*UPDATED with quotes from chief of Deido
There have been clashes between motor-bike taxi riders and residents of Deido neighbourhood for five days leaving at least two people dead in Douala, Cameroon's largest city, media reports said.
This spate of violence erupted on New Year's Eve when Deido residents accused motor-bike taxi riders (known as Benskinneur) of stabbing a Deido native to death. The residents retaliated by attacking benskinneurs and setting their motorcycles on fire.
The violence escalated on Tuesday 3 January, as shown in the report below by Douala-based Equinoxe Television channel, after a woman's home was burnt down in Deido on Monday night. Some Deido residents blamed the benskinneurs for the action leading to further clashes on Tuesday and Wednesday morning.
While local media have suggested that the situation is increasingly developing into a tribal conflict between mainly ethnic Bamileke benskinneurs and largely ethnic Duala (Sawa) Deido youth groups, Sawa community leaders refuted such allegations on Equinoxe TV on Wednesday.
"Why do you want to suggest that there is a problem between Deidos (Dualas) and Bamileke or benskinneurs?" Essaka Ekwalla the paramount chief of the Deido asked on Equinoxe TV news on Wednesday night. "Are all benskinneur in Douala Bamileke?" he asked. "Do you know that there are natives of Deido who lost property because they are also benskinneurs?"
Government officials and politicians have not directly said the violence is turning to an ethnic issue but they have called for calm and insisted on unity.
"The head of state has repeatedly said that we have only one ethnicity which is the Cameroon nation," Issa Tchiroma, the Minister of Communication said on TV. "Douala has to remain that melting pot that it has always been where all ethnic groups be they Bakoko, Bassa, Bamileke, Duala, Hausa, live in harmony," he said.
A statement by the Provincial Bureau of the country's leading opposition party, the Social Democratic Front (SDF), also touched on the issue.
"It should be noted that Douala is a cosmopolitan city. No one has the right to create a state of lawlessness in any of its neighbourhoods or areas. Douala is the common property of all who live there," said the statement signed by Gervais Nintcheu, SDF district chairman for the Littoral Region.
"If it is clear that we have to respect Douala traditions and values (culture) and those who represent such (traditions and culture), all who live in the city, without exception, must recognise and integrate the notions of a Republic," the SDF added.
Continue reading "Ethnic Twist to Clashes between Youths and Motorbike taximen in Cameroon City?" »
Very interesting post! Thanks.
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Posted by: essaychampions | Friday, 06 January 2012 at 08:16 AM
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Posted by: buy hgh | Wednesday, 11 April 2012 at 06:27 AM
A statement by the Provincial Bureau of the country's leading opposition party, the Social Democratic Front (SDF), also touched on the issue.
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