By Professor Peter Wuteh Vakunta
Human beings/
And nature/
Are on a collision course /
Man’s activities inflict/
Irreparable harm on Mother Earth/
Earth’s endangered species/
A-plenty near extinction/
It’s mind-boggling!/
Four-legged animals are endowed/
With more wisdom than humans! /
There are great words/
In the animal kingdom /
One of such words is “Thanks”/
There are awesome words/
In animal lingo/
Two of such words are “Forgive me”/
There are awe-inspiring words/
In animal tongue/
Three of such words are “I love you”/
One wonders if human beings/
Will ever learn to think and speak /
Like animal beings/
Sometimes it feels like/
The life of humans is but a paradox/
We have very tall buildings/
But very short tempers/
We have extremely broad freeways/
But terribly narrow viewpoints/
We spend more but earn less/
We buy more but enjoy less/
More degrees we’ve amassed/
Not a modicum of common sense/
More savvy but less judgment/
More experts we have/
But a myriad problems unresolved /
Our possessions we have multiplied/
Yet less value we derive/
We talk too much/
And lie too often/
A living we’ve learnt to make /
But not to live our lives/
All the way to the moon we have been/
But have trouble crossing the street/
To say hello to our neighbors/
Outer space we’ve conquered/
But not inner space/
The atom we’ve split/
But not our prejudices/
We read too often but learn too little/
We’ve learned to rush but not to wait/
More haste less speed/
Higher incomes we have/
But lower morals have we/
More acquaintances/
But fewer friends/
These are the days of huge incomes/
But bigger debts/
Of glamorous weddings/
But more divorces/
These are the times of fancier houses/
But broken homes/
We go to church/
But have sent God/
On vacation in our social lives!/
Lord have Mercy!