Having received quite a commendable number of submissions this year from Anglophone Cameroon writers living in Cameroon and the Diaspora, EduART Inc is pleased to announce the short listed authors for the second bi-annual EduART Literary Awards for Cameroon Literature in English.
These awards are intended to encourage not only the production of more creative writing but also to boost publishing in Cameroon. These are “people's choice” awards which means the winning entries will be selected by a panel of judges drawn from a cross section of the Cameroon reading public not just literary experts.
Shortlisted Authors for the “Bate Besong Award for Poetry” are:
- Bongasu Tanla Kishani for A Basket of kola Nuts
- John Nkemngong Nkemasong for Letters to Marion (And the Coming Generations)
- Wirndzerem G. Barfee for Bird of The Oracular Verb
Shortlisted Authors for the “Jane and Rufus Blanshard award for Fiction” are:
- Margaret Afuh for Fireside Stories
- Alobwede D’Epie for The Day God Blinked
- Rosemary Ekosso for The House of Falling Women
- Mwalimu Johnnie MacViban for A Ripple from Abakwa
The winners will be announced at the EduART Literary Awards Banquet to take place on July 12th 2011 at the newly opened ETA Palace Hotel in Buea.
There are no short listed Authors for Victor Elame Musinga Award for Drama because all but one entry was disqualified for technical reasons. Therefore the competition was canceled for this category.
It should be recalled that the inaugural EduArt Literary Awards Night took place in Buea, Cameroon on July 18, 2008 under the auspices of Professor Niyi Osundare, award-winning Nigerian poet and distinguished professor of Literature at the University of New Orleans, USA. John Ngong Kum won the inaugural award of 500.000CFA for his poetry collection, Walls of Agony, published by Edition CLE.
Communiqué de presse du 30 Mars 2011
Le Comité exécutif des Prix Littéraires EduART annoncent ci-contre Les auteurs ci-contre ont été nominés par le Comité exécutif des Prix Littéraires EduART en vue de la prochaine édition des Prix EduART qui récompensent les meilleures publications de la Littérature Camerounaise de langue Anglaise.
Nominations pour le prix Bate Besong de Poésie :
- Bongasu Tanla Kishani pour A basket of cola nuts
- John Nkemngong Nkemasong pour Letters to Marion (And other generation to come),
- Wirndzerem G. Barfee pour Bird of the Oracular Verb
Nominations pour le prix Jane and Rufus Blanshard en fiction:
-Margaret Afuh pour Fireside Stories (Histoires du coin du feu)
- Alobwede D’Epie pour The day God Blinked (Le Jour où Dieu vacilla)
- Rosemary Ekosso pour The House of the Falling Women
- Mwalimu Johnnie Mac Viban pour A Ripple from Abakwa
Il n’y aura pas de nominations pour le prix Victor Elame Musinga dans la catégorie Théâtre après disqualification pour raisons techniques de tous les concurrents. Ce prix ne sera donc pas attribué.
Les vainqueurs seront annoncés et primés au cours du banquet organisé en vue de la cérémonie des Prix Littéraires EduArt qui aura lieu le 12 Juillet 2011 dans l’enceinte du tout nouvel ETA Palace Hotel à Buéa. Tous les candidats aux prix littéraires EduART recevront de plus amples détails concernant le déroulement de la cérémonie proprement dite.
Pour plus d’amples informations et renseignements concernant EduART, prière de consulter www.Eduartinc.org et www.eduartawards.org
Joyce Ashuntantang, PhD
Directrice, EduArt Literary Awards Committee
BP 91 Buéa. Région du Sud-Ouest, Cameroun
All those sound like great books, but unfortunately I haven't read or even heard of any of them before today.
Congrats to the nominated books and authors
Posted by: African Books | Thursday, 14 April 2011 at 08:35 AM
Wow! Never came across the word, "Directice".
Posted by: Sanjo George | Thursday, 14 April 2011 at 09:13 AM