By Dibussi Tande
On January 14, 2013, Cameroon’s Special Criminal Court created legal precedent when it dropped all charges case against Yves-Michel Fotso, the former Camair Director, who was on trial for embezzling 230 million Francs CFA from the Cameroon Airport Management Authority (ADC).
The charges were dropped midway into the trial after Fotso refunded the 230 million Francs CFA he was accused of embezzling. His co-accused, Roger Ntongo Onguene, the former Director General of ADC who was charged with embezzling an additional 316 million Francs CFA from the authority, is now left to face the music alone.
Hear and determine matters of misappropriation of public property and related offences where the value of the loss is at least fifty million 50,000,000 francs CFA as provided for by the Penal Code and International Conventions ratified by Cameroon.
Click here to read the rest of the article on Scribbles from the Den.
Why would the charges be dropped just because he refunded the money. he should do time, pay the money back and put on probation and possibilly never hold any public office in and out of the country. Embesselment is theft and should be punished regardless of weather the offender choose to return the money or not.
Posted by: Beri | Sunday, 17 February 2013 at 01:57 PM
As what is good for the gander is good for the goose, why not let good old Ephraim Inoni benefit from this very same largesse? His account published a few days ago should pay off his debt without much loss of sleep. Na lie?
Posted by: John Dinga | Thursday, 21 February 2013 at 06:54 PM
possibilly never hold any public office in and out of the country. Embesselment is theft and should be punished regardless of weather. His account published a few days ago should pay off his debt without much loss of sleep.
Posted by: Corporate Rental Homes | Tuesday, 26 March 2013 at 04:57 AM