What’s in a name?/
There’s nothing more important/
Than a person’s name!/
Is man a counterfeit?/
The problem is we toy
Too much with names!/
Oftentimes for flimsy reasons./
People are no longer happy/
With their real names!/
They take liberties with nomenclature!/
Relishing affixes devoid of signification./
Elizabeth has become Beth;/
Susan has metamorphosed into Sue;/
Patricia has been reborn as Pat alias Patty./
Christopher has metamorphosed into Chris;/
Peter is now Pete;/
Michael is Mike;/
Charles is Chuck;/
Elizabeth has rejuvenated into Betsy!/
William has rebaptized Bill./
And the list continues./
Has mankind lost sanity?/
Are we gone hay hire?/
Why are we doing this to fellow humans?/
We make others feel/
Like human counterfeits!/
The art of naming/
Is of such crucial importance/
That linguistic gurus coined/
The term onomastics for it!/
Do you know what’s done/
To people who have jaw-breaking/
Names like Shokolokobangoshia?/
We simply ignore them!/
Isn’t that smart?/
People’s names are their most/
Priced gifts from God/.
Let’s not trifle with them./
The sweetest music to my ears/
Is my own name!/
We have no carte blanche to/
Fiddle with names!
©Vakunta 2021
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