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Tuesday, 08 March 2011


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Nkeze. A. Felix

Well Said!

My hard working, peace loving generous and God fearing people of Cameroon should know the following:

1) They do not owe Biya or his Regime anything

2) Biya is employed by them

3) Biya does not do cameroonians any favour when he executes development projects or create employment. That

is his job for which he was hired.

4) Biya has never kept any developmental project promise and he is not going to do so this time.

5) Even he was to to the best this time around, why do we have to think that he is the olny able cameroonian who can
and should govern cameroon for three decades. Something is wrong with cameroonians.

6) Can anyone name a single country that has stopped dictatorship without bloodshed.

7) In as much as we are afraid to spill some blood in order to gain a long lasting democratic nation for our children and grandchildren, we will continue to live the way we do. and will sooner or later be replace by "Ahidjo the Third" when the current one dies....

Bob Bristol

I have been wondering the kind of gov't that we would have if Biya decides to quit without the stir generated by the demands of the people or without any protest.

Now let us keep Biya aside; he has been a curse to the nation. So who is the real enemy of the Cameroonian people? Is it the army for their brutal suppression of any protest action or is it Cameroonians themselves for not having the ability to do what others have done to have the kinds of of gov't that they desire?

I hope this piece is read by those it is addressed to; that is if they bother to keep aside their bottles of beer and PMUC papers.


Maybe if most of Africa had not missed the real revolution (industrial), we would not have to rely on the Jasmine revolution for our independence. Thanks to great minds like James Watts, Michael Faraday, Eli Whitney, George Stephenson... Europeans invented themselves out of poverty and saved theemselves the indignity of having to rely on public immolation in the 21st century. Unfortunately, the way we`re going we might miss the next big revolution (digital).


limbekid likes to talk loud and say nothing like the old James Brown song. There is no real anything. It is about doing your best with what you have got, right now. Shish.


Non violent people power is the best, but I do not trust that the Cameroon military has enough moral depth to resist firing on unarmed protesters. It has historically functioned as a political death squad.


@ Ambergris,

Dependence on land = feudal system = landlord/tenant relationship. Every new invention is an opportunity for the tenant to leave the master`s grip. Every new invention leads to a new profession and personal freedom. Rely on a rent economy (most of Africa) and you remain in the master`s grip.

Can we go back to the 1700s? No. But certain changes can be made, such as; quotas on certain courses at uni level; delaying specialisation; adopting classical education (education for knowledge, as opposed to education for a job); encouraging multi-discpilinary courses at tertiary level etc

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