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Friday, 15 March 2013


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Well placed arguments to backup your stance!

Patriotism is like tithes some of us offer to the church, it's between man and God---only believers and God know if such tithes come from the heart. So too must patriotism be, between a citizen and his country, and with no umpire in-between.
In simpler terms, patriotism lies within the heart and not in the mouth...

Amangwa Simon

I beleive Cameroonians from the Anglophone Zones can also take a cue from the above website and begin real writing online.

Amangwa Simon

These are Nigeria's finest minds, and Anglophones can also do the same online. A lot of rubbish has been spilled on the internet lately, and it's time Anglophones do the same as Nigerians when it comes to writing. In fact, if juicy stuff get written by these Anglophones, there is a possibility that they can charge those interested in reading online articles. All in all, readers want to read intelligent articles written by these fine minds of Anglophone extraction. What do you think Prof. Vakunta? If it's a good idea, please let the rest know about this suggestion.

John Dinga

Nice suggestion, Simon. However, the last time I checked, Anglophone Cameroon had relegated the reading culture to the back burner, pushed ostensibly by a socioeconomic climate that fails to reward such efforts. Why read to pass an exam if one can do so without reading? Can you beat that starting point?

And it shows! Take any piece written by a Cameroonian and you will come away shocked by the untold number of flaws in communication. Try taking the writer to task and you will be greeted with untold reactions of apathy, ignorance clothed in arrogance, name it. For many Cameroonians in the twenty-first century, learning is hardly an on-going process; it ended with the First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC), the GCE, the first degree or even the doctorate. If the textbook or novel is so out of the way, how much more the Online reading material?


Dear Mr. Amangwa,

I take no umbrage at your suggestion pertaining to refined communication online. Communication is a double-edged weapon: miscommunication, shoddy communication or absence thereof(which should be construed as a form of communication in itself) has occasioned wars, including the world wars that we are all conversant with.

The trouble with Cameroonians is that the bulk of us are victims of the kind of phenomenon that psychologists have termed the 'split personality syndrome' which makes us see the world through befoggled double prisms.

How to communnicate this 'hermaphrodite' personae through writing remains a thorny problem. If you read some of the stomach-churning stuff that is spilled out in Cameroonian social networks such as CAMPOLITICS, CAMNEWS, CAMPATRIOTS, AMBASONIA,and more, you'd begin to get a glimpse of what I am talking about.

Having said that,I totally embrace your point that Cameroonians should really begin to think about working in unison in a bid to produce literary and non-literary stuff that not only stand the test of time but also projects a truly Cameroonian national identity.


Neba Fuh

VIE...Very Important Essay...and surely Professor, there is a downside of Social media: garbage can be propagated, then hoarded- a phony 'treasure' for the weak minds. That's the lesson we're all learning from the social networks you just cited in your comment. The road is still very long...unfortunately, we underestimated the folly of some 'academics'!

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You made some nice points there. I did a search on the topic and found most people will approve with your blog

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