How Backward a Place is Cameroon?
Julius Nyamkimah Fondong
A couple of weeks ago I received a mail from my kid brother that sent me thinking. He had just returned to Cameroon from Doha, Qatar, where he spent a week attending a conference. This is what he said: “What is bothering me now is that I cannot reconcile that side [Doha] with this so much dirt I do see around. Really wish to spend a longer part of my life that way. Even on no beer”.
In the second part of this write-up, I will revisit why replicating a Jasmine Revolution in Cameroon has fell on deaf ears, It is definitely not the absence of ingredients for an all out massive protest.
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Is this cameroon, my country.. I understand the entire country can't be like this but yet, what a shame!
Posted by: jesus | Monday, 07 March 2011 at 08:30 AM
And you meet guys in Canada donning CPDM regalia and singing praises to Biya. Well, they hoped for jobs in west; can't find it, and are left desolate. The only other option: support CPDM and Biya, return home with the hope of landing a psotion in the ministry and feed family. What a cycle we are in?
Posted by: jipnb | Monday, 07 March 2011 at 01:14 PM
Officer Fondong;do not think we are oblivious to the fact that, you worked hence aided this junta which you now disclaim. Too late sir, stay in Haiti and feed fat on UN payrol. Spare us the trouble of having to read this nonsense you paste on this forum.
Posted by: jipnb | Monday, 07 March 2011 at 01:17 PM
Truth is that Cameroon under Biya is a disgusting, dirty, corrupt, boozed up dump. It smells so much that Biya spends all his time in Europe.
Posted by: facter | Friday, 11 March 2011 at 08:33 AM