Random Thoughts on Cote d’Ivoire and Libya
By Innocent Chia
In the course of the several weeks and months of loyal partisan rage and carnage in Cote d’Ivoire, it needed a lot of restraint to not jump into the fascinating vociferousness for or against President Laurent Gbagbo and Allasane Ouattara that soared on cyber forums. I would be a bold faced liar not to express my consternation for those opinions that not only embraced Gbagbo’s mid-game changing rules; they eagerly threaded the nonsense that Ouattara’s French-wife sealed the deal. Such anti-Western feelings, a staple for Muammar Kaddafi, equally garnered support and sympathy for Libya’s strongman as the international community finally came to the rescue of a defiant opposition. Be it in the Cote d’Ivoire case or the unfolding drama in Libya, it is disturbing, albeit unsurprising, that a substantial number within the vocal Cameroonian Diaspora eschewed democracy.
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The quality of life and security for the citizens has been largely restored and we are a large part of why that has happened.
Posted by: Dominic Caraccilo | Tuesday, 30 August 2011 at 07:02 AM