By Kenedy Ejacha
look into the history of the nations where people are enjoying
relatively the full benefits of liberty, freedom, and justice, confirms
an inescapable consensus: none of them started up by being free. Their
freedom is a result of the boldness of a generation to accept the
challenges of confronting the conquerable hell of despotism and mental
enslavement in the hope of winning the battle for the unstoppable
prosperity that liberty, freedom, and justice promises. The resistance
movements of these nations were influenced more by the hopes in the
great promises of the future that could be theirs following the
annihilation of their oppressors, than in the despair of their past or
present predicaments. It is past time for the present generation of
Cameroonian resistance movements for freedom, liberty, and justice to
seize this opportunity and squash the dictatorial system that has held
the overwhelming bulk in poverty and enslavement for more than a century