Methink we are now vibrating on the same wave length
Regarding the veracity in the assertion that Cameroonians
Are governed by Born Again Slaves,
Philemon Yang is no exception,
Paul Biya and Jacques Fame Ndongo
Have played the lyrics and they are all
Dancing to the tune of Macabre Tango,
In the land of Born Again Slaves:
Slaves to cronyism,
Slaves to occultism,
Slaves to neo-colonialism
Slaves to anarchy,
Slaves to oligarchy,
Slaves to moral degeneracy
Slaves to necromancy,
Slaves to rape of democracy…
Slaves to impunity,
Slaves to imbecility,
Slaves to inanity,
Slaves to dereliction of duty…
Slaves to self-delusion,
Slaves to bribery and corruption,
Slaves to collusion,
Slaves to developmental retrogression,
Slaves to penchant for human rights violation,
Slaves to mental retardation,
Slaves to mutual suspicion,
Slaves to falsehood and prevarication,
Slaves to self-annihilation…
Slaves to witch-hunting,
Slaves to backstabbing,
Slaves to influence-peddling…
Slaves to schizophrenia,
Slaves to Anglophobia,
Slaves to crippling paranoia
Slaves to myopia…
Slaves to patricide,
Slaves to linguicide…
Slaves to tribalism,
Slaves to ethnocentrism…
Slaves to chronic ineptitude,
Slaves to self-denial,
Slave to inferiority complex,
Slaves to pecuniary gains,
Slaves to gerrymandering and fraud…
Slaves to make-belief….
© Vakunta 2011
Dr. Vacunta, unfortunately you are right. I have looked through every item on this list and, believe me, there is none I can eliminate. I often wonder how many of our fellow countrymen or women at home or abroad ever ask themselves why the date for a major election, such as the presidential is such a closely guarded secret, kept inside President Paul Biya's wallet like his treasure. And people talk of a level playing field? Who else can win on such a field? Who?
Posted by: J. S. Dinga | Thursday, 15 December 2011 at 06:51 AM
A short list of the effects of causes that need to be known, understood and analyzed. It's a long and winding road even to the default start position. Given that true change only comes through humans, it is going to require the awakening of the majority of humans in this context, to begin to move the current situation even by inches. Keep framing the pictures.
Posted by: Wanaku | Thursday, 15 December 2011 at 01:50 PM
But Peter, what about Cameroonians themselves? Don't we deserve our lot? A bag of cocoa mostly becomes filthy, if and only if the cocoa pods that same bag is enveloping are filthy as well. Don't you think so?
Posted by: Mallam Shehu | Wednesday, 21 December 2011 at 05:45 PM
So true Mallam Shehu,
there is a tendency to spare the general public from admonishment, either out of political correctness or in a bid to stay popular within the readership.
Some of the issues plagueing Cameroon are: lack of a professional blue colar work force; very low literacy treshold; cultures at odds with our developmental aspirations; high solidarity burden; lack of entrepreneurship; poor educational orientation; absentee parents... These issues indirectly hamper our competitiveness in later life and need to be addressed for a holistic solution to problems.
Posted by: limbekid | Friday, 23 December 2011 at 01:03 AM
Yeah limbekid, the alpha wolf leads the horde because it has proven its vigour and with the collective acknowledgement of that horde, it then leads. Meaning, no alpha wolf leads without its horde's endorsement. I don't think wolves ever went to school to understand that inborn instinct of theirs.
The day we shall acknowledge that we're all accomplices to our collective fiasco, then and only then shall we brood ourselves out of our various capsules.
Posted by: Mallam Shehu | Friday, 23 December 2011 at 06:20 PM