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Tuesday, 04 October 2011


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interesting! thansk for sharing!

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I sat there wide-eyed with my jaw on the ground not being able to tear myself away to try and get ready for work. I couldn't even fathom what was happening or why. All I knew was that a plane flew into the tower. I didn't know details.


I am a concern anglophone.I just want you people to know that this issue of Southern Cameroon is not going to work.Go back to history and you will find out how we anglophones found ourselves in this present situation.Cameroon is what it is today because of the North Westerners,They betrayed the anglophones{Foncha's and the Muna's}The Northwesterners and the SouthWestern's can never work together because the Northwesterners are very greedy,tribalistic, and have this belief that they are the chosen ones who must rule,Go even to the Churches like the Presbyterian church and see what they are doing there.I believe a ten states federation would be the best for Cameroon.I have no problem with our brothers and sister's from the Northwest some of my best friends are from that region but the truth have to be spoken.


Enow, you mean the friends you claim to have from the North West "are very greedy,tribalistic, and have this belief that they are the chosen ones who must rule" or you are talking of those people who happen not to be your friends?. And to consider Muna and Foncha to be the "northwesterners" who betrayed anglophones just show how narrow minded your arguments are.

The Anglophone struggle as it is, is bigger than Muna and Foncha and where they failed you now have an opportunity to make things right. Northwesterners are not only in the presbytarian church, they are in lots of different churches. To reduce a national stuggle to and compare it with church politics is just childish. The people who were arrested in Buea were not all Northwesterners. Think beyond the Northwest-Southwest divide and into the politics of divide and rule, slander and lies by the current government and you'll understand why the hatred and pseudo division between the northwest and southwest is a means to weaken a very strong political force in cameroon.

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I sat there wide-eyed with my jaw on the ground not being able to tear myself away to try and get ready for work. I couldn't even fathom what was happening or why. All I knew was that a plane flew into the tower. I didn't know details.

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