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Wednesday, 07 December 2011


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I heard that in Europe they usually become very nice after knowing that someone in front of her is Japanese...they may think Japan is the only special nation in Asia that is so rich. so they become like it really true...? white guys only treat the Japanese nicely..

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If I warn that there was *this* much left on my version of the size large using the Madelinetosh Tosh Chunky and they go out and buy just one skein and end up needing another one to finish the size large . . . perish the thought (this isn't cheap yarn--and the dye lots vary quite a bit).

John Dinga

Very good ruminations indeed but between the dream and reality there is one giant chasm. If wishes were horses, Dr. Vakunta, some of us would ride.

These theories can be put to the test. Let us suppose that the germ of our salvation will come from Cameroonians in the Diaspora. In that case one should be able to point to a good collection of examples where such Cameroonians display solidarity, team work and partnerships different from the distressing syndrome of "countrymanship" that continues to make a mockery of the motherland. Isn't it true that even out in the Diaspora this germ continues to proliferate and stymie collective effort? Ask astute observer Celesten Monga whether Cameroonian vivacity can be seen anywhere other than at venues where there is drink and there is dancing of dombolo.

I admit that the Biya regime did not start divide-and-rule but it surely perfected it and used it as a means of governance. Some time I wonder what Cameroon's destiny would have been if there had not been an April 6, 1984. Some times I wonder. To achieve this ideal Dr. Vakunta yearns for here, Cameroonians will need to desabuse themselves of the tendency to offer jobs or appointments based on "right-sounding names" and the Administration will cease to staff services incestuously from persons of their villages of origin. The presidency should reflect this diversity of Cameroon rather than continue to be used as a tool of patronage. Is this a realisable goal within our life times? Just look at those that surround the Prince!


Dr Vakunta,

Happy to observe you`ve moderated your tone. This is a more pragmatic approach.

I agree with you on ceratain issues: foreign meddling; the nuissance of international aid; and the need for Cameroonians to invest (not necessarily materially, but otherwise). However, unlike you, I`m not excited about what has been dubbed "the Arab spring" (still too early to draw a verdict).

I wouldn`t put it in so many words, but for me certain ingredients must accompany any notion of renaissance:

- Cohesion: citizens must accept the notion of statehood, and not just their version of what it should be. Such national solidarity is usually borne out of circumstances such as a war (the European great wars) or attack by a foreign party. (Un)fortunately for Cameroon we have not had such a catalyst in our modern history. Some countries fill this void with practical projects like enforced conscription or a compulsory national youth service (e.g Nigeria) for citizens above a certain age. It is not a perfect system, but it is not without its merits and I would recommend the same for Cameroon.
- Complementarity between government and the public: the social contract must be understood and both parties should know their limits, rights and responsibilities. At the moment there is a feeling of exclusivity.
- Communication of intentions: the government must communicate its intentions to the citizens. Citizens must be informed as to what projects are being carried out and why.
- Capacity: It doesn`t suffice to flatter Cameroonians with positive attributes (hard working, smart, diligent...). An objective appraisal of the capabilities of Camoonians must be carried out. Are we just paying lip service to a cause or do we really have what it takes to develop the society we aspire to?

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Cameroonians are slowly but surely shedding their fear syndrome and learning from recent events in Africa—grassroots revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. The economic dire straits at home have forced Cameroonians to venture into the Diaspora, a move that could be counted as a blessing

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