(Translated from French by Dr. Peter Vakunta)
Source : http://www.rfi.fr/afrique/20110523-nelson-mandela-convalescence-son-village-natal
Nelson Mandela and his grand-daughter Ndileka Mandela on May 18 in Johannesburg
This was the first time « Madiba » as he fondly called by South Africans left his home since January. He was in hosptial toward the end of January, according to official sources, for a routine check, but it later became known that he was suffering from a severe lung infection. No one has seen him since then. The only photos seen of him since he left the hospital have been those that show him casting an early vote in the upcoming local elections.
It should be noted that Nelson is 92, was imprisoned for 27, and not in good health at present. No one knows how long he is going to be in his native village, much less whether he will be returning to Johannesburg.
Dr. Vakunta
All the best pa , you are a great father of the nation and we will continue to pray for you
Posted by: frizzy | Tuesday, 07 June 2011 at 01:17 PM