rescusitate waning support, and with the demise of the cold war, "the commies" have been replaced by "muslim fanaticism" to justify imperialist objectives.

Unfortunately, we (the expendable masses) consistently fall for this ruse. We are willing to hug the devil, if only to be saved from the ogre lurking in the woods.

Mallam Shehu

Njimaforboy, where are you hiding your cone head? People are making history in Tunisia, yet you keep on sticking your cone head in perpetual darkness.
Biya and Ni are dining in Ebolowa, they will soon do like wise in Ambazonia, where is your soldier ant army with its famous amphibious attacks? Ku'nyam!


Palapala Editor has his head in the right place. Do not be fooled. In Africa, they are only interested in democracy when it goes their way. Many people are fooled. They do not understand that they are being manipulated.

J. S. Dinga

Please don't call anyone "Kunyam". That's not a very nice word! We don't want any of our citizens committing suicide, do we?

Bob Bristol

Good to know you guys are still here. We can only go as far as the military permits. That is where the line is drawn.If they side with the incumbent, we are doomed but if just a quarter sides with us, then a new day has just begun.

The Observer.

Bob Bristol, I used to think you were an intelligent guy until now. What is on your mind? You want to join those mindless, jobless and frustrated fools against our country? The Tunisians were killed on the streets but what changed?

The PM merely changed the party and one day, the president might walk back to Tunisia just as Baby Doc did in Haiti. I shall eat my head if Baby Doc is ever prosecuted. Lets wait and see.

Bob Bristol

The Observer, they Tunisians are not done yet. They are still on the streets. I am as disappointted as you are about the present gov't formed by the Tunisian PM. But part of the military are already with the protesters. Others are slightly passive, which to a sense, works in favour of the protesters. If this happens in Cameroon, Biya would have to run as well. This is what I am talking about.

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