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Tuesday, 18 October 2011


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Good post!

Mallam shehu

what's brewing?
prior to elections you were chirruping like a weaverbird, and after results, you guys are gonna chirrup even louder than before, for sure. Don't you guys know exhaustion?
Why can't you bookers, Peter included, first start by making this small corner that identifies us as S-Kamerunians attractive?
All that calligraphy we all struggle to carve, isn't meant for us, yet we all embrace it and forget ourselves in it.
Tear-off that heady plume, and let's start by tilling the simplest of things that are at our immediate reach. Fix this site boys, it will do us more good than distorted articles.

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prior to elections you were chirruping like a weaverbird, and after results, you guys are gonna chirrup even louder than before, for sure. Don't you guys know exhaustion?
Why can't you bookers, Peter included, first start by making this small corner that identifies us as S-Kamerunians attractive?
All that calligraphy we all struggle to carve, isn't meant for us, yet we all embrace it and forget ourselves in it.
Tear-off that heady plume, and let's start by tilling the simplest of things that are at our immediate reach.

Va Boy

When the electoral process becomes irrelevant, the first resort is non-violent peoples power, except that in Cameroon, non-violence is rewarded with total brutality and bullets. That is what makes guerrilla warfare almost inevitable there. Biya, BIR and French intelligence people cannot protect themselves from guerrilla warfare.

Southern Cameroonians in particular should be thinking about liberating themselves not that sick puppy called la Republique du Cameroun. Chia, you hear? Stop wasting your brain and pen on Kamerun.

Va Boy

Lady Kate
One of those unprincipled mercenaries, a member of Emperor Biya's court?
Perhaps 50,000 Cameroonians in the USA. Less than 200 took part in the dirty election that KKK was marketing. That is the number of people who follow CPDM in America.

Dis person

Va boy, I'm surprised. You are a disgrace to southern Cameroons, calling for Guerilla warefare. if it happens, I hope all the females in your families get raped, and the after that their mimbs torn off one by one, and their breasts cut off. The you'll tell me what u think of guerilla

Gan Charles

Anyone calling for querilla warfare should start leading one. As usual you are inciting violence for someone else to be in the forefront. Typical Cameroonian! That is why the system will not change.

The Ngwa Man

Gan Charles, have peaceful law abiding tactics furthered the process toward accountable governance in Cameroon? The problem with the SCNC, the opposition and Cameroonians in particular is we are forcing ourselves to believe that the force of argument and the argument of force are mutually exclusive. Our history and the history of great nations are an indication that both concepts are needed to achieve anything meaningful. There must be a yin and yang.

Those of you preaching the wait for Biya to die mentality make me laugh. I would like to see how we the people of Cameroon will control the president that comes after S.E. Biya when we have not fought to fix our current system. I wonder how different our cry will be under new leadership when we have not taught the current president to respect the power of the citizens he is supposed to serve.

acekard 2i

Perhaps 50,000 Cameroonians in the USA. Less than 200 took part in the dirty election that KKK was marketing. That is the number of people who follow CPDM in America.

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